A Twist

423 27 37

TW: None

Veronica's POV

I sat across from Evan on one of my many couches littering the room. He stared at the floor and fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

"Evan, how are you doing?" I asked him. He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"Like, really. Don't give me an I'm fine. I want to know if anything's wrong. I need to know what's going on in your life." I told him. We sat in silence as he thought.

"I t-think I'm d-doing good." Evan responded. He sat there until his face fell.

"Except a f-few d-days ago I-I had a p-panic attack." He added.

"How bad was it?" I asked him. He grimaced and said,

"Pretty bad."

"Describe how you felt Evan. Describe that moment for me. If you don't want to, you don't have to. This is only to help me understand." I told him. He nodded and continued to look down at the floor. 

"I h-had just g-gotten h-home from our g-group a-appointment and m-my r-roommate w-wasn't there. T-They said I-I c-could o-order in b-but I c-couldn't b-because I was pretty s-shaken up after our a-appointment. I almost t-told Connor the t-truth a-about my arm. B-but I lied. I j-just couldn't stand t-the t-thought of h-him thinking b-badly of me because o-of it. I j-just s-started freaking o-out. I w-was hyperventilating a-and I couldn't s-stop." Evan said.

 He looked up at me and I saw tears streaming down his face. I got up from my couch and walked over to him. I took a seat and sat next to Evan. Giving his back a few gentle pats, I then drew him in for a quick hug.

"It's okay Evan. You don't have to keep going." I whispered. He nodded his head and cried harder onto my shoulder. After a few minutes of sobbing his breathing returned to normal and his eyes stayed dry.

For the rest of the appointment we talked about happier things, like trees and his friends. Or how he was excited for some of his classes in college. After our hour and a half together he left. 

I sighed and massaged an oncoming headache. I'd had a busy day. Several patients of mine were in the hospital because of suicide attempts. Others were distressed and broke down during our session. I was now running low on tissues. And of course, you can't forget my biggest problem.

"Does Ronnie have a headache?" The mythic bitch in front of me teased. I growled and looked back at my schedule for tomorrow.

"Ignoring me won't make me go away." She said, a few inches from my face.

"What do you want?" I sighed. Heather grinned at her small victory.

"Jessie James won't stop bugging me about you. He's giving me a headache." She complained, rubbing her forehead. I jumped and stared at her.

"What did you say about him?" I growled. I didn't want to have to deal with J.D at all. He shouldn't be a ghost like the others, he couldn't be.

"Haha! Gotcha!" Heather laughed. I decided to ignore the rest of the bullshit that came out of her mouth and focus on the work ahead of me.

*Time skip brought to you by me seeing BMC tomorrow! YEEEEE!*

My head snapped up at the sound of his voice. Startled, I looked around the unfamiliar room. My heartbeat slowed as I realized I had fallen asleep in my office. I needed to get some serious sleep. I kept seeing his face and hearing his voice. I couldn't take it anymore.

After a long day, I returned to my apartment. Hoping that sleep would be my friend tonight, I buried under the covers of my bed. For once, I was able to sleep without dreaming about him. Without waking up and thinking he was there with me.

Unknown's POV

I stood outside the apartment complex and stared up at the darkened windows. Only one was lit. I felt myself smile. She still couldn't sleep in complete darkness. Taking a deep breath of the frosty night air, I turned and walked to my motorcycle. I drove off, my mind racing with questions and possibilities. I would find out everything soon enough.

Hue hue hue! Betcha can guess who Unknown is. Tell me if you think this twist is unnecessary cause, y'now, it's a treebros fic. Not a Veronica and her problems fic. Hope you liked the chapter though! Thank for reading!


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