
285 22 123

TW: Homophobia, Drug use, Alcohol use, and Panic attacks

That sounds fun

Connor's POV

Evan wrapped his arm around my waist as he helped me outside. The cold, brisk air was like a slap to the face but could not shake me out of my sleepy state. I yawned. Evan guided me over to a bench by the curb so we could wait for Leo.

I snuggled up against Evan for warmth. I could see him beaming down at me, a light blush across his face. 

Just then, a woman with her child in tow walked past us.

"Don't look at them Josh. They're probably gay." She spat out with disgust. I was alert and ready to fight as I stood up and shouted,

"Excuse me?" The woman turned to face me and snarled,

"You heard me you fag." I was fuming. I was about to march up to her when I heard crying. I looked to the little kid. They were fine. I looked at Evan on the bench and saw tears running down his face. I rushed over to him and smothered him with hugs.

"You bitch! You made my boyfriend cry!" I hissed. 

"You both deserve to rot in hell!" She screamed as she turned to walk away. The woman stopped when someone called out,

"Who the fuck asked for your opinion!" I turned and saw Leo racing up the sidewalk. 

"Leave my friends alone or else I'll call the police on you. How would your kid feel, huh? How would they feel about their mom being arrested for harassing two strangers. Go on, bitch!" He yelled as he shooed her away. The woman scurried away with her child.

"T-Thanks g-guys." Evan said through his tears. Now fully awake, I picked him up and carried him to Leo's car.

"Thanks Leo." I told him. He smiled back at me before saying,


*Time skip brought to you by my mom, who doesn't know about my account or this fic, is in the same exact room. Freaking out rn*

Evan's POV

Connor carried me bridal style into the apartment. He shuffled down the hallway and into my room before gently lowering me onto my bed.

"Use protection!" Leo screeched from down the hall. I felt my face turn scarlet as Connor laughed.

"We will!" He yelled back before sitting down next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and asked,

"Do you wanna watch Stranger Things?" 

"What's that?" I asked back. Connor gasped and held his hand over his heart as if he had been shot.

"We have a lot of work to do." He told me as he led me into our living room.

*A few hour time skip*

Connor's POV

A few hours later, Leo peeked his head into the living room.

"Do you guys wanna come to a party with me?" He asked. I was about to shoot back yes when I felt Evan tense up.

"W-Who's going?" Evan questioned. Leo told him,

"I know for sure that Megan, Julia, Piper, Rich, Jake, Michael, Jeremy, and Alana will be there." Evan looked off into space and thought about it a moment for muttering,

"I-I guess so." Leo and I cheered.

"Go get ready, we're leaving in a few." Leo said as he raced down the hallway.

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