They Meet

440 33 61

TW: None

Connor's POV

I turned on my phone. 4:19. I quickly shut my notebook and pulled on my hoodie. Grabbing my earbuds and phone, I walked over to the door. Upon opening it, I saw Cynthia standing there with her hand ready to knock.

"You ready to go?" She asked me as she lowered her hand. I nodded, not in the mood to talk. I'm sure if I did I would show how excited I was for this appointment. I couldn't help the hope rising in me. The hope that someone would actually know me and give a shit.

I blast music the whole way there. My hands are shaking during the whole ride and I itch for a cigarette. Pot. I don't know, just something to calm me down.

"Connor, all you alright?" Cynthia asks me as she looks at me from the corner of eye. 

"Yeah." I respond. She tries to cover up her shocked face but doesn't do too well. I never ever respond to her in the car. She probably thinks I'm high. Great. Within the next few minutes we pull up to Veronica's office. I carefully climb out of the car, wanting to make a good impression on whoever this person might be.

I sit down in the waiting room and unplug my earbuds. I'm too nervous to listen to music. Cynthia walks over to me and says,

"I signed you in." She pause for a minute. "Why aren't you listening to music?"

"I dunno. Guess I didn't feel like it." I respond as I stare down at the floor. She doesn't speak. Oh yeah, she DEFINITELY thinks I'm high now. We sit in silence for a few more minutes.

"Connor Murphy? You can head in." The secretary shouts out from behind her desk. It's a different one from my last appointment. 

"See you later." I tell my mom as I stand up. I walk past the secretary and down the hallway to Veronica's office. Taking a shaky breath I knock on the door. Veronica opens it a moment later, greeting me with a smile. 

"Hello Connor! Now you're both here! (Heere. I had too) Come on in." She says. I walk in and spot Veronica's other patient sitting on one of her couches. 

Suddenly, he turns around. I'm speechless. The most beautiful human I've ever seen is sitting right in front of me. He has dark green eyes that leave me breathless. He has light brown hair, it looks soft and I suddenly have the urge to run my fingers through it. He gives me a shaky smile and my heart melts.

"Evan, this is Connor. Connor, this is Evan." Veronica says from behind me. Her voice is only an echo in the distance as I continue to stare at this beautiful boy-no- Evan.

"H-hi." He mutters with a little wave. 

"Hi." I manage to say back. I walk over to the couches and sit across from him. I sit on my hands to hide them from Evan so he can't see they're shaking.

"Well I have to go grab some things, I'll be back in a few." Veronica tells as she walks out the door. We sit in silence. Shit. What do I say? I notice the cast on his arm.

"How'd you break your arm?" I ask him. His head snaps up and he starts fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"I um f-fell out o-of a t-tree o-over The s-summer." He tells me as he continues to fidget.

"Wow. That's the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard." I say. I immediately regret it. Jesus Christ Connor! Can't you be nice for once? He chuckles. A sad, tiny sound.

"Y-yeah. The w-worst p-part was that w-when I-I t-told my f-friend he called m-me an a-acorn..." Evan trails off and looks up at me for a second. I see pain in those eyes, and I have a feeling Evan didn't really fall. I'm about to ask if that's the truth when a phone starts ringing. Not just any phone, it's his. His face turns crimson as he searches through a backpack at his feet. I try not to smile, I really do! He's just so fucking cute!

Evan finally finds it an answers.

"H-hello?" He asks. I hear an obnoxious voice on the other end.

"So, was I right or what?" The voice asks.


"I knew it! I told you! You owe me ten bucks!" The voice, Jared, exclaimed from the other end. Evan shook his head and looked at the ground.

"Can you not do this right now? I'm at my session." Evan said quietly. 

"Yeah sure. I want my ten dollars by tomorrow Hansen, okay? Have fun on your date!" The line goes dead as I feel my face heat up. An awkward silence settles over us as we look at anything else except for each other.

"Was that the friend who called you an acorn?" I asked Evan, as I felt anger rise up inside me.

"Yeah. W-well,  family f-friend a-as Jared s-says." He responds as he picks at his blank cast. What friend wouldn't sign Evan's cast? Does he not have anyone to do that?

"Want me to sign your cast?" 

"U-um, n-no it's a-alright you d-don't have t-to." Evan responded shaking his head. It was too late for that though, I had already pulled out a sharpie from my hoodie pocket. I gripped his cast and uncapped the marker.

"Ow." He winced. Guilt built up inside me as I wrote my name in big bold letters across the white cast. I gave him a grim smile as I sat back down on the couch.

Just then, Veronica burst through the door.

"Sorry it took me so long guys! Your appointment is up. I'll see both of you next week, okay?" She asked as she strode into the room. I looked up at the clock. I couldn't believe we had been talking for an hour and a half.

"Ok. I'll see you next week Evan." I said as I stood up and walked out into the hallway. For the next whole week I knew I wouldn't be able to get Evan out of my head.

Hi readers! I gave you an extra long chapter in honor of finding a DEH bootleg! I hope you enjoyed them meeting! Gonna bring in the other characters soon! Thank you guys so much for reading and voting, I never thought anyone would read this let alone vote for it! Thank you guys again! Keep reading!


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