The Aftermath Pt.2

446 30 85

TW: Drug use

Connor's POV

Hours after meeting Evan I'm still shaken up. I know so little about him, yet I feel like we've been together for years.

"He was just, amazing. Indescribable." I told my friend Michael. We were at a party at some kid Jake's house. I had got my hands on some weed and was smoking it in the backyard with him.

"What does he look like?" Michael asked. I close my eyes for a moment, remembering every detail I could about him.

"He has light brown hair. It looked really soft." I said. Michael chuckled. 

"Oh! He had these beautiful green eyes. I kinda got lost in them a few times. He was really anxious and that made me want to protect even more than I already did. Evan was just, wow. I actually want to go back to therapy." I admitted.

"Now that is a shocker." Michael muttered. He was one of my few friends I told about therapy.

 I heard footsteps and faint voices in the distance. Maybe that was just the weed talking. I could feel my high coming on just as the voices got closer.

"Is it just me," Michael asked, "or are you hearing those voices too?"

"Not just you buddy." I told him. We continued to pass the weed back and forth until a farmiliar voice called out,

"Michael? Connor?" We both turned to face three figures standing behind us. I could tell that one was Jeremy, Michael's  boyfriend. 

The other two were girls who looked to be around the same age as me. One was pretty tall and had brown hair with purple streaks. She wore clothes identical to mine. The other one was shorter than the first girl, only by a little though. She had long brown hair, a glittery top, and jeans on.

"Michael Mell!" Jeremy screamed, "You told me you quit!"

"Come on Jer. Loosen up. You used to smoke too!" Michael exclaimed. In the faint glow from the house lights I saw Jeremy roll his eyes.

"So? Do you know how bad that stuff is for your lungs?" Jeremy asked him. Michael looked down at the weed in his hand.

"Yup." He responded with a cheeky grin. I noticed the shorter girl creep up on Michael from the other side of him. Within the blink of an eye, she had grabbed the weed and tossed to her friend. The friend stomped it out on the ground and buried it under the dirt.

"Hey! You guys are no fun!" I complained. The two girls glared at me as Jeremy continued to fight with his boyfriend.

"Jeremy, do you need anymore help with these two?" The taller girl asked.

"Yeah. Can you and Megan grab Connor? Bring him to the car. I'm taking these two to my house." Jeremy answered. The two girls grabbed my arms and hoisted me onto my feet.

"He's so heavy!" The shorter girl, Megan exclaimed. I was too high to make a remark.

"No he's not. He's really light." The taller girl responded. Megan snorted. They dragged me to Jeremy's car and sat me down on the hood. We waited in silence for Jeremy and Michael as the party raged on.

"They're probably making out right now." I told the two girls as we continued to wait. The taller girl smiled.

"They're my OTP." She said. Megan smiled too.

"Julia, you're such a fangirl."

"Says the person who made three kids in our grade heathers, and shipped people in our classes." The taller girl, Julia, teased. They both laughed. A few minutes later Jeremy  stumbled over to us with a sleeping Michael in his arms.

"Let's go." He said wearily. We all climbed in the car and drove to Jeremy's house.

*Time skip brought to you by me trying to rap to Hamilton at lunch with my friends*

The five of us finally pulled up at Jeremy's house after the cramped car ride. We all trudged inside after a night of partying. During the ride Michael had woken up so nobody had to carry him.

"I'm hungry." Michael groaned. I felt my stomach rumble.

"Me too." I complained. Jeremy sighed and took out his cell. He dialed a number and walked into another room.

"So, how do you two know Jeremy?" I asked Julia and Megan. They looked at each other and shared a glance.

"I'll tell it." Julia said.

"We met him at a party a few months ago. He needed help with Michael and a few other friends. They were all drunk. One kid tried to set a fire. So we helped him out." She explained. Just then Jeremy walked back into the room. 

"Pizza is on its way." He told us.

"WOOOHOOO!" Michael and I shouted, probably waking up the whole neighborhood. The three others stood there smiling and laughing at us.

All in all, a not too heinous day.

Hey readers! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I feel like it really sucked so sorry bout that. Julia, I hope you really enjoyed the chapter! Thank you guys so much for reading! Sorry it's so late, I was really lazy today. Thanks again!


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