Please... stop. (Another Chapter)

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None of you wanted it to end yet soooooooooo...
Upon popular demand, here is more Katsudeku!

[Bakugou POV]
"Deku" I growled as he continued to assault my neck with kisses. I really was trying to scold him.
"Your son is a very affectionate drunk" my mother tried to lighten the mood as she joked to Izuku's mother.
"I had no idea... perhaps we should... come back later?" She was quite flustered and it was easy to see where Deku got his shyness from.
"Oh no, I have a few questions" the old hag smirked. I wanted to blow the entire house up and be swallowed by the floor. PDA wasn't my forte. Especially when families where involved.
"Shut it, old hag" I threatened.
"I knew you liked him" she teased. 
"He's the one all over me" I shouted back at her.
"Oh my" was all Deku's mother could say.
"You haven't pushed him off yet" she countered.
I couldn't either. Stupid Deku had been wiggling around to much and even in this awkward situation my lower half was clearly not getting the message and it was safe to say I was a bit excited. There was no way my mother and my boyfriends mother where going to see... that. My face was beyond red, I'd never felt so hot in my life. I was desperate to have Deku sober up.
"A-are you two... together?" Deku's mum asked politely. Even she stutters. Jesus Christ what is with this family?!
"Yes" I growled out. 
"How long?" She asked, clearly curious.
"Enough questions!" I snapped.
She looked quite taken aback and I took a moment to remember she didn't know me very well. Good just Bakugou, you just yelled at your boyfriend Mum.  (Just realised I've been spelling Mum with a u... I'm Australian sorry guys)
My own mother started bombarding me with questions as well, much more aggressively. I quickly became overwhelmed. I was not made for this kind of attention. I was red head from toe. I knew I couldn't just yell at them and threaten their lives like I always do, Deku's Mum would probably freak, I don't want her keeping him away from me. I panicked and moved to my last resort.

[No POV]
A defeated and embarrassed Katsuki bowed his head in shame as he quietly whispered, "please... stop". To afraid of scaring his boyfriends mum to use his Normal tsudere tactics of pure rage he resorted to something he'd never thought he'd have to do... good manners. His mother was shellshocked.
Deku's mother couldn't help but aww at the situation. It would be much cuter if her beloved Izuku wasn't pawing at the boy.
"I think I'll go home" she spoke quietly. "I'll leave you boys alone, take good care of my boy". With that she left, taking the hint. Katsukis mother followed suit. How could she not? Her son actually used manners, for the first time in his life! She decided to reward his behaviour by giving in and leaving the poor boy alone. She raised him after all she knew exactly how awkward he was. You don't have to be the boys mother to know he's a violent mess, but it certainly helps.

[Bakugou POV]
A wave of relief rushed over me as they left. I left out the shaky breath I'd been holding in. Deku began to suck at my neck, annoyed at my lack of response.
"Fuck Deku, you're going to hate yourself in the morning" I shuddered, he began to nibble my ear.
"Kacchan, I don't care about the morning" he whispered. His alcohol flushed face and half lidded eyes staring up at me.
"Ooh boy..." I sighed.
He shuffled his weight and I let out a small groan. Noticing this Deku decided to rub his ass against my crotch. 
"Damn Deku" I breathed. "I can't do this while your drunk" I was barely holding on to that moral.
"Kacchan" he purred "please?".
I turned my head away blushing. As long as I do nothing and he does everything he can't be mad later... right?
As he began to grind against me I found myself more than a little relived that he had enough sense in his drunken stupor to at least have waited for our parents to leave.
"If you won't touch me Kacchan, I'll just have to touch you~" he slipped a hand down my pants and I moaned. I was still feeling the light buzz of being a little tipsy from the party, and Deku's teasing had been driving me crazy. He palmed my member gently, I let my head fall against the back of the couch, red faced for an entirely different reason.
He sucked at my collar bone as I lent back. I reminded myself I wasn't taking advantage if I made no advances and hoped I could believe it in the morning. He was seducing me, not the other way around. My lust filled brain wasn't even ready to begin considering what was and wasn't right.
Deku slipped my shirt off and threw it in the floor, kissing down my torso. He'd removed his hands from my pants and I watched in anticipation. I'll never admit it to him, but I liked it when he topped just as much as I liked it when he bottomed. Just as long as he didn't try to fuck me senseless. I was a giver not a taker.
He kissed along my pant line and I squirmed. All that dirty talk and he had more patience then I had. Damnit Deku!
"F-fuck" I breathed.
"Hmm~?" He purred.
He pulled my pants off and sucked around the thin fabric that surrounded my fully erect member.
"Nnnggghgg, Deku" I was desperate for skin on skin contact. I began to pant, frustration building.
"What's my name, Katsuki?" He asked.
"I-Izuku" I moaned as he pulled my underwear down and sucked my member, wet mouth coating it in his saliva.
He giggled, sending vibrations along my erection. I felt my body tense and ease as waves of pleasure ran through it. I silently begged that Deku would forget this by the morning. I was used to being in control.
"I love you, Kacchan" he mumbled around his mouthful.
I could barely stand to look at him as a warmth pooled around my lower end.
He swirled his tongue and bobbed his head. Fairy soft touches dancing around my thighs as he ran his hands all over me .
"D-Deku I-I" struggling to stop myself from thrusting into his mouth I gripped the couch for dear life.
"Mmmmphhhh~ ahh~" I moaned, head thrown back. Drunk Deku was fucking amazing. I had no idea he could be like this. When he relaxed and was shameless and let himself really work it was a god send.
Every moan filled him with joy and he giggled, sending more vibrations around my member.
"Nggggghhh! D-Deku I can't" I began to pant. "I-I I'm c-cominnnnggggggghhhh~" I released into his mouth and he smirked at me.
"I-I'm gonna take a shower" I mumbled, running away.

[Bakugou POV (still) ]
"Noooooo!" Deku wailed.
"C'mon Deku!" I growled.
"I can never face my mother again!" He whined.
"You? I was rock hard during the entire conversation because of YOU!!" I yelled.
"I straddled you in front of our parents" Deku groaned into his hands.
"You practically raped me in front of our parents!" I remind him.
"I want to die" he whined.

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