Returning the Favor

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[No Pov]
'Kacchan... I... I... could take care of that for you' was all Katsuki needed to hear. He stripped down and stared at Izuku's bare body. He wasn't sure what Izuku planned on doing but he new he'd have to start it somehow.
"Like what you see, Deku?" Katsuki smirked.
Izuku blushes lightly, but gathering his confidence he nodded.
"A little bit"
"Only a little?" Katsuki arches an eyebrow. "Stupid Deku, don't lie to me".
Izuku watches him with anticipation. He wasn't entirely sure what he planned to do to his beloved Kacchan, but he wanted it to be good.
Katsuki crawled back on to Izuku giving his mouth a rough kiss.
As smoothly and quickly as he could Deku flipped them over so he was on top.
"T-this time" Deku stuttered "I make the rules". He summoned all his courage and forced himself to look Katsuki dead in the eyes.

[ Midoriya ]
Kacchan looked like he was going to blow up when I told him I was in charge, but I was determined not to falter.
"Anything you want Deku Babe" he growled in a low and husky voice. His eyes followed my every move.
"Stay" I ordered as I got up and turned off the light.
The room was dark, but not so dark I couldn't make a few things out.
I crawled back onto Kacchan's naked body and slowly kissed down his torso.
I'd never done anything like this before... so I was a little nervous.
I took the tip into my mouth, briefly flickering my eyes to look at Kacchan's face. He had become red, he's jaw was tense and he was watching with anticipation. I licked him from base to tip and back down again, maintaining eye contact when I could.
"F-fuck Deku, Just d-do it already" Kacchan growled.
I decided to play innocent. I looked up at him with my big green eyes.
"But your always teasing me Kacchan, I was just being fair" I giggle, swirling my tongue around his hard member.
He growls and grips the sheets.
"Deku" he sounds mad, but so very out of breath. I was very attracted to this side of Kacchan. I was desperate to see more and he was desperate to get more.
"Yes Kacchan?" I replied sweetly.
"You know that's not the sa- mmmphhhhhh. Not the saaaaaaahhh... same th-thing" I assume he was talking, but all I heard was loud, breathless moans.
I began to use my hand to pump whatever I couldn't quite get my mouth around. Making sure it was coated in thick, wet saliva before moving my hand to a steady beat. I continued to pump his member, carefully moving my mouth away.
"I'm sorry Kacchan, what was that?" I gave an innocent smile and tilted my head.
"Y-you ahhhhre so p-petty" he stuttered.
"Didn't here you~" I taunted. I wasn't sure where my new found confidence had come from but I was desperate to hold onto it until he was finished.
"Nngggghhhh... Deku" Kacchan was a mess. His face was red, his lips were going from pressed tightly together into large open O shapes. He dug his fingers into the sheets.
"Yes Kacchan?"
"I c-can't t-take-"
He abruptly came all over the both of us.
"Kacchan..." I muttered quietly.
"Wh-what Deku?" He breathed as he regained his breath.
"Y-you made a mess of the bed..." I mumbled.
"Shitty Deku! This is your fault!" He yelled.
"S-sorry K-k-Kacchan!" I stuttered.
He stopped and stared at me, frowning.
"I don't like that..." he muttered.
"I don't like it when you act afraid of me..."
I gave him a quick hug, carefulness not to make this sticky situation any worse.
"Clean up time?"
"Let's just take showers and get dressed. Will sleep on the spare bed. We can deal with this later" Kacchan decided for us.
"Yes sir" I say with a chuckle.

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