We meet the Bathbomb Croncher

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TW: None

Evan's POV

Today was the day I was having a therapy session with Veronica's other patient. I needed to make a good impression on him! What if he doesn't like what you wear? Or what if he thinks you're weird and have sweaty hands? The voices in my head asked me as I looked through my closet. I looked at blue shirt after blue shirt. I felt tears build up behind my eyes as I felt an attack coming on. 

"Breathe Evan. Breathe." I said aloud. I needed professional help with this. Sadly, I don't know any professionals so I texted Jared.

What.The.Fern: Jared

TheinsanelycoolJaredKleinman: What

What.The.Fern: I need your help

TheinsanelycoolJaredKleinman: No

What.The.Fern: I'll give you bathbombs

TheinsanelycoolJaredKleinman: Be there in five

*Time skip brought to you by Barrett Wilbert Weed's B-day being today*

"So let me get this straight. You need my help to pick out an outfit for your therapy session because what?" Jared asked me as he rooted through my closet.

"I-I'm having a t-therapy s-session with a-another patient and I w-want to m-make a g-good impression." I told him. He chuckled and pushed up his glasses. I sighed and flopped onto my bed. A few minutes later Jared pulled an outfit out my closet and threw it at me.

"Put it on acorn. I'll be in the bathroom." He told me as he shut the bathroom door behind him. My face burned at the memory of him first calling me an acorn

"I fell out of a tree" I said as I looked down at the ground, scuffing my shoe against the tile of the mall floor.

"What are you, an acorn?" Jared asked me as he burst out laughing. "Come on, let's go get some bathbombs." He said as he walked towards Lush. I sighed and followed after him. He didn't know how I had felt standing so high up in that tree. How happy I had been as I fell. How-

I shook myself out of my thoughts. Now was not the time for that. I needed to get going or else Jared would eat all of my bathbombs. I changed out my clothes and into what Jared had picked out for me. 

"I'm done!" I shouted so he could hear me through the thick wooden door. He stepped out of the bathroom with a lavender Bathbomb in his hand. Jared whistled.

"Now do I know fashion, or do I know fashion!" He exclaimed as he took another bite of the Bathbomb. I walked over to the mirror in the corner of my room and saw my reflection. I looked stunning. For once in my life I felt handsome and confident. But then my eyes landed on my cast. I couldn't wait to get that thing off. It was a reminder of a worse time. Something I wish I never had to go through again.

"Hey Evan, when's your appointment?" Jared asked.

"4:30. W-why?" I questioned as I turned to look at him.

"That's in fifteen minutes. I'll drive you. I know how much you hate the bus." Jared said as he took one last cronch of his Bathbomb.

"T-Thanks Jared."

"No problem buddy. Now let's get you to your smokin hot date. I mean therapy session." He teased.

"Jared!" I exclaimed as I locked my dorm's door behind me.

"I'm telling you, your therapist is setting you up on a blind date!" He told me. I only blushed and looked at the ground. "I bet you ten bucks that she sets out snacks and then leaves for 20 minutes to go get something and leaves you guys alone." Jared said smugly.

"T-That's oddly s-specific." I told him as we approached his car. He unlocked it with a click.

"Hop in. Your mystery man awaits!" He exclaimed with a grin.

Hi readers! Sorry if you saw the previous upload of this chapter that was a mistake. I hope you liked the appearance of Jared! Thank you so much for readin! Hope you continue to enjoy it!


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