Nightmare Dressed in Black

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TW: Mentions of murders and a little bit of abuse

Veronica's POV

"You son of a bitch!" I shrieked. He held his hands up in surrender and laughed.

"That's no way to greet an old friend." J.D said jokingly. I was in no mood for jokes. I couldn't handle this bullshit. He was supposed to be dead. Sure, there were times I wished he was alive. But those were my lowest points.

"Get back in whatever hole you crawled out of J.D. I can't deal with you right now. Not ever." I told him.

"Now, I can't do that Ronnie. I want to talk to you. Catch up. What about that?" He asked.

"Wow. You think I'd want to 'talk' with you? You're fucking psychotic!" I yelled as I turned to go back into my apartment building. I felt him grab my arm and whirl me around to face him. I couldn't see him anymore though. I was reliving a memory.

"Get back here Veronica." He told me calmly. There was no way I would go back to him. He had a gun. He killed three people from our school. I kept walking. J.D grabbed my arm.

I tried to wriggle out of his grasp. He held on tight. I knew it would be another bruise to cover up by tomorrow.

"Let me go." I said through clenched teeth. He laughed.

"You can't leave me Ronnie. Our love is God. Wherever you go, I will be right there beside you. You can't get rid of me!" J.D  started to yell.

"Watch me." I told him. I walked down the hall and was almost to the door when he ran in front of me. He grabbed  my waits and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screeched into his shoulder  as I pounded on his back. J.D chuckled and said,

"You're not going anywhere Ronnie. In fact, you might just have to stay for dinner."

"Oh hell no!" I screamed.

"You're way too noisy right now Veronica. You need to quiet down." He told me. Fearing for my life, I screamed louder. He then dropped me on the floor. My head hit the corner of a table and I blacked out.

"Earth to Veronica! What's going on in there?" J.D asked as he gently tapped my head. I pushed my memories to the back of my mind. Grabbing his hand, I shoved it away from my face. I pushed him in the chest. As he staggered back, I ran towards my apartment building.

"Ronnie!" He shouted as I ran. "Don't you want to know how I lived?" 

I skidded to a halt. Seeing the security guard standing watch in the building, I made my decision.

"Sure. We can catch up. Only, we have to talk right here where I'm standing. Otherwise, the deal is off." I told him, summoning my courage. I wasn't one to be weak. I battled my way through the rest of high school and college. I was never able to tell anyone what truly happened. I saw the ghosts of three dead classmates. Still, I pushed through and stayed strong.

Now, I was weak in the knees and shivering. As my nightmare dressed in black walked toward me, I only shivered harder.

"Tell me what happened." I told him as he came to a halt before me. J.D ran his hand through his hair and said,

"I should've just taken one of my father's bombs. I had no clue what I was doing. The bomb blew me away and injured me, but didn't kill me. I had awful burns and was in the hospital for a month. Told everyone it was a suicide attempt. The doctors moved me to a mental ward for a few weeks until I was let out. Told me to get a therapist. So I did. I got several different ones along the years. They all ended up retiring and recommending me someone. My last therapist recommended you. So, here I am Dr. Sawyer." I scowled at him.

"Now, enough about me. Let's talk about you. You go to some college and marry a lawyer?" He asked jokingly.

"Haha. I went to Princeton. Also took German you bitch. Haven't married a lawyer. Probably won't ever get ina relationship again after you ruined love for me." I responded coldly. In the glow from the apartment lights I saw his face soften. Brushing it off I said,

"Are we done yet?" J.D quickly wiped the look off his face and smirked.

"We never will be. Remember? Our love is God." With that, he backed into the darkness and ran off.

Taking a shaky breath I walked into my building. When I closed the door to my apartment I felt the tears fall down my face. Sinking to the ground, I curled up and sobbed. Big, gasping for air, ugly sobs. 

Why did he have to show up and ruin everything! I shouted in my head. Looking up at my ceiling, I took deep breaths like I told all my clients to do. After a few minutes, I was fine. I got up and walked to my room.

Emotionally drained, I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep almost instantly. No more nightmares. How? Probably because one dressed in black had visited me already.

Hi readers! I feel like everyone is crying way too much in my fic. Like every chapter. I will try to post a thanksgiving themed chapter tomorrow but I might not be able to because I'll be with the fam! Anyway, thank you guys so much for readin. Hope you liked it! Thanks again, love you all!


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