You look hot...

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When Deku arrived at my house I made sure to be the first to open the door, not because I like him, but because I don't.
"What are you doing here, shitty Deku?!" I snap, pretending like I don't even know. He falters, and starts stuttering.
"I-I uh.. K-Ka-"
"Oh don't act like you don't know Katsuki!" My mother scolds me, clipping me over the head.
"Old hag" I mutter under my breath.
"Come inside Izuku, I've made a bed up for you in Katsuki's room" my mother welcomes him in like a second son.
Shitty Deku.
"Oh uh... I could stay on the couch instead..." Deku fidgets around. What a wimp.

I somehow ended up playing video games with Kacchan in his room. He was so good at it! It was just another reason to admire him... even if I was terrified of him.
I fought as hard as I could but I couldn't beat him. It almost felt like a repeat of our childhood. Kacchan would do something amazing, and I'd watch in awe.

"Noooo" Deku dramatically whined as I destroyed him again. He really sucks at video games. He started to pout, his cu- shitty! His shitty face had started to flush red, probably because of all his yelling. His lips stuck out, and he puffed up his cheeks. I could feel heat rising to my face as I stared, and quickly looked away.
"Shitty Deku, you can even win a fair fight" I scold.

Kacchan scolded me for my lack of experience. When I looked over at him, intending to say something witty -yeah right Midoriya- I noticed a faint blush over his cheeks. No, there's no way. Maybe it's just to hot in here... Kacchan doesn't get embarrassed! Especially not when I'm around... nothing even happened anyway. Although... he did look kind of cute. He's eyebrows where furrowed and he did his best to look angry. He'd turned his head to look away from me, but I could still see the red on his ears.
"What are you staring at, Deku?!" He growled.
"I-uh um... I was just uh... wondering if it's to hot in here?" I squeaked.
"What?" Kacchan barks.
"You look hot" I mumble.
Kacchan raising an eyebrow at me and I realise what I said. Blood rushes up to my face and I can barely get a word out.
"No, no, no. Kacchan that's not what I meant! I mean you look warm, like uh... summer?" I try my best to redeem myself.
"I knew you where gay" Kacchan whispers.
"I am not!" I try to defend myself, even though I know what he's saying is the truth... because I'm hopelessly in love with my childhood friend... Katsuki Bakugou.

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