Midoriya vs Bakugou

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[Midoriya POV]

"H-he-hey Mum" I muttered when she came to pick me up and take me home.
My face was hot and red. I wish I'd forgotten everything after the party.
"Boys, there's a very important chat we need to have" she said nervously. I tried to shrink into myself.
"N-no I think w-were fine in the talking department" I mumbled.
Kacchan raised an eyebrow at me.
"Well I just want to know how... serious you to are getting... what are your afterschool plans?".
"To be the greatest" Kacchan answered with no hesitation.
My mother stared at him blankly "oh... my...".
"Oh come now Mumma Midoriya" Kacchans Mum joked around with my mother. "Let the kids have fun, they have a whole term before school ends".
"I meant what they're plans with the relationship are" she corrected quietly.
"I'm that case" Kacchan interrupted "to be the greatest" he paused for a moment ".... boyfriend" he mumbles quietly.
Kacchan around my Mum is my new favourite Kacchan. He's so sweet when he's terrified of judgement.
I stared at him with wide and teary eyes.
"What is it nerd?" He growled. "I-I uh... what Deku?"
"It's cute your trying so hard".

[No POV]
Mumma Midoriya is confused. Very confused. She has no idea what's going on at all, but she supports it whole heartedly. She's learnt from her mistakes and knows that whatever Deku wants is probably what will make him happiest and that saying otherwise will only drive him further into his obsessive world. They seem like a good fit. They both want to be the greatest... hero... she thinks?

————- a few days later ————-
Bakugou blushes a bright red as he struggles to find anyway out of the conversation.
"So who made the first move?"
"That's sooo cute!"
"Called it!"
"So what did you guys get up to all snowed in?"
The questions kept coming, student after student. It had not taken long for the secret to get out, and everyone knew. The attention was overwhelming for Katsuki and before he knew it he was flipping a table and silencing the room.
"YOURE ALL LOSERS!" He shouted as he made his exit.
"S-sorry" Deku bowed in respect before chasing his lover down.
"Kacchan! Wait!" He shouted racing through the halls.
Katsuki, bright red and embarrassed had no intention of slowing down. There was no way that he would let his defence down ever again. He'd already said please to his mother. Wasn't that enough for the universe?
"Kacchan... please?"
Fine. He would turn around. But he was staying grumpy.
He faced Deku with a scowl on his face.
"This is your fault shitty nerd!" He accused.
"Does it really bother you that much?" Deku squeaked.
Katsuki could feel his barriers weakening. Nope, he was not falling for the small voice and big eyes and pouty face and...
"Deku, stop with the face" he ordered. Stay strong Katsuki. Stay strong.
"I-is it really so shameful?" Deku looked up with teary eyes and a wobbling lip.
Katsuki.exe has stopped working. Defences are down.

How am I supposed to tell him I'm not ashamed of him without actually saying it?
I just...
Fucking Deku and his feelings and emotions and shit I can't control that makes me feel emotions!
I don't... talk about feelings.
I took a few short steps forwards and kissed Deku rough on the mouth. I'm not ashamed of you Deku. Not at all. You're beautiful, and I wish I had the balls to say it. I barely had it in me to tell you I didn't hate you all these years. Forgive me just one more time for my ignorance.
"Yeah! Way to go Bakubro!"
You have got to be fucking kidding that idiot is dead!


"Kacchan No!" I yelled trying to stop him from turning our classmate into a fried doormat.
"Out of the way Deku" he yelled.
I wrapped my arms around his waist in a fruitless attempt to drag him away.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"What's my name, Katsuki~?" I whispered in his ear.
His body tensed and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"W-w-what?" He stuttered.
"What's my name?" I purred quietly.
He grabbed my hand and dragged me away.
"What the fuck, Deku?!" He yelled at me, we were in the storage shed now. That's a normal school thing right?
"What's wrong Kacchan?" Play it off innocent pretend nothing happened.
"You know exactly what you did, shitty nerd!" He growls.
"N-no idea what your talking about" I tried to look down at the ground but became distracted as I noticed an obvious bulge in Kacchans pants. So he did remember.
"You're an ass" he growled, turning his back to me.
"... sorry, I just... didn't know what to do" I confess.
"So you decided to try and seduce me in a public area?" He began to shout.
"Kacchan someone might here you" I whisper.
"It's your fault!" He tried to justify.
"I didn't think you'd get that excited..." I trail off.
He turns around to glare at me, and I can see his beet red face.
"Shut it, shitty nerd!" He continues to glare at me.
"I-I just"
"Do you even remember what you were doing the last time you said that to me?" He hissed.
"I remember what I was doing to you" I say with a smirk. Hold it together Izuku, he can't kill you if you turn him to putty before you have a panic attack. But oh god he looks so mad... maybe I should just run. That's not what a hero would do! I can do this.
His eyes widened and he tensed again.
"Deku you are NOT helping!" He growled.
"So you want me to help you with that then? You only had to ask~"

Oooooh nooo! Sober Deku can have no shame too! This is such a bittersweet moment. So much conflict. Sooo much conflict.
"I-uhh I..."
"I know you're a great leader Katsuki~ so just tell me what to do" Deku purred at me.
A storage building, I was going to do terrible wonderful things in a storage building.
"Deku" I warn, trying to get him to chicken out before he wins me over.
"Kacchan you can't lie to me" he giggles "not when it's so obvious" his eyes dart downwards quickly before reconnecting with mine.
Fuck it. I'm in.

[No POV]
"Deku, come here" Katsuki ordered, Izuku was more than happy to follow the order.
"Yes sir~" he purred.
They kissed long, hard and rough. Katsuki taking the lead and pushing his tongue around Deku's mouth, declaring ownership. Deku moaned against his lips, and slipped a hand down Katsukis pants.
"D-didn't give you permission to do that" Katsuki bites out.
"Just thinking ahead sir~ I only aim to please".
Deku begins to play with Katsukis member, ultimately destroying the chance of anymore dirty talk.
"Mmmphhh" Katsuki bites down on his hands, hard. He was doing his best to mask the sound.
"No one can here us, no need to be quiet"
(Heat of the moment Deku is a naughty Deku)
Izuku slips his hand out of Katsukis pants for just a moment, giving the blond enough time to turn the tables.

I let out a squeak as Kacchan gripped my member. Uh oh... confident Izuku is gone.
Kacchan smirks at me.
"That's the Deku I remember" he pulls down my pants and underwear leaving them at my feet. "Don't get me wrong Deku, it's hot when you try to take the lead, but I've let you tease me to many times lately".
Uh oh... Kacchan seems a little... pent up.
"Talking to me like this at school isn't nice" he growls softly in my ear.
I guess we haven't done this in a while... I had to go home eventually.
He nibbles my ear as he strokes my member. I whimper in response.
"I'm going to make sure every damn brat in this school knows your mine, Deku".
He makes his way to my collarbone abandoning my hardened member to undo my shirt. I reach a hand down and start stroking myself, desperate for contact.
He smacks my hands away.
"Patience Deku" he whispers. "We've got all day~"
This is definitely payback for teasing him so much... and for making him hard during school hours.
"K-Kacchan what if someone catches us" I stutter.
"Then you'll think twice before pulling a stunt like that again"
"I- uh AhhhhhHHHHHHHmmmmm" I moan as he cuts me off, sucking my right nipple as he jerks me off with one hand and twists the left nipped with the other.
(He's a multitasker)
"Kaaaaaaahhhhhh ch-ch-chaannnnnggghhh" I struggle just to stay his name.
"Not yet Deku" he mutters as he pulls away. I whimper at the loss of contact. Kacchan strips himself. He picks my up and pins me against the wall. I wrap my legs around him. He holds my arms above my head with one hand and I use my legs to keep myself up. He backs up so he's sitting on a bench.
"Knees" he orders and I get the message. I straddle him so my knees are on either side of him and hold myself up that way. He lets go on my hands and leaves a hand on my hip. He uses the other to stick a single finger in my entrance. I squeak as he pushes it in.
"Ka-Kacchan" I whispered.
"What Deku?" He growled.
"B-becareful... we have to sit on those hard chairs all day"
He smirks at me.
Uh oh.
He plants a kiss on my lips and I start to relax, melting into the familiar warmth. I was so lost in the kiss I was caught off guard when his second finger made an appearance.
"Aaah~" it was a short and sweet moan. Nether the less I was embarrassed.
By the time the third had entered I was welcoming the feeling ready to take Katsuki in as a whole.
"Kacchan, please~" I whispered. He pulled his fingers out and picked me up. He laid me down on a box and pushed it in. My legs up and over his shoulders as he thrust into me, a steady and fast beat. He hit my prostate and I called out.
"F-fuck Deku, you're so good today" he praised.
"K-Kacchan, fasted" I begged.
He picked up the pass and began to stroke my erection as well. I squirmed, over stimulated and begging for release.
"K-Kacchan I-"
"Not yet Izuku" he cut me off. He let go of my throbbing member and I whispered. I grabbed his wrist and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Please Kacchan, don't stop" he smirked at me but resumed playing with my erection. Slower than before.
I tensed as pleasure washed over me.
"F-fuck Deku, you're so tight" he hissed. Sensing his enjoyment I allowed myself to tense and relax over and over.
"So close" he hissed.
"Faster" I pleaded.
He began to pump my member fast, bringing my close to my climax.
"KAAACHHAAAN~!" I shouted as I came all over the both of us.
"Almost there Izuku" he grunted. I rode out my high as he finished himself off thrusting into me harder and faster.
I almost whimpered when he pulled out, his warm seed leaking out of my hole.
"W-we should go home" Kacchan panted.
"Yep" I squeaked.

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