Your're Totally Fucked

268 20 19

TW: None

Connor's POV

I woke up to a throbbing headache, the stench of weed, and giggles. With a groan, I opened my eyes. I was shocked to find I wasn't back at the apartment. Instead, I was in the familiar basement of Michael's house.

"What happened?" I grumbled as I sat up on the couch. I looked to my right and saw Jeremy and Michael, the source of the giggling and pot. I was about to ask for a hit when a voice froze me in my tracks.

"So, sleeping beauty is awake." Megan growled. I hadn't known Megan for very long, but she was usually very happy and smiley. Now, she was definitely pissed off.

"Why are you here?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Michael and Jeremy started texting me some random shit. I knew they were high. They've done it before." She told me, almost laughing. Then she was back to being pissed off.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Megan questioned. I sat there, thinking for a moment. Suddenly, it all came back in a rush. I left Evan with the three girls so I could get drinks. I smelt some pot and followed it outside. Got high. Pretty sure I got drunk. I think I got sick passed out. Evan. Oh shit.

"Is he okay? What happened? Where is he?" I shouted rapid fire as I jumped off the couch.

"Piper, Julia and I had to go home. We thought he was fine on his own. This morning I find out that he was a mess last night. Leo told me he almost had a panic attack in a bathroom and had drinks spilled all over him. He told Michael to tell you, and I quote, "When Connor wakes up, can you tell him he's gonna be in some deep shit when he gets back?" She told me. I ran my hands through my hair as I started to panic.

"I fucked up." I whispered while pacing the room.

"You sure did." Megan deadpanned. I shot her a glare and continued pacing. I need to make this right, I thought as I searched through my pockets for my phone. Finally finding it, I saw a bunch of messages from my friends. There were about 20 from Evan. I tried not to re-read them as I texted him,

I.didn't.throw.that.printer: Evan I'm so sorry

Evan's POV

I heard my phone ding. I went to grab it but Leo warned me,

"Don't do it Evan." My mom came over and looked at the message.

"Took him long enough." She muttered. Mom had gotten here a few hours ago after finding out what happened. She re-adjusted my blanket before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Can I get one too Heidi?" Jared joked as he walked into my room. I flashed him a weak smile. At least he's trying to make this funny. With a laugh, mom walked over and kissed him on the forehead too. Then she gave one to Leo. Jared sat down on the corner of my bed and asked,

"What did I miss? I'm so out of the loop." Three pairs of eyes turned to me, but I shrank into my blanket. Mom noticed and explained what had happened last night.

"What a douche!" Jared exclaimed.

"N-No he's n-not!" I shrieked at them. Jared gave me a sad smile before asking all of us,

"So, what're the plans? We can't let Evan mope around. Where's the Netflix marathons? The junk food and ice cream?" All four of us laughed with him. I threw back my blankets and gave Jared a hug. Leo soon joined us. Then my mom. We were all in one big group hug and for a moment, just a moment, I forgot about the recent events.

Connor's POV

"He's not answering." I muttered as I stared at my screen. Michael plopped down on the coach next to me.

"Well, yeah. He really freaked out last night." He explained. I sighed. He was so right. I would have to do something else.

"What can I do?" I asked three of my friends. Michael shrugged, Megan scowled at me, and Jeremy jumped up as he said,

"Do a big gesture. People usually really like that." I thought about that for a moment.

"No. I don't want to freak Ev out again. It should be something small, but heartfelt." I told them. They all just stared at me.

"Why aren't you giving me any ideas!" I shouted.

"Because, this is your problem!" Megan screamed back at me. I felt all my built up frustration turn into anger. I marched towards her and yelled,

"Why did you leave him alone! You knew he wouldn't be fine!" She gnashed her teeth.

"I have a life Connor! I'm not part of the Evan protection squad! That's not my job! Plus, Evan said he was fine!" She shouted. 

"It's not my fault." I sighed as my anger left me.

"Kept telling yourself that, you fucking idiot. I know that Evan loves you, and you fucked all of that up." She hissed before she ran up the stairs. I heard the front door slam and I rubbed my head. Michael and Jeremy both shook their heads at me. I scowled before plopping back down on the couch. I would need to call in the big guns.

I.didn't.throw.that.printer: I need your help

I few minutes later, I got back a response.

JazzbandJazz: What did you do now?

Ring Ring. Ring Ring.

"Zoe? You there?" I asked. I heard shuffling in the background.

"Yeah I am. What happened now?" She questioned.

"I fucked up. Really bad." I told her. I heard Zoe laugh.

"Why does everything happen when I'm gone? All right. Spill."

Hi guys! I hope you liked the chapter! I would like to thank all of you for reading my fic! I know I say this pretty much every chapter, but I really mean it. I've just noticed that as of right now, I'm at 897 reads and 105 votes! Like, how? Words fail (har har) to express how grateful I am to know you actually like reading this crappy fic. One more thing before I go. I have no clue what to write next in my one shot book. So please, whether it be on this fic or the one shot one, make requests! Give me a story you just need to have! I will do it! I might modify or change some things, but I swear I will do it. Love you all!


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