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[No POV]
The snow had stopped and started to melt away, neither Izukus or Katsukis parents were due anytime soon so they decided to head out.
A simple trip to the store to stock up on supplies.
Deku was wearing some ridiculously tight skinny jeans and his ass was popping. Katsuki was taking full advantage of this walking behind him.
"Kacchan" Izuku whined at his lover, "why won't you walk with me?"
"I am walking with you, Deku Babe" Katsuki responded in a tired and rough morning voice. If it wasn't for Deku, he'd still be in bed.
"You're walking behind me Kacchan!" Deku points out the seemingly obvious.
"The best view is from behind you" Katsuki smirks, he didn't have to see Izuku's face to know it'd be a crimson red.
It was right at this moment that all hell broke loose.
Some perverted freak waltzed right up and groped Izuku's ass as he walked by, it took a few seconds for Izuku to register what had happened, and by then the perverts death warrant was already signed by non other than Katsuki Bakugou.
Katsuki yanked Izuku behind him saying nothing other than a low and passive growl, "mine".
Izuku wasn't much for needless fights so he was torn between looking away and watching the epic battle between two boys with amazing Quirks.
It was practically a power show and Izuku found him self distracted by the movements of Katsukis muscles as he punched, dodged, kicked and set off small explosions everywhere.

[Deku POV]
Kacchan insisted on being allowed to walk home without assistance regardless of the many injuries he acquired during the fight. He wiped blood from his mouth as I patched him up.

"Kacchan, that really wasn't necessary, I'm fine really" I try to laugh the incident off

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"Kacchan, that really wasn't necessary, I'm fine really" I try to laugh the incident off.
"Fine? Fine?! You're saying you're fine with perverts touching you whenever they like?" Kacchan snaps.
"I didn't mean it like that" I try to defend myself.
"I'm your boyfriend Deku, it's my job to protect you, even if you are a shitty nerd with no gratitude" he begins to sulk at me.
"Thank you Kacchan" I kiss his forehead, perhaps the only part of his face I haven't bandaged.
"Bout time shitty nerd" he continues to sulk.
"Your pretty banged up" I mutter, ignoring Kacchan's sulking.
"At least I walked away from the fight" Kacchan pouts.
"You really didn't have to hit him so hard, anyone would think you were crazy" I shook my head.
"That's quite a possessive growl you have" I teased. "Almost sounded jealous"
Kacchan began to blush, but tried to play it off cool.
"Jealous? Tch, whatever, I could grab your ass whenever I wanted to!" He proclaims.
"So why don't you?" I giggled at him.
"You're strangely confident today" Kacchan comments.
"Well I have the big bad scary Kacchan to protect me" I proclaimed, beaming with pride.
"Who will protect you from me?" He asks.
"You will still. You wouldn't wanna disfigure my face would you?" I giggle at him again.
"Shitty nerd" he laughs it off, ruffling my hair.
"Hey Kacchan... you were right..."
"Of course I was... right about what?" He asks.
"It wasn't fine... thank you" I mumble.
Kacchan pulls me into a tight hug.
He leans down and kisses me.
"I saw you watching today Deku" he growls in my ear, "it was a little distracting. Who was the real pervert today?"
I feel my cheeks burning.
"I-I uh..."
"You?" He challenges.
"You're really hot Kacchan" It just slipped out.
Kacchan smirks at me.
"Is that so, Deku?"
He leans down and captures me in a full mouth kiss.
"Mmm~" was the only response I gave.
He grabs my ass lifting me on to the counter top, giving my ass a tight squeeze on the way up.
"I guess I'll have to take you up on that offer, Izuku" he breathes into my ear.
He pulls me back into a heated kiss, running his tongue along my lip, asking for entrance.
I open my mouth and give him what he wants. He explores my mouth and pushes my legs apart, standing between them. He ends up pulling me right back off the counter again and carrying me up to the bedroom, not breaking the kiss for a moment, until he has me pinned on the bed.
"K-Kacchan?" I nervously mumble as he throws my pants across the room.
"You're mine Deku, only mine" he growls in a low and husky voice.
"K-k-Kacchan it's only eleven am!" I try to justify my reluctance, but the truth is the natural light filtering into the room means I have no choice but to watch the scene unravel and I'm just to nervous!
"That means we have plenty of time for everything else we have to do" Kacchan dismisses my excuse and begins to suck on top of my underwear.
"Mmmppphhhh~" I bite my lip, trying to muffle my pleasure.

Watching Deku struggle to hold back moans made my member throb. I quickly removed my own clothes and Deku's shirt.
I continued to tease Deku enjoying the string of moans that came from his mouth as he squirmed.
"Kacchan, S-stop t-t-teasing" he pants.
"Anything you want Deku babe" I slipped his underwear off and began to suck. I waited for him to clench his eyes shut to slip a tube of lube out from the desk draw, careful not to make much noise. I coated my fingers while I sucked and slipped one into his hole.
He squeaked with surprise and his eyes flew open.
Before he could protest I leaned up kissing his mouth to keep him calm. I carefully moved my finger back and forwards before adding a second. I bit into Deku's neck and collar bone, distracting him enough he gave no protest. He leans his head back letting out loud moans as I hit prostate. Bingo.
Adding a third finger I thrust hard and fast and music hit my ears.
"F-fuck K-K-Kacchan!" Izuku screamed my name.
It was the first time I'd ever heard him swear.
I swapped my fingers out for my throbbing member, grunting as my entire length was taken in by his tight hole.
Deku leant up and kissed my mouth, only pulling back to pant as I increased the pace.

"Kacchan I-" "I know Deku" I growled

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"Kacchan I-"
"I know Deku" I growled.
Deku leaked precum as he neared his end and I willed myself to hurry along with him.
Picking up the pace once more and thrusting as though my life depended on it I began to shake. I could feel Deku's ass tighten and expand with every movement. Every wave of pleasure he felt causing him to contract.
"G-g-god Deku, you're so tight" I grunt.
"Kaaa~ Kacchannnn~" he moans my name sweetly as he comes on my chest and I follow soon after cumming in his ass.
He squirms at the feeling and the excess leaks onto the bed.
I pull out and roll off him.
"We jus- just" he pants "we just cleaned this bed this morning"
"Shut up Deku"

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