chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Before sunrise the next morning, Tobias and I walk down to the initiates' room and wake them up. Day One is about to begin.

"Wake up!" I yell while hitting a cup against a metal railing. Initiates groan and roll over, complaining about the noise.

"Ugh, what time is it?" a bleary-eyed initiate asks.

"6 am," Tobias answers. "Get used to it, initiates. You will wake up every day at this time." They all grumble in response.

"Wake up, get ready, and then go to the dining area and eat. Be in Training Room Three at 7:15," I order everyone.

I take Tobias's hand, and we walk to the dining area together. He looks a little nervous. I'm not sure why though. Maybe because it's my first year, or maybe not. It's always hard to tell with him.

When we arrive, Tobias and I get into line. I grab a blueberry muffin, and Tobias gets a piece of cake. He smirks at my questioning look, and together, we walk to our usual table, where Uriah, Christina, and Zeke are I already eating.

"Really? Cake for breakfast, dude?" Zeke says, right as we sit down. Turns out I'm not the only one questioning Tobias's nutritional choices.

Uriah gives his brother a little shove and says, "Come on. Like you don't do it." This puts a smirk on Zeke's face.

Today is the day that everyone starts back up on their jobs. Tobias and I start training the transfers. Tobias starts working back in the control room. I start being Alex's assistant. Zeke starts working in the control room with Tobias. Christina and Uriah start training the Dauntless borns. They both decided on only having one job.

When 7:00 comes, we all disperse to go to work. Tobias and I walk to the training room, preparing for Day One of initiation. Today we start physical training, beginning with knife throwing. I think back to the day Tobias threw knives at my head and smile.

We set up all the targets and set out a table with knives on it. With 10 minutes to spare we decide to throw a little.

Tobias and I each take 3 knives stand before a target. We take our stance and throw the three knives. They all hit right in the center all three times.

That's when we hear the gasp. All the initiates were standing right behind us and saw it. I can see the shocked expressions on their, and I just smile.

"Okay initiates," I say, "grab three knives, and stand in front of a target, behind the line."

They just stare at me. "Now," I snap at them, and they move.

"Today, we start knife throwing. Four will show you the correct stance and how to throw," I say.

Tobias then goes and stands in front of a target and throws three knives, each one hitting the middle with a thud.

"Now, if you disobey," I say slowly walking toward a target, "This will happen." I am now standing in front of a target.

I stand with my back to the wood, and Tobias throws three knifes. One right above my head, one by my right arm, and another snipping my left ear, just like the first time.

I can see the stunned looks; obviously they don't believe they would have to do that.

I walk over to Tobias and stand next to him. "Now, your turn," I tell the initiates. "Throw."

A small initiate, Brenda, walks up to me and gives a little gasp.

"Tris, he cut you!" she says, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I meant to," Tobias says to her. "Now throw. Or you can stand in front of that target."

Brenda then just walks silently over to her target and starts to throw. I start to count heads, and realize we only have 10 initiates actively throwing knives; there are supposed to be 12. I look over in the corner and see Ethan and Rachel, both ex-Candor, kissing in the corner.

"Hey lovers! If you don't start throwing knives in exactly 30 seconds, don't expect lunch!" I yell to them. With that, they go to their target.

We have them throw knives all morning, because its obvious they need the practice. When I see the clock saying 11:30, I decide to let them off for a lunch break.

"Initiates! Lunch!" I call, receiving cheers from the initiates. "You have exactly 30 minutes to go eat and get back in here for more training."

After the initiates stampeded out, Tobias and I pick up all the knives from the floor and put them away. Then Tobias takes my hand and we walk to lunch.
OMG 1K READS!!!!!! thanks sooooo much guys! i never thought i would get that much! you guys are amazing! ily!


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