Pillow Talk

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"Kacchan..." I whispered to the blond beside me.
"What, Deku?" He growled. Kacchan always got very grumpy when he was tired.
"C-c-can we cuddle?" I ask timidly.
"You're gay as shit Deku" he scoffs.
"What?" I squeak. I begin to panic in my head.
"I'm kidding, come here" he laughs at me and pulls me over to him.
"That wasn't funny Kacchan!" I scold.
"Deku" he growls.
"Go to sleep" he nuzzles into the back of my neck.
A little giggle escaped me against my best efforts.
"Are you ticklish?"
"N-n-no!" I stutter.
"Don't lie to me, shitty nerd" he flips me around on to my back. He's probably the only person who can say shitty nerd in an affectionate tone.
"K-Kacchan?" I squeak. Before I have a chance to defend myself he's on top of me. This normally wouldn't bother me except he's tickling my sides!
"Gaaaaaahpppphhh ha ha ha haaaa K-Ka Ka Kacchan!" I squeal and thrash around.

Deku kept squirming underneath me. His face was flushed and his hair was a mess. He almost looked the same way he did when... earlier. He looked like the way he looked earlier. He's eyes began to water as he laughed.
"Ka-Kacchan, please!" He gasped.
"Please what, Deku?" I taunted.
He could barely breathe he was laughing so hard.
"Pl-please sta-stop!" He squealed and tried to crawl away.
"Come back here!" I crawled after him.
"Never!" He shouted back.
"Deku, you know I can out run you" I called out to him. He scrambled to his feet.
"You can with your quirk, but you can't use it in here" he yelled back as he ran out of the bedroom.
"I can still catch you!" I shouted. Can't I? Of course I can.
I dashed after Deku, rounding the corner hard He was at the end of the hall looking for an escape route. I tackled him, being careful not to crush him.
"Kacchan!" He laughed.
"You just can't stay off me can you?" He stuck his tongue out of me.
I felt heat rush to me face.

Kacchan was blushing. His face was red and he was practically frozen in time.
"Awww, you're so cute Kacchan!"
"Shut up shitty nerd" he turned his face away from me. I leaned up and gave the edge of his cheek a kiss.
"Can we go back to bed now?" I asked.
"Are you going to get off me or?"

- - - - - - Author Note - - - -
It's short and I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

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