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[ Midoriya ]
I woke up needing to pee, very, very badly. The weight on top of me was doing nothing to help it.
"Kacchan" I squeaked.
"Mmm?" He hummed in a deep and husky morning voice.
"Off" I shoved him off and he rolled onto the cold floor.
"Shitty Deku" he mumbled. Instead of getting up he just rolled into a burrito, using the blanket as a wrapping.
I didn't have time to be amused because I had to pee, so very, very badly. I dashed into the bathroom, a sigh of relief escaping me.

I returned to find Kacchan still on the ground.
"Deku" he whined.
"Yes, Kacchan?"
"Bring the pillow over here"
"Kacchan, it's nearly the middle of the day" I point out kindly.
"It's too cold to get up" he whines.
"You are not a morning person"
"You're not a nice person" He retorts.
"I'm sorry for shoving you..." I mumble.
"You should be, shitty Deku!" He tried to roll away but became tangled in the blankets.
I knelt down to help when I noticed he wasn't just looking at me anymore. His intense stare caused me to blush a vibrant red. I shuffled my weight, uncomfortable under his gaze. His smile had dropped and he was looking at me as if he had just realised something. His eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. He blinked at me a few times.

I had only been gazing up at Izuku before I fell into a deep stare. I felt of surge of emotion, rippling through me. I was somewhere between a giddy high school girl and a very serious man. I knew I liked Deku, a lot, but as he made his way over to save me from the blanket I trapped myself in I realised I was in love with him.
I was looking up at him as he laughed, eyes bright and smile wide and realised I'd walk through a damn wall to keep that smile on his face. He may be a shitty nerd, completely obsessed with the hero he never could of been before, but he was my shitty nerd.
I'd been so obsessed with keeping his attention on me I'd walked all over him to get it, and now that I had it I wanted nothing more than to turn back time and watch him smile instead.
To think I was one of the things stopping him from smiling like that wracked me with guilt.
"Deku?" I barely said his name.
"K-K-Kacchan... your making me nervous" he blushed.
"Deku, why do you like me?" I asked bluntly.
"I've always liked you Kacchan" he answered without skipping a beat.
"You're a strong leader, but your very vulnerable. You've always been emotional and even though you always go about it the wrong way, your intentions are always good. Your not good at expressing yourself Kacchan, it's... cute" Deku blushes as he tried to explain himself.
"You like me because I'm cute?" I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to erase the negative thoughts travelling around my head. Deku was happy now, and that's all that mattered.
"Kacchan that's not what I meant" he tries to defend himself.
"I see how it is, Deku, your only here for my body" I tease.
"Kacchan" he whines, "you know that's not true".
"I know" I laugh it off, punching him in the shoulder.
"Ow! Kacchan that was to hard" he complains.
"What's to hard?" I smirk.
"Jerk" he mutters.
"Deku" I growl.
"S-sorry K-Kac"
I cut him off.
"I love you, shitty nerd"
My confession was followed by a long and awkward silence.
"I'm in love with you to Kacchan" he beams at me "even if you are a bully".
I stick my tongue out at him.
"Whatever loser"
"Hey Kacchan?"
"Yes Deku?"
"Are we... a thing now?"
"Yeah Deku, we are"
"Then your dating a loser" he throws me a cheeky grin. For once I didn't feel like growling or throwing a petty insult.
I just pulled Deku into a strong hug.
"Only I get to call my boyfriend a loser" I tease.
"Double standards".

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