Movie Night

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[ Bakugou ]
"You like this?" I growl in his ear.
"Kacchan" he whines "cut it out".
"Why would I do that?" I ask him, keeping my voice low.
"W-we h-have stuff to do" he mutters.
"I'd rather do you~"
"Kacchan, be serious for a second" he scolds.
"You get to rape me with your eyes and I have to be serious?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
He turns a bright red and refused to look at me.
"Forget it" He mumbles.
Why is he mad at me? Stalker mode engaged.

I sneak around as light footed as I can trying to figure out where Deku went. I find him sitting on the couch mumbling to himself. Am I physically capable of getting behind that couch without him noticing me?
Of course I am, I'm Katsuki Bakugou.

"Stupid Kacchan" I hear Deku mumble. "He's so stupid".
I am not stupid. Although I am hiding from my boyfriend behind a couch to spy on him and find out why he's mad at me...
I am not stupid!
"He just want to have sex all the time..." I hear Deku sniffle.
Hold on wasn't he the one who got turned on by my growl? I shook my head. Nerds are so fucking confusing.
Deku sighs.
"It's not like we were ever going to be a normal couple anyway" he mumbles into the pillow.
If he pushes his face any further into that thing I won't be able to understand. What does he mean normal couple anywa-
I crawl back out of the lounge room and into the kitchen.
I start making popcorn and pour soda into large cups. Fuck it I'll just take the whole bottle in there.
How am I going to carry all this?
... fuck.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh as I watch my boyfriend try to carry in a bowl of popcorn, to cups full of soda and a giant bottle of soda he forgot to put the lid back on.
"Do you want some help?" I giggle.
"No!" He yells stubbornly.
"If you say so, Kacchan" I laugh.
"Quit laughing shitty nerd!" He growls.
"So what's with all the stuff?" I ask, coughing to cover my laugh every time he nearly drops something.
"Movie Night" he announces proudly.
I try to hide my wide smile.
"You heard me talking to myself didn't you" I smile at him knowingly.
"W-what? N-no!" He tries to deny it.
"M-maybe... shut up Deku" he defends himself.
"It's okay, I think it's sweet" I smile at him.
He blushes as he sets everything down on the coffee table.
"Whatever. Don't get used to it nerd" he barks.
"I don't think I could ever get used to having you spy on me, or think I didn't notice when you crawled all the way into the kitchen" I bite my lip to stop myself laughing.
"If you saw me why didn't you say something?!" He shouts.
"I wanted to see how far you'd crawl" I giggle.
"No movie night for you" Kacchan turns around and tries to leave.

I felt my face get hot and red, I turned around with a weak excuse and tried to make my escape.
I felt Deku's hand grab the back of my shirt.
"Katsuki... please stay" he looks up at me with his big green eyes.
... dammit.
I sit down next to him without a word.
He smiles at me.
"What do you want to watch Kacchan?" He asks.
"Pick whatever you like" I mutter refusing to make eye contact.

[No POV]
The two watched, many, many movies, but even superheroes have to sleep sometimes...

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