The Aftermath

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TW: Panic attacks 

Evan's POV


Hours later, I still remember him. I remember every detail. His dark brown hair that had hung down to his shoulders. His sky blue eyes, the right one having a splash of brown. His warm smile. I can't stop thinking about him. About Connor.

"Fantasizing about him again?" Jared teased from the driver's seat. I felt my face turn scarlet.

"Ha! Gotcha! Your're so gay for him!" He shouted. I slouched in the passenger seat and looked out the window. In a few minutes we pulled up at my apartment.

"Thanks J-Jared." I said as I unbuckled and opened the car door.

"No problem. That bathbomb made it all worth it." He responded as I shut the door and walked up to my apartment. I heard him pull away as I fumbled in my pockets for the key. Finally finding it, I unlocked the door and headed inside.

"Leo? I'm b-back!" I called out as I walked into the kitchen. There was a note on the counter. 

It read, Hi Evan! If you're reading this I'm not back from work yet. I'm going out later with a few friends after work so I won't be back until late. Feel free to order in or make some plans with friends. I'll see you tomorrow! -Leo

There was no way I could order in tonight. I was actually a little shaken up from meeting Connor and I was too anxious to talk to strangers. I had wanted to tell him the truth about my arm. But what if he thought I was desperate for attention, or thought I was someone who needed to be protected from themselves? 

The more I thought about it the quicker my breathing got. I could feel my lungs my tightening up. It got harder to breath. Before I knew it, I was having a panic attack. My medication is rooms away. I fumbled for my phone. With shaky hands I unlocked it and clicked on the phone icon. I just needed to talk to someone.

Ring ring. Ring ring. Hey this is Jared! I'm probably too busy cronching  bathbombs to answer the phone. Leave a message after the beep. 

I called him again. It went straight to voicemail. He was probably still driving. I sunk to the floor as I continued to gasp for breath. There was nobody I could call now. Wait. Alana.

Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Evan? What's up?" She asked.

"A-Alana I'm h-having an a-attack. I-I c-can't breathe." I managed to say. I could hear the panic in her voice as she said,

"It's okay Evan. Don't move. Don't say anything, just breathe okay? In for four, hold for four, out for four. Breathe." Alana knew exactly what to do. We both have our fair share of panic attacks. Within a few minutes my breathing was finally back to normal. 

"I'm ok. I'm ok." I repeated over and over.

"That's great Evan! Where are you? Is someone else with you?" She asked.

"I'm at my apartment. It's just me here." I told her as I got up and walked over to the couch.

"Ok. I'm sending Zoe to come get you. I want you to keep talking to me. Tell me something about trees." Alana said. We continued to talk about trees and other things like classes. After a little while the door to my apartment opened and I hung up.

"Evan? It's Zoe." She called out.

"I'm in here." I said meekly. She walked towards me slowly and sat down next to me. We talked for a minutes and finally went to her car. The two of us sat in a comfortable silence as we drove to Alana's apartment.

"I can't wait for you to meet Alana's roommate. She's really nice." Zoe said as we got close to our destination.

"I thought you were living with her?"

"Nah. The parents want me home. I visit Alana a lot though." She responds. We fall silent again. Eventually we reach the apartment. We get out of the car and as soon as I walk through the doorway into the apartment Alana hugs me.

"You all good?" She asks me, genuine concern in her voice. I nod.

"Oh! I want you to meet my roommate Piper!" She exclaims as she breaks away from the hug. Over Alana's shoulder I see her. Piper has medium length brown hair and a kind smile.

"I'm so happy to meet you Evan! I've heard so much about you!" She exclaims as she crosses the room and gives me a hug. I immediately know that I want her to be my friend. She's so nice. The four of us wind up drinking tea and talking about musicals. I quickly learn that Piper is a big musical theatre nerd.

"I love Waitress, Hamilton, and the Great Comet to name a few." She tells me.

"Didn't t-the Great C-comet close a f-few months a-ago?" I ask. She wipes a few tears from her eyes.

"Yes. Doesn't mean I won't stop singing it with my friends." Piper says. A few hours pass and we wind up having take out.

"Evan and Zoe, we need to have a sleepover!" Alana exclaims.

"I'm in." Zoe says. All eyes turn to me.

"Let's do it!" I tell them. We all share a smile. The four of us screech songs from musicals and act out scenes. We wind up falling asleep around 3 AM. That night was the best I've had in a while.

Hey readers! I'm on break from school for a few days so I'll be updating more. Probably. Just wanted to say Piper isn't an OC, she is one of my real friends. She's really nice and amazing. Leo is real too and is an amazing friend as well. I'm gonna be throwing in more of my friends and different characters from other musicals in there. Julia, you're next! Thank you guys for reading hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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