How did we get here?!

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[No POV]

It takes a special kind of drunk to turn a party into a private show, Izuku is just that kind of drunk.

"Deku, S-stop... all of that" I helplessly gestured to my drunk boyfriend as he started stripping. I'd convinced him to go to this crazy party with me, he got so drunk the guy who owns the place sent us up to a room.
The only issue with the room was a stripper poll it had in the centre of the room. Don't get me wrong, some couples would love it, but once Deku sobers up I'm going to be in sooo much trouble.
"Hey Katsuki! Look at me~" he purred. He was swinging around the poll.
I was to sober to handle drunken Deku... I decided to stoop to his level and started drinking too. It went straight to my head and before I knew it I was getting in on his stupid antics. That fucking needy nerd.

[No POV] Katsuki smirked as his lover flipped himself upside down using nothing more than a single toned leg to hold himself up

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[No POV]
Katsuki smirked as his lover flipped himself upside down using nothing more than a single toned leg to hold himself up. As Midoriya reached out to caress his face Katsuki started to run his fingers through Midoriyas hair.
"Kacchan~" he breathed the nickname with ease.
Things where about to get hot and heavy when Katsukis phone rang.
( no complaining, you've had plenty of smut chapters 😂😂)

[Bakugou POV]
I answered the phone to hear my Mother telling me she's on the way home and they're only twenty minutes away.
"Fuuuuuuuuck" I groan.
"Kacchan?" Deku raises an eyebrow at me, slowly unwinding himself from the pole. "What's wrong?".
"We've got twenty minutes to beat our parents home" I grunt.
"I'd rather stay here~" Deku purrs climbing onto my lap.
"Deku" I growl, "sober the fuck up!".
"I feel fine~" he runs his hands down my chest and loop his fingers through the belt loops on my pants.
"Deku" I let out a warning growl.
The fucking nerd was beyond off his face. He has no shame left in his body.
"Let's go home" I bark. I start dragging the idiot out of the building and walking him back to my place.
"Kacchan~" he whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck. I shook my head willing the dirty thoughts away.
"Deku, your mother is going to have a fucking heart attack when she sees you" I scold him.
"I only want to see you~" he giggles. It was as if he was getting drunker instead of sobering up. Was it only just now starting to get to him?! 
We made it inside with only five minutes to spare.
I sat on the couch with Deku, a pillow on my lap to keep his grubby paws off and uh... cover everything if our parents came home at a bad time.
"Kacchan" Deku whined throwing himself at me. "Why won't you look at me?"
His face was flushed as he leaned up pushing his face close to mine, forcing me to look at him.
"Deku, your drunk" I inform him. He giggles at me.  I scowl at him as he sits on the pillow on my lap and straddles me. Annoyed he pushes himself up to grab the pillow and throw it away. 
"Not now, Izuku" I growl.
"Not now what?" My mother glares as she walks into the room.
Izuku's mothers draw drops as she sees her son straddle my hips and giggle into my neck.
He leans back to look at her.
"When did you get here?" He hiccups.
"Help" I squeak.
"You let that poor boy get drunk off his face!" My mother starts, falling into a rage. I look at Izuku's mother for rescue. She's staring at Deku with wide eyes, her face red and clearly shocked.
Ohhh boy.
"I'm glad your getting along" she squeaks.
I burry my face in Deku's chest as he completely disrespects the situation and continuous to move around like a child.
Not now Deku!

THE END! ... no longer the end due to popular demand!

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