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TW: None

Evan's POV

Out of breath, Connor and I ran down the street. Once we were a few blocks away we stopped to catch our breath. I couldn't help but smile at him. I felt like I was walking on air. 

The two of us continued walking down the street. Connor's suitcase rolled behind us as we tugged it along.

"Sorry you had to see all of that. The family drama." He said as he pulled an elastic band off his wrist. I was left speechless when he swept his hair up into a bun. I felt myself blush as I continued to stare at him. Not seeing where I was going, I ran into a tree.

I fell to the ground. Rubbing my stinging face, I saw Connor laughing. I tried to stand up, but was stopped when he reached out his hand. Both of us smiling, he helped me up. We continued to walk to my apartment.

"W-What's your f-favorite color?" I asked him.

"Black." Connor shot back.

"Light blue." I told him.

"What's your favorite food?" He asked.

"Hmm. M-Milkshakes. I c-could n-never live w-without them." I responded.

"It'd have to be fries for me. I love potatoes." He admitted. The two of us continued to ask each other random questions on the walk to my apartment. Soon enough, we stood in front of the tiny building. 

I led Connor over to our door on the ground floor. (I don't know how apartments work, sorry.) Taking out my keys, I unlocked it and stepped inside.

"L-Leo? A-Are you h-home?" I called out.

Leo's POV

"L-Leo? A-Are you h-home?" Evan called out from the doorway.

"Yeah!" I shouted back. I heard footsteps get closer to my room before Evan peeked his head in.

"M-Meet me i-in the kitchen." He told me before disappearing around the corner. With an exaggerated sigh, I turned off my phone and left my room.

I was extremely shocked to find a tall, pale emo in our kitchen.

"T-This is Connor f-from t-therapy. H-He d-doesn't have a good h-home life a-and isitokifhestaysherewithus?" Evan asked in a rush. After taking care of Evan for a few months I could now easily tell what he said whenever he spoke like that. I looked at Connor. I took a good long look. He looked like that emo stoner high school dropout. But then I noticed something.

They were holding hands.

Evan, anxious bean Evan, was holding hands with his crush? No fucking way! I screamed in my head. They had to be dating. I'd ask Evan about this later.

"Sure." I said. Just then, Evan's phone started ringing.

"It's my m-mom. I-I'll Be r-right back." He told us.

"Tell Heidi I said hi!" I said cheerily before turning to Connor. I was no longer smiling. My job is to protect Evan and I would make sure I was doing it well.

"Connor. You hurt Evan or I'll beat your ass, got it?" I growled as I got close to his face. He didn't seem like one to get scared, but looked fearful when I pulled away. He nodded.

"Good. I'm not kidding though. I'll chop your dick off." I explained. I heard Evan ending his call with a,

"Mom, I think I have a boyfriend!" I smiled as I left the room.

Connor's POV

Holy shit.

I was not expecting that guy to straight (bi, gay, pan, asexual, lesbian, shall I go on?) up threaten me. I wiped the look of fear off my face as Evan came back into the kitchen.

"L-Let's get you s-settled." He said as he took my hand and led me down a hallway. 

The apartment was really nice. There were pictures of Evan and some friends all through out one side. On the other was his roommate with some of his friends. I stopped when I noticed someone familiar. Evan looked back at me as I studied the picture.

It was Megan and Julia.

"Do you know these two?" I asked Evan.

"Y-Yeah," He admitted, "L-Leo, my r-roommate, introduced m-me t-to them a-awhile back." We continue walking down the hallway. I saw pictures of Zoe and Evan on the walls and realized that they knew each other. I hadn't taken the time to notice that at the hospital.

The two of us reached a shut door at the end of the hallway.

"T-This i-is our guest room. I-I'm the room o-over there." Evan told me as he pointed to a door down the hallway.

"Y-You have y-your o-own bathroom t-too." He said as he led me (to her bed let her legs spread said "Stay." "Hey." "Hey" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) into my room.

I looked around. The walls were painted a light charcoal grey. The bed had white sheets and a black blanket.

"I-I thought d-dark c-colors looked better." Evan admitted as he blushed a little.

"I think it looks perfect. Wanna help me unpack?" I asked him. He nodded and we got to work.

Evan's POV

We collapsed on Connor's bed. After unpacking the two of us were exhausted. Before I fell asleep, I wanted to ask him the urgent question that was on my mind.

"W-What do y-you c-consider us to b-be?" I asked Connor as I started to pick at my cast. He sat there silent for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"A-Are we dating? Are we j-just f-friends t-that kissed?" I questioned as I turned to face him. He looked right into my eyes as he said,

"Evan Hansen, if you will let me, I would love and be honored to be the boyf to your riend."

My heart melted. I nodded. Smiling and blushing, I snuggled up against him. He laughed. One of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard might I say. Connor turned me around and kissed me. I would never get over this feeling, this rush. We practically made out before I got tired and wanted cuddles.

I lay there, sleepy and happy in Connor's arms until I drifted off to sleep.

Hi readers! Hope you liked the *le gasp* fluffy chapter! Turns out the bitch wasn't there at tap last night and I was so happy! Also, the cast list for into the woods comes out tonight. I will either be crying, screaming with anger, or be super happy. Either way I want ice cream. Leo, I hope your okay with your point of view. I already asked you I just want to make sure. Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you guys so much for reading! Love all of you!


P.S. My friend Piper said the funniest thing at lunch today. Piper, please comment below if I can say what you said or no. I was laughing so hard it was the best!

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