Chapter 10 Weddings

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Today is the day, the day I will official be bound to all of my soulmates by law.

I am wearing a short red and gold dress, my hair is curled, and my makeup is done. A mirror before me says I am beautiful, but I'm too anxious to feel pretty.

"You okay there Siren?" The question breaks my daze and I carefully turn to face my gathered bridesmaids. It was Gabie who posed the question, she always takes care to say my old name.

Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, Skye, Jemma Simmons, Lottie Lovelace, and Pepper were all scrambled for the impromptu wedding ceremonies in Vegas. They now sit behind me spread out onto two king sized beds.

At first only Pepper and Lottie were called, but then I insisted my new SHIELD friends and Thor's science friends be invited. I wanted to meet Darcy Lewis, a hacker who's helping Tony, and Jane Foster, the amazing astrophysicist; Thor is always gushing about them.

Tony flew them all here on first class red-eye flights at the request of Darcy. The brunette is bold and seems a little too trigger happy with her taser.

"Yeah you look totally freaked for a girl who's about to marry four superheroes," Darcy observes casually and I let out a breath of air.

"She's probably freaked because she's about to marry four superheroes, Darcy," Jane cuts in.


"Life is crazy this way," I mutter and tug at my bodice.

"Yup, super crazy," Gabie agrees. I let it go quiet before inserting an offhanded and joking remark to make the girls laugh.

"Lucky for some of you, these weddings are starting at noon." It's a jab at the hungover ladies, mostly Gabie.

My bachelorette was last night and Gabie got a little crazy with the drinks after our laser tag showdown. I didn't drink, I don't like the taste of alcohol and I can't get drunk anyway. Age didn't factor in last night, the club we ended up at said being a hero was ID enough.

"Hey! I had every right to celebrate my best friend, who up until a year ago had no hope of marrying her soulmates much less meeting them, getting hitched to not one, but all four of her soulmates," Gabie defends and fluffs her hair. "And besides a hangover isn't anything Tylenol and makeup can't fix. Not to mention I suffered from migraines all through high school, so this is no big deal."

"Yeah you're right, you look amazing," I concur and side eye her. "You already looked top notch when I ran into you at like 3 am this morning." 

"What can I say, I couldn't sleep," she responds.

"More like you didn't sleep because of a certain ar-"

"Shut up!" she cuts off suddenly and I smirk.

"Gabie? Allie? Have you gone of into your own secret world again?" Pepper asks and I snap my eyes to her with a sheepish smile.

"You know how we are Pep," I excuse and shrug.

"We're connected," Gabie adds with a secret smile on her face that says there is an inside joke to the statement. In her memories I can see the boy she and Tony met, Harley, making a point about his connection with Tony.

Cautiously I turn away from the mirror and face my guests and my Gabie.

"Which is why, Gabie, I'd like if you would walk me down the aisle," I request solemnly and Gabie gapes at me.

The gathered women go silent and stare in surprise, they hadn't expected this, neither had Gabie. The original plan was I ask Fury, as a joke, and then have Thor walk me. The god has always wanted to participate in a Midgardian wedding and I do owe him for saving my life in New York. Not to mention I have a newfound kinship with him ever since he caught me outside an anonymous support group meeting in my hometown. I started stopping by meetings on my way to Vegas and Thor wanted to check on me after the Dark World incident.

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