Special Pan Pride Chapter

214 22 37

TW: Very Slight Homophobia 

Zoe's POV

Quick lil note. This happened before Connor's attempt.

I stared out the window as mom drove me home from the hospital. She gave me a big smile as she pulled into our driveway. I tried to share her enthusiasm, I really did. I only gave her a weak smile in return.

I walked up our steps and unlocked the door. Mom would be leaving me home, alone, to go to yoga class. I love her, but sometimes I just really hate her. How does someone leave their child who just got out of the hospital home alone?

It didn't hurt me that much though. I would be leaving anyway. It would just make things easier for me. I waved (through a window) at mom as she backed out of the driveway and sped down the street. Once inside, I ran straight (pan) to my room.

I pulled out the suitcase that hid in the back of my closet. I frowned. It was smaller than what I would've like, but it would have to do. I carefully folded my clothes quickly as I packed them in. Then shoes. Last were some pictures and personal things. I grabbed a little purse and shoved some toiletries in it. I was all packed with time to spare. Time to reminisce.

I stood in the doorway of Connor's room. It reeked of weed. I couldn't help but chuckle at how emo it was. After that, I walked around the whole house and looked at other pictures. I could recall each moment.

The one time when Connor and I wore matching flower crowns at the orchard.

Or both of us having movie nights together. 

 Smiling, I gently touched each frame. Why couldn't we have stayed like this? Why do we have to be a million worlds apart? I asked myself. Finally done reminiscing, I ran back up to my room and was about to leave when the door opened.

"Cynthia? Zoe? Anyone home?" Larry called out. I froze in my tracks. Ice cold fear rushed through my veins. I hadn't seen or talked to him since he hit me.

I gathered my belongings and slowly opened my door. I tiptoed to the stairs, avoiding creaky floor boards. Creeping down the steps, I reached the living room. I heard Larry somewhere in the kitchen. I made a mad dash to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Larry asked me as I grasped the door knob. I stepped away and looked him right in the eyes.

"Larry, I'm a proud pansexual. After seeing you kick Connor out for being gay, I've decided to leave on my own. After all, you don't want a fag living under your roof." I spat at him as I wrenched the door open and sprinted out.

I fingered the car keys in my hand as I unlocked the door to my hand me down car. I breathed in the familiar scent as I revved the engine. I could see Larry standing in the doorway, shocked, as I pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road.

Piper's POV

I sat on my bed scrolling through Ben Platt's Instagram when I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I knew it wasn't Alana; she had classes and would be gone for hours. I cautiously crept over to the door. I peeked out the peephole and saw Zoe standing there. With a confused face, I opened the door.

"Hi Piper! Can I come in?" She asked me. 

"Sure." I told her. I noticed a suitcase in her hands. Zoe followed my gaze and slumped.

"You know how Larry kicked Connor out for being gay? I decided to leave because I'm pan, and y'know, it's Pan Pride day." She explained.

"I was hoping I could stay here? At least for a little bit?" She asked nervously. I knew without a doubt I would have no problem with her staying he(e)re. I could have someone to keep me company while Alana was away. Alana would also be super happy to have her girlfriend living with her.

"Of course Zoe!" I exclaimed. The two of us hugged before I helped her unpack. Zoe would be sleeping on our pull out couch and share a dresser with Alana. I could see how in love Zoe was with Alana. Her eyes shined and her face softened when ever she talked about her. I sighed internally. I was happy for the two of them! It's just that, I wish the person who I liked, would talk about me that way. Would feel the same way about me.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and continued to help Zoe unpack. We still had hours left until Alana's got home.

"Wanna make special pride pancakes?" I asked her. She grinned and nodded. We both raced into our tiny kitchen. I grabbed our box mix while Zoe got out the bowls an the dye. We would be going all out.

I whisked the batter until it was smooth. Zoe then took over and poured some of the batter into two other bowls. We dyed the three different bowls and then cooked them on the griddle. It took a lot of time just to get a few pancakes, but it was worth it.

Zoe and I arranged the pancakes to make the Pan Pride flag on our nicest plate. Then we basically had a photo shoot for our food. After all of that, we could finally sit down to eat our pancakes.

Just then, Zoe's phone rang. With a confused face, she answered and started pacing around the room. I could see her pale and start to panic as someone told her some obviously bad news. With tears now streaming down her face, she grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. We ran to her car. Along the way, I found out Connor had tried to commit suicide and was in the hospital. Evan had been on his way when he got in a car crash. They were both in critical condition.

We never got to eat our pancakes.

Hey there! Hope you liked the chapter! I'm currently trying to pull and all nighter and I'm failing. I want to pass out but it's only 12:45. Like what? Anyway, I would like to say thanks again for 1k reads! This never could've happened without you guys! All of you are just so amazing and kind! I'll always get emails with you guys reacting or complimenting my fic and it just warms my heart! I'm so happy you guys like this! So, I will be ending this is probably two chapters. I have the perfect cliffhanger and have ideas for the sequel already! *Screes in bi* I know it isn't Pan Pride day anymore, it's past midnight. Everyday should be Pride day for anyone. Yeah! Have pride! Anywho, thank you guys so much!


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