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TW: Nightmares and suicide

Veronica's POV

This is a nightmare/memory

"Veronica! Open the-open the door please! Veronica open the door!"  J.D shouted from the hall. How can my parents not hear him, I asked myself as I tied knots in the sheet. I quickly wrapped part of it around my waist.

"Veronica! Can we not fight anymore please? Can we not fight anymore?" He asked me. I stayed silent as I wrapped the sheet loosely around my neck.

"Veronica sure you're scared I've been there, I can set you free! Veronica, don't make me come in there! I'm gonna count to three!" J.D yelled. A mix of adrenaline and panic rushed through my veins as I tied the end of the sheet to a hook on my ceiling.

"One, Two, fuck it!" He shouted. I heard a gunshot go off before I jumped off my bed. I closed my eyes and felt myself sway as I heard the door open.

"Oh my God, no! Veronica! Please don't leave me alone! You were all I could trust! I can't do this alone! Still, I will if I must!" He screamed. Just then, I heard my mother.

"Veronica? I brought you a snack. Veronica?" She called out. I could hear J.D rush out of my room just as my mom entered. She screamed. I quickly untied the noose from the ceiling and dropped back onto my bed.

*le time skip by me having to get a fucking throat swab at the doctor's even though I didn't need it*

"Step away from the bomb." I told him as I opened the doors to the boiler room. J.D gave me a psychotic chuckle before saying,

"This little thing? I'd hardly call this a bomb. This is just to trigger the packs of thermal upstairs in the gym. Now those are bombs!" He continued to rant on and on. Fear made me dissociate as I thought back on our abusive relationship. I came back to reality when he pressed his gun against my forehead.

"The only place where Heathers and Marthas can get along is in heaven!" He shouted.

"I wish your mom had been a little stronger. I wish she'd stayed around a little longer. I wish your dad were good, I wish grown-ups understood! I wish we'd met before they convinced you life was war! I wish you'd come with me!" I told him.

"I wish I had more TNT." He muttered. Gathering my courage, I rushed at him. I tried to grab the gun, but his grip was too strong. We kicked, punched, and bit each other in our battle. My hand found the trigger, and I pulled it.

A single gunshot rang out. J.D gasped. I turned back to face him and saw him bleeding. He collapsed.

I had shot him.

*Another Time skip*

I stumbled out onto the football field with the bomb in my arms. I heard a branch snap and looked behind me. It was J.D. He stood there, one arm pressed against his bloody chest, smiling at me. Without words, he came over and took the bomb out of my grasp. He walked a few feet away from me. He gave me a salute before pressing a few buttons. The timer started to count down. I felt tears well up in my eyes as the timer reached zero. The bomb went off. When the smoked cleared, J.D was gone.

I jumped up in my bed. I kicked back my blankets. With a deep breath I looked around my room, seeing the familiar comforting sights. An old clock my mom gave me when I left for college. The nice shades on my windows my neighbor had given me as a gift. The friendship bracelet on my nightstand that had been given to me by Martha. J.D standing in the corner of my room with a gun in his hand. Wait what.

"What the fuck!" I screamed as I leaped out of my bed.

"Are you alright Veronica? It looked like you were having a nightmare." He asked me as he moved closer to me. I looked around for a weapon. Something I could defend myself with at least. Then I remembered. The metal bat under my bed.

Just then, I dove for the bat. I managed to grab it when J.D grabbed my waist and yanked me back. I swung it at him, hitting him on the head. I charged towards him when all of a sudden a gunshot rang out.

I stopped. There was a burning pain in my chest. I looked down and saw blood blooming across the fabric of my shirt. I fell to the ground. I could see blood pooling around me while J.D fell to his knees. I could vaguely hear another gunshot over the ringing in my head. Through the black spots on my vision, I could see J.D collapse next to me. He gave me a weak smile before my eyes shut for the last time.

Heya! How's it going everyone! So, this is the last chapter of So What If it's Us? I hope you liked it! Next up is Can We Try That? I love all of you guys so much! Without you, my beloved readers, I would've given up on this story. But because you guys actually like this, I'm writing a sequel. A sequel to a story I thought no one would ever read. I love all of you so much! Thank you for your support! I'll see you guys on my next fic!


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