Chapter 11 Sam Wilson

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"Go, Allie! Tone those thighs!" Alex cheers halfheartedly and tosses some leaves in my direction. They float to the ground uselessly and I huff while continuing to jog by.

Alex was supposed to join Steve and I on a morning run, but she's in a tree reading.

"Steve you're not even jogging!" I whine as I pick up the pace to keep up with his super sprint. Coming up beside him I steady my speed to remain by his side.

"And yet you're having no trouble keeping up," he retorts and I shake my head.

I should really not be able to keep at his pace, even for three seconds. Usually, he gives me a piggyback ride during his late night runs, but today Alex wanted to see the sunrise on Washington.

Looking down I notice my red and glowing legs and I stop short, nearly falling over at the sudden halt. I shouldn't be able to run like a superhuman, but now technically I am one.

"Allie?" Steve has stopped and looks back at me with concern. He glances at my legs and comes back to me. "How ungentlemanly of me! I've gone and ignored your exhaustion. Here, Allie allow me to carry you."

I'm not tired and we both know it, but Steve is playing it off for my sake. I appreciate his kindness and intuitiveness greatly. Grinning I hop onto the back of Steven Rogers and koala around him.

"Much better," I breathe out in relief and snuggle into his neck. Steve returns to a sprint and I revel in his speed.

Soon I spy a jogging man ahead of us by the Reflection Pool.

"Is that the guy?" I whisper to Steve. Steve huffs a laugh in return and pushes forward to pass him. Steve quickly catches up and as he passes the shorter black man he calls out to him.

"On your left." I giggle into Steve's ear and my supersoldier smirks.

The man continues to jog as we get further and further from him.

Steve practically flies through his usual lap around DC and soon we are on the same jogger again. Steve comes up on him quickly and this time we shout out together.

"On your left!"

"Uh-huh, on my left. Got it," the man grumbles making Steve and I snicker.

The poor guy is still going strong when Steve and I make another lap.

"Don't say it! Don't you say it!" He warns indignantly and tries to push himself to a sprint so he can stay ahead of us.

"On your left!" we reply, both smirking.

"Come on!" He gets a tad angry and tries to catch up to us, but after a few seconds he's unable to carry on and stops to rest.

"Hey Steve maybe we should go introduce ourselves and possibly call an ambulance for the poor man," I say and Steve nods.

"One more lap."

It only takes two minutes to complete the extra lap and when we return Sam is collapsed under a tree, catching his breath.

Alex is observing from her nearby tree, but barely has an interest.

Steve lets me down and takes my hand before we approach the stranger.

"Need a medic?" Steve asks and he laughs.

"I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you just ran like thirteen miles in thirty minutes," he pants out in surprise. "All of those with a girl hanging on you like a hundred pound backpack."

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