Pent up Feelings

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---- Author Note ----
Tell me below if you guys are interested in a smut chapter or not. Yes or no comments are totally fine. Whichever gets the most votes wins!
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One minute I was listening to Bakugou tell me he liked me too, the next I was pinned on the couch by the hottest boy in the country. Okay, it might be a biased opinion, but I didn't care.
I had my legs on either side of him, even though I was underneath. I was doing my best to use them to keep as much of his body kept away from my -ahem- as possible.
My face already felt hot from the make out session alone and I didn't want the blood running down south.
It was no surprise to me that Kacchan kissed just like he did everything else, hot, viscous and well.
He didn't bother asking for permission to slip his tongue into my mouth, he just did it. I could of stopped him, but I didn't want to.
I loved the way he loomed over, how even with our first kiss he made it obvious he was in charge. Kacchan was a natural born leader, and I was more than willing to follow him anywhere.

"Deku" he whispered, barely pulling away to say it "you could of told me earlier"

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"Deku" he whispered, barely pulling away to say it "you could of told me earlier".
"Mmm" I junk against his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck to stop him from pulling away again. I loved talking to Kacchan, but this was like a dream. I wasn't letting go of it.

God Deku, I thought to myself. For such a shitty nerd he sure is needy. I had no complaints though. He wanted me, and nothing but me.
He didn't want me to pull away and talk. He didn't want me to pull away and anything. His face was red, and he seemed to be pushing me away from him with his legs. Like he was holding me in place. It became very clear, very quickly that he didn't want me getting to close to his body. Was Deku... trying to keep me away from his dick?
Cockblocked before I even made an advance.
Classic Deku.
I decided to cut him some slack, just this once. He'd only just confessed to me moments ago.
It didn't stop me from pressing my lips harder against his, and sliding my tongue around his mouth. It was wet, warm and soft. He didn't seem to know what to do with his own tongue, so I decided to take charge. I pulled my back into my mouth to see if he'd follow. As soon as I felt his warm tongue enter my mouth I gave it a gentle suck.
Deku made a cute squeak of surprise, but didn't make an effort to stop me. He liked it.
I took his hands from behind my neck and pinned them above his head.
"Shitty Deku" I breathed "you know I'm in charge".

I shuddered as Kacchan said it. I wasn't sure if I was excited or scared.
Kacchan abandoned my mouth and moved down towards my neck. He left soft kisses at first, it felt good, but I wanted him to do it harder. As if he had read my mind he pressed harder kisses and gave small nibbles. I bit my lip, suppressing any embarrassing sound I could make. I already squeaked earlier... it was mortifying. Kacchan seemed so calm and collected.
He began to suck around my neck and collarbone. I wanted to tell him not to leave any marks, but I couldn't bring myself to discourage him.

-------- Author Note --------
Alright Lovelies, tell me straight up, smut chapter or no?
If no feel free to leave a preferred answer.

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