chapter 11

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Chapter 11


After Becky jumps, the rest of the initiates follow. The newcomers are very diverse this year, in terms of home faction:

Becky from Abnegation

Jason from Candor

Mikey from Dauntless

Brenda from Erudite

Ethan from Candor

Aidan from Dauntless

Mckenna from Dauntless

Andrew from Abnegation

Matthew from Eridute

Rachel from Candor

Susie from Dauntless

Sarah from Eridute

A total of 6 girls and 6 boys: 2 Abnegation, 3 Candor, 3 Eridute, and 4 Dauntless. No Amity, as per usual. We never receive any Amity. My guess his that they're too nice to do any fighting.

I look at our class of initiates. They look the same as they do every year. Some are nervous, some are scared, some are excited, and some just don't know what to do. I remember what Tris looked like. She had looked afraid, but at the same time, immensely curious.

"My name is Four," I say, "and this is Tris." I motion toward Tris. "We will be the transfers' instructors, while Christina and Uriah--" I motion to each, respectively "-- will be the Dauntless-born instructors."

Tris steps up next to me and addresses the initiates. "Dauntless-born, I'm pretty sure you won't need a tour, so go over to Christina and Uriah. Transfer, stay with me" I can't help but think that she sounds more like an instructor then myself.

Once the borns and Christina and Uriah walk away, my job really begins. The tour is always the hardest part. People are still in their old factions.

"First, we will be going to the Pit--" I say, but I get cut off. Rachel, I believe her name was, cuts in. By the looks of her, she's obviously Candor.

"What?" Her tone is condescending. "You couldn't think of a better name? You Dauntless are just so clever." A huge smirk twists the right side of her mouth. I start to go over to her, but Tris pushes me back and goes to her instead.

"Candor right?" she asks rhetorically. The answer is obvious. "We always have problems with you loud mouth Candor. First rule you all should learn: Keep your mouth shut if you wanna stay. And if you want to go ahead and say everything that comes to your mind? I'll personally show you the door." Tris stares them down, waiting for someone to challenge her, but when no one rises up, she walks away, heading to the Pit, and I follow right behind.

I turn my head to see all the initiates still standing there. "Well? You coming or not?" I say to them. Then they all start to walk to us. Soon we reach the Pit, and I can see that all the initiates are amazed. Why? I have no idea.

Then we walk to the dining area, and tell them to eat. Tris and I get our food and sit next to Zeke, Christina, and Uriah. We all eat in silence, constantly looking at the initiates. When finished, we give each other a slight nod and leave.

We take the initiates to their rooms next. Once we get in, I can see confused looks on their faces.

"This is where you will be sleeping for the next few weeks," Tris tells them.

"The boys or girls?" asks an ex-Candor initiate, Jason.

With a smile, Tris says, "Both. And if you like this, you're going to love the bathroom." I can tell she's enjoying this; it's reminding her of her own initiation.

We walk into the bathroom and let everyone see. They all look disgusted, and we walk back out.

"Everyone find a bed," I say. "It will be your bed for the next few weeks. Get changed, there are clothes in the trunks at the foot of your bed, and then sleep. The work starts tomorrow. Be prepared."

Tris and I then walk out, holding hands, and walk to our apartment.


Over 780 reads?! Omg thanks guys! I never thought that I would get this far! Thanks for all the support! Btw i got an editor, QuinnBradley, so you should follow cause she awesome. I will update as soon as possible, but both me and my editor are super busy!

Okay so please keep my friend in your prayers, his dad was just shot and killed. Its really sad and hard for them now, and they can use all the prayers they can get. Thanks ily all.


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