Special Thanksgiving Chapter

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TW: None

Evan's POV

Usually on Thanksgiving I would eat leftovers while my mom worked the night shift or went to class. Jared would be having dinner with his family. I would be all alone. This year, my mom wanted me to come over for a nice family dinner. She also wanted me to bring some friends.

Of course, I would bring Jared and Leo. Jared's parents were on vacation and he had no where to go. I don't really know about Leo, but he said yes. Alana was going home to visit family and so was Piper. Zoe had to stay with her family.

"My parents want me to have a family dinner with them. It's so annoying. We'll probably just all yell at each other ." She complained to me.

"I-I'm sure it's n-not t-that bad."  I reassured her.

"I hope you're right. I hope this year we finally change." Zoe grumbled. I heard shouting in the background.

"Sorry Evan, gotta go." She told me.

And of course, Connor. I was not comfortable inviting him over, I barely knew anything about him. Plus he was my crush. And Zoe's brother. So, it would just be me, Jared, Leo, and my mom.

I opened the door with my friends following behind me. Jared, already comfortable in my home, pushed past me.

"Heidi!" He exclaimed as she came out of the kitchen. They hugged like old friends.

"Jared, you've gotten so tall! How's your mother doing?" Heidi asked as she then embraced me.

"Oh y'know. She's living it up on that cruise." He responded. After hugging me, she walked over to Leo.

"You must be Leo! I've heard so much about you!" She told him happily as she hugged him. After greetings and lots of hugging occurred, she got down to business.

"Jared, I need you to work on the sides. Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and green beans. Got it?" She asked. Jared saluted and marched off into the kitchen.

"Leo, I need you to work on the desserts. The pies are made already you just need to heat them up. Can you also put some cookies on a plate? Everything you need for that is in the cabinets. Ask if you can't find anything. Make it look nice." She commanded. Leo followed Jared's lead and marched off into the kitchen.

"Evan, you need to help me with the turkey. Come on."

*Time skip brought to you by me crying over Hamilton.*

"M-Mom, you n-never u-use the g-good t-table cloth unless someone is c-coming o-over. I h-have a-a f-feeling it's not just us y-you're e-expecting." I said. She blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"Well, I recently found a very nice man. We've gone on a few dates and I invited him over. He's bringing his son and his son's boyfriend so you can all mingle. I want to make a good impression." She admitted. I grinned. I couldn't believe she has found someone again. Maybe I could have a fatherly figure.

Knock knock knock

"I'm coming!" Mom shouted as she straightened her hair, undid her apron, and walked towards the door. She opened it and smiled.

"Hi Paul! Happy thanksgiving!" She said cheerily as she invited the trio in. Paul looked to be around mom's age and had a beard. One of the younger boys was hunched over, was wearing a striped shirt, and was blushing. The other boy had a red hoodie with a bunch of patches, a slushie, and was grinning.

"Jeremey and Michael, my son and his friends are in the kitchen. All of you guys can go up to his room until dinner is ready if you want." She told them as she turned her attention to Paul.

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