Chapter 17 Car Chase

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Swinging open the door to the black Chevrolet Tahoe and hopping into the passenger seat as if I belong there with a smirk on my face is all too simple. Nick Fury, however, does not appear impressed by my intrusion. The man does a double take and then takes a long suspicious, I managed to surprise him.

"There's gotta be a compliment in there somewhere," I joke.

"What the fuck are you doing in my car?" he demands and I shrug my shoulders. "And how did you get in?"

"Obviously I'm here to speak to you and getting into the Triskellion's parking garage was easy, the attendant is a fan," I reply and bat my eyes. Fury scoffs and shakes his head, grumbling under his breath.

"I don't have any motherfucking time for this."

"Then drive," I say. "I'll come along for the ride." Fury doesn't deign me with a response, only starts the car and continues on.

"Buckle your seatbelt," he orders and I make a show of complying.

The director pulls out of the garage inconspicuously and drives out onto the crowded roads of Washington.

"I thought you were AWOL," Fury remarks.

"I am," I say and he tilts his head. "I need a favor."

"And what's that?"

"A house, completely off grid and I mean completely," I answer and his mouth twitches.

"You are on a team of some of the most resourceful and rich people I know, so tell me, Trent, why are you asking me for help?" he counters and I sigh.

"I need it off grid from them too," I admit.

"Trouble in paradise?" Fury asks.

"I need to protect someone and the less people who know the better. Now can you help me or not?"

"Yeah, I'll set something up," Fury agrees. "You'll receive the address in some diluted coded way so keep an eye out."


We are quiet for a moment before I pose a question.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Fury gives me a side eye and subtle nod, giving me the indication I should wait.

"Activate communications."

"Activating communications encryption protocol," the car chimes back and I raise an eyebrow. I didn't know Fury had a Jarvis.

"Open secure line zero-four-zero-five," he directs.

"Confirmed." In seconds Maria's voice comes over the speaker in a deadpan.

"This is Hill."

"I need you here in D.C. Deep Shadow conditions," he informs sharply.

"Give me four hours."

"You have three, over." And just like that the conversation is over. Fury stops at a red light and looks over to me. "There, now we have mutually assured destruction."

"Alright Director, I see you," I remark coyly. Fury appears amused for a second before a light frown comes across his features. I glance over my shoulder to find two police officers in a patrol car eyeing us, or more accurately Fury.

"Want to see my lease?" Fury asks bluntly and the policemen quickly sound their horn once before they start to drive off. As Fury goes to drive off suddenly another police car smashes into us, his car is then surrounded by several other police cars taking advantage of our shock and slamming into us.

Target Acquired (3) (Siren and Quiver Series) Where stories live. Discover now