Telling the Truth Pt.2

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TW: Mentions of suicide

Evan's POV

"Hi P-Piper! T-This is Evan. D-Do you t-think I-I c-could come o-over? I-I wanted to t-tell y-you guys s-something." I admitted.

"Oh sure! Do you want Zoe to be there too?" She asked kindly.

"Y-Yeah t-that's great." I responded.

"Ok. Is 2 okay? We could have lunch or something after." Piper added.

"S-Sure. I-I'll see y-you g-guys soon." I said as I hung up. 

It was two days after I had told my mom what had happened, and I was ready for another confession. I had felt so much better telling her the truth, so I knew I had to tell the rest of my friends. Seeing the time, I changed and left the apartment.

"See you later Leo!" I shouted as I locked the door behind me. Feeling confident, I tried to do throw my keys and catch them. I failed miserably. I chuckled at myself as I walked to the bus stop.

I could've asked Leo for a ride. Or Piper. Or Zoe. Or Alana. But, I didn't want to cause them a hassle. So, I would be riding the bus.

I hated the bus. Waiting at the stop all by myself made me feel awkward. Waiting with a bunch of other people made me feel anxious. There was no in between. At least today there were only two people waiting already. Maybe the bus wouldn't be so crowded.

I was wrong. So, so wrong. I heard conversations overlapping each other as I looked for a seat. Finding none, I held onto a handrail for dear life as the bus lurched forward. Everyone was crowding around me. I felt a panic attack coming on.

I started to panic even more. No! You cannot break down on the bus! I shouted in my head. I took deep calming breaths as the chatter started to fade away. I focused on the things that made me happy and calm. Trees. My mom. My friends. Connor.

I felt my face heat up. I pictured him in my mind. Stop! I screeched internally. It was no use. I was already day dreaming about him.

I thought about his beautiful eyes. Both were crystal blue, but only one had a splash of brown. His hair was long and flowy. It was curled slightly at the edges and bounced when he walked. He had the tiniest sprinkle of freckles on his cheeks.

I felt my breathing slow to a normal pace along with my heartbeat. Before I knew it the driver called out,

"Sherwood Apartments, get off here!" I wormed past the other passengers standing and hopped off the bus. The doors clacked shut  behind me and the bus roared off. Pulling out my phone, I saw it was 2:58. Perfect. Just enough time to get there.

Upon reaching Piper and Alana's room, I knocked on the door. I heard a muffled,

"Just a second!" before the door opened. Alana stood there, her clothes perfectly straight with no wrinkles in sight.

"Come on in Evan." She told me. I followed her into her cozy apartment. I saw Piper and Zoe sitting on the couch.

"Hi Evan. How's it going?" Zoe asked. 

"It's b-been g-good. W-What about y-you?"

"Eeeh. It's been the same." She responded. Suddenly perking up she asked,

"What was it you wanted to tell us?"

"O-Oh. Um, t-two t-things actually." I muttered shyly. Taking a deep breath, I told them the truth. I told them about my dark thoughts and letting go. By the end, we were all crying together. The three of them hugged me tightly.

"Evan, I never knew you felt like this." Zoe whispered as she looked st the ground.

"I-It's ok. N-Nobody did. All o-of y-you guys w-were r-really busy." I told them.

"Evan, stop making excuses for us! We're your friends! We're supposed to notice what's going on!" Alana exclaimed as more tears fell down her face. We sat in silence as we sniffled and wiped our eyes.

"I-I Have o-one m-more thing t-to s-say." I muttered meekly. Three pairs of eyes stared at me, willing me to go on as I sat there fiddling with my cast.

"W-Well. I-I um. I-I'm bi. J-Just w-wanted to let y-you guys k-know t-that." I admitted. I sat there, a feeling of panic clawing it's way up my throat as nobody said anything.

"Evan that's great! On a related note, I would like to tell you that I am a proud Pansexual." Piper told us.

"Up high Pan sister from another mister!" Zoe shouted as the two girls high-fived. Alana smirked before climbing up on her chair and crouching. She lept off and looked up at us as she said,

"I'm gay." We all burst out in laughter. I happily forgot telling them all about my attempt as we joked around and laughed. Piper and Alana made us some sandwiches for lunch. Afterwards Zoe said,

"Let's play truth or dare."

"Evan, truth or dare." Zoe asked me mischievously. I pondered for a moment as a I thought back to all the times we played this in high school. Remembering the shaving cream incident I blurted out,

"Truth." Zoe sat there for a moment as she thought about a good questioned. Her face lit up and she grinned.

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Zoe asked. My face felt like it was on fire.

"Um. I-I do." I whispered.

"WHO?!?!" The three girls shouted as they turned to me.

"T-That was o-one q-question and I-I answered i-it. M-Move a-along." I told them.

"No way! Forget truth or dare, we need to talk about your love life!" Piper squealed. I sighed.

"W-Well, it's a-a guy." The girls nodded eagerly, encouraging me to continue.

"I-I met h-him a-at t-therapy. H-His n-name is C-Connor." I admitted. Zoe gasped.

"Is he like really emo, has long hair, and smells like pot?" She asked. I nodded and she slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Holy shit you have a crush on my brother!" She screeched. Alana and Piper gasped. I buried my face in my arms. Why did I even tell them this?

Hi readers! I hope you enjoyed my over one-thousand word chapter. Not counting my note right here. Anyway, the last few parts there were fluff. YOU CAN'T SAY THAT CUTE STUFF WASN'T FLUFF JULIA! I also just remembered I wrote an essay on Ben Platt for my language arts class and part of it sounds like a self insert fanfic. I'm gonna send it to him. Harhar. Thank you guys so much for reading! I know I say this like every other chapter but I can't believe I'm at 310 reads! Thank you guys so much I love all of you!


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