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[Izuku Midoriya]

I was walking back to class, remembering I had forgotten my notebook. I can't believe I left without it.
"Hey Bakugou, why does Midoriya call you Kacchan anyways?" I wasn't sure who said it, but I stopped in my tracks. I stepped away from the door and hid behind the wall.
"Shut up, you hedgehog" Bakugou scolds. He must be talking to Kirishima.
"Jeez Bakugou, touchy much. Cmon dude just tell us".
"We spent a lot of time together when we where younger" Bakugou barks. It hurt a little he avoided using the word friends.
"Yeah but, why do you still let him call you Kacchan? I bet if I tried it you'd fry my ass, and maybe Denki to just to make you feel tough again".
"Denki can fry himself" Kacchan growls, storming out the room. For reasons unknown to me he chose to take a sharp right... causing him to walk smack bang into me. I look up at him with my big green eyes and take an involuntary step backwards.
"S-sorry K-kacchan" I mumble.
"I should kill you for eavesdropping, shitty Deku!" He explodes, shoving me aside. I hit the wall with a loud thud.
Kirishima comes running around the corner "Just admit you like it dude!" He shouts.
Kaccha doesn't look back, he instead storms out of the school.
"Ki-Kirishima" I mumble.
"Oh, I am so dead" he laughs "could of told me you where here earlier Midoriya".

[Katsuki Bakugou]

Shitty Deku and his shitty face and shitty green eyes and his shitty nickname and his shitty cute face!
Shitty face! Deku has a shitty face!
All he cares about is that stupid All Might and that Pink cheeks girls.
I should just tell him not to call me Kacchan anymore!
I storm into the house.
"Welcome home Katsuki"
"Shut it old hag!" I growl.
"What's wrong? Deku got your tongue?" She teases.
She's shitty too! Everything is shitty. That fucking hedgehog and his shitty questions!
Deku calls me Kacchan because... because... even I don't know! He just does! Even if I told him not to he'd just cry about it! Or worse, he'd want to know why!
Shitty, cute, sulky, Deku!
"Oh, Katsuki, I hope you don't mind, Izuku is staying a few nights" the old hag yells out as I throw myself onto my bed.

"W-what?!" I shriek at my mother. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just shocked, and maybe a little scared. My Mother and Kacchans parents where going on a trip together, and wanted me and Kacchan to stay at his place.
This is what I get for not coming clean to my Mother about Kacchans constant harassment. He's going to be so mad. I fought of the cold shudder that ran down my spine.
"Oh Izuku, it'll be fun" my Mother laughs "it's been so long since you and Katsuki spent time together outside of school".
Because he hates me Mother, I felt like saying. Kacchan has been mad at me since we were little kids, and he won't tell me what I did wrong. It bothers me heaps because I admire him so much. He's so strong, and his quirk is amazing. Even his explosive hairstyle is cool! He has so much hero potential and he's had it since day one... meanwhile I was just stupid Deku. A nerd with an notebook and a pipe dream...
I'm glad all of that changed, even if Kacchan was angry when he found out.
Tomorrow was going to be a long day....

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