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A lot of you have been asking for holy water so... here, have some.


"Kacchan?" Deku whispers to me from the other side of the room.
"What is it, Deku?" I ask in my usual grumpy voice.
"Do you think we rushed into things?" He asks quietly.
I roll off the bed and roll all the way over. I was too lazy to walk.
"Deku, you've been stalking me since we were kids, you didn't rush into anything" I can't believe I have to remind him about his own obsession with my existence.
"R-right, but you didn't follow me everywhere" Deku mumbles, "did you... get caught up in the moment?".
"Are you an idiot Deku?" I bark at him. Does this idiot think it's a coincidence we always end up together? He really had no idea I didn't hate him this whole time? He's got to be the dumbest nerd I've ever met.
"Am I?" He mumbles.
"Deku... I... I never hated you..."
He stares at me for a few minutes before jumping on my back and hugging me from behind.
"You liked me too" he giggles.
"I never said that" I growled, I could already feel the blood rushing to my face.
"Kacchan you really are bad at expressing yourself" he tells me quietly.
"Deku, why are whispering"
"I think it's because we're both social disasters" he continues to whispers.
"Whatever nerd, don't act like you haven't been screaming my name so loud the neighbours feel like they know me personally" I teased, trying to deflected my embarrassment onto him.
"K-k-Kacchan" he pulls away leans his head against my back.
"What Deku?"
"W-w-what if th-they tell y-your Mother?" He stutters.
I turn to face him staring at him with wide eyes.
"We're fucked"
"What if your Mum tells mine?!"
"Deku stop worrying" I scold.
"S-sorry Kacchan"
"Quit all the apologising nerd!" I growl.
"Deku why are you looking at me like that?"
"L-like What Kacchan?" He plays dumb.
"Like your about to rape me" I say bluntly.
Deku coughs, caught off guard.
"K-Kacchan! Don't say things like that!" He yells.
"Whatever nerd, what did I say that made you... like this?" I was more than a little curious. Deku was turned on and I wanted to know what put him in the mood... for... research purposes.
"N-nothing" he stutters.
If it was nothing he'd be like this al the time and while he is clingy he isn't always looking at me with a red face and lidded eyes.
"Deku" I growl, tell me.
His face grows more red and he turns away.
"No." He states defiantly.
"What?" I lower my tone into a deeper growl.
He squirms where he sits and looks at me sideways.
"It's... embarrassing Kacchan" he mumbles.
"I've seen you naked Deku, how can you still be so awkward? Shitty nerd" I shake my head at him.
"Your growl" he whispers.
"I-I like when you growl or talk in a deep voice... like when you wake up or your pretending to be mad..." he blushes and squirms, clearly uncomfortable.
I stare at him in disbelief.
"You like my what?"


Because this is so late I have a gift for you, it's a picture I found on the googles

AUTHOR NOTE Because this is so late I have a gift for you, it's a picture I found on the googles

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Should I write a story around this or nah???

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