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TW: Extremely Slight Mentions of abuse and homophobia

Veronica's POV

I groaned at the sound of my beeping phone. In the darkness of the early morning I hit snooze. Except I didn't hit snooze. (Quick note, Veronica uses an alarm on her phone.)

"Good morning Veronica." He said as his voice filled the air. I found it hard to breathe as icy cold fear rushed through my veins.

"How did you get my number J.D?" I demanded as I threw back my covers.

"I have my ways. Well, I just wanted to say hello. Have a nice day darling. I'll see you later." He told me with a chuckle before hanging up. I sat there in my bed, too shocked and afraid to move.

"Get up Veronica! You can't let him win!" Heather screamed at me before materializing by my bedside. I jumped and bit back a scream. I knew she was right. I couldn't let J.D make me afraid. He no longer had any hold over me and I would make sure he knew that.

Evan's POV

"T-Thanks Leo!" I told him as he drove away, leaving Connor and I standing on the curb. Hand in hand, we walked into the office building for our appointment.

"Good m-morning Angelica." I said to the secretary. She smiled before gasping at seeing our intertwined hands.

"Are you two finally a couple?" Angelica asked us. I blushed and nodded while Connor smiled. She squealed before saying,

"I'll check you two in." We sat down in the waiting room. I started to get anxious as more people streamed in for their appointment. There were too many here. Too many pairs of eyes staring at me. Judging me. Critiquing my every move. I felt my breathing speed up. 

"Ev, are you okay?" Connor whispered as he squeezed my hand. I felt my heart melt when he called me Ev. I nodded and started to calm down. Connor's presence was enough to keep me stable and steady.

"Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy, Dr. Sawyer is ready for you." Angelica told us. I gave her a little wave as the two of us passed her desk. We walked down the hallway and reached Veronica's office. Connor knocked on the door. After a minute, the door opened to reveal a frazzled Veronica. She had purple smudges under her eyes, almost like Connor. She looked nervous, her eyes darting around as if looking for someone.

"Come on in." Veronica said as she motioned us inside. We walked over to one of her many couches and sat down, side by side. Her dull eyes suddenly lit up when she saw us holding hands.

"Are you two together?" She asked.

"As a matter of fact, we are." Connor told her as he gave me a peck on the cheek. Veronica fangirled as I blushed.

"My ship has sailed!" She squealed happily. After a few minutes of celebrating, she calmed down.

"Let's get started. So, how was your week?" She asked both of us. I felt Connor tense next to me. I grimaced as I remembered all the horrible things that had happened.

"Well," He started, "my sister went to the hospital because she got a concussion. I kissed Evan in front of her. Larry barged in and yelled at me for kissing him. I came out. Then he kicked me out of the house because he's a.."

"Homophobic douche." I finished for him. Two pairs of eyes turned to me and I looked at the ground.

"It's t-true." I muttered as Connor started laughing.

"Now we live together." He told Veronica.

"Connor, how did Zoe get a concussion?" She asked him. I heard him suck in a breath before he blurted out,

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