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"Target acquired, ready take out from a distance."

My eyes go to the window, curtain-less window and then on instinct I hurl myself at Allie.

"Everyone get down!" I screech and tackle Allie to the floor just as three shot ring out. The slugs all land in the chest of Nick Fury; Steve has hurled himself backwards, but Fury had no time to move.

We all look to the window briefly for any sign of a shooter but the dying Nick Fury demands the attention of Allie and Steve. Fury has collapsed in a heap on the floor.

My gaze remains fixed on the window, searching for the shooter. His thought, his very first thought when he saw me, it is my soulmark.

My soulmate just shot the director of Shield.

"Of course," I mutter and roll off Allie. Steve is up before both of us, dragging Fury into the side kitchen adjacent to the living room. Allie sits up and crawls to the side of Fury instantly.

"Oh Fury," Allie coos and takes his hand in hers. "Gabie are you going to be okay?" She's taking the pain from Fury while she whispers in my thoughts. I'm too shocked to move, my soulmate was targeting me.

Slowly I push myself up and turn my gaze to Steve, Fury, and Allie.

"Don't..." Fury coughs and blood splatters on Allie. The director is clinging to Steve's hand and Allie's staining them with blood. "Don't trust anyone," he chokes out and presses a flash drive into Steve's hand.

Even while he struggles to breath, fights for life, Fury's thoughts betray nothing to what is on the drive. His eyes slide shut and he goes limp, he's passed out.

"Oh God what do we do?" Allie utters and pulls her hand away from Fury.

Before Steve or I can respond to her there's a banging at the door. Soon there's a cracking sound as someone busts through the door.

"Captain Rogers?" a feminine voice calls, the voice of Steve's neighbor Sharon. Steve's secret agent neighbor Sharon.

Sharon rounds the corner holding her gun up.

"Sharon I'd call this in," I suggest plainly. I can't seem to feel anything right now.

"Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD's Special Service," she informs and slowly lowers her gun.

"Kate?" Steve gasps. He hadn't known her name is Sharon or that she is an agent.

"I'm assigned to protect you," Sharon replies.

"On whose order?" Steve questions. Sharon finally holsters her gun and notices the body on the ground.

"His." Her eyes go wide and she immediately falls to her knees besides him, pulling a radio from a pocket in her scrubs.

"Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs," Sharon barks into the radio. I'm standing now, gravitating towards the window.

"Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" an agent on the radio inquires. Steve is next to me in a second and I nod to him.

That's when I finally see him, the shooter, my soulmate.

"Tell them we're in pursuit."

Target Acquired (3) (Siren and Quiver Series) Where stories live. Discover now