Operation Delete The P***

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—- Author note ——
Can I bribe you guys to sign up to ko-fi with more smut? 😂😂😂

I'm kidding you guys wanted this sooooo bad I decided to continue the story 

(note: update on the game will be at the end of the chapter). 


[ Bakugou POV ]

Something has been bothering me for a really long time...

"Oi Deku..." 

"Yes, Kacchan?" Deku looks up from the book he's reading on my bed. 

"Remember Friday afternoon... in the uh... school shed?" I rub the back of my neck as blood rushes up to my face. 

"Yes?" Deku gets a confused look on his face. 

A light blush covers his face. 

"Do you think the school has cameras in the shed..you know, security tapes..." I sighed as I finally voiced my concerns. 

Deku drops the book he was holding and before I knew it he was babbling and gushing. He was talking so fast I couldn't understand a word he was saying. 


He continued to talk over me. 


I was beginning to get irritated with the constant chatter. 


"S-sorry Kacchan" he squeaks, bowing his head. 

"Deku," I growl. 

"S-sorry Kacchan! I didn't mean to act afraid! I promise I won't do it again!" he continues to fumble around. 

"Deku, relax a minute." I tried not to bark it out but it still sounded like an order. 

"Kacchan," Deku had a very serious look on his face "we have to delete the tape." 

I try to stifle a laugh but end up snorting through my nose. 

"What?" Deku crosses his arms very seriously. 

"We have a sex tape," 

"That's not funny Kacchan! What if someone sees it?!" Deku begins to shriek again. 

"Alright, alright, but how are we going to break into UA?" 

"No offence Kacchan but we might need help... I don't think blowing up the school is going to work..." 

"You want to tell our friends we accidentally made a sex tape in the school shed?" I give him the best deadpan expression I have. 

He starts banging his head into the wall. 




"This is worse than the time I got drunk!" he whines. 

"We can do this, we're the best heroes in our class Deku we don't need help," I huff. 

Deku suddenly starts beaming at me. 

"What?" I ask, irritated. 

"You called me a hero!" he continues to beam, almost blinding me with his smile. 

"Y-yeah well don't get used to it, shitty nerd!" I feel the blood creep up to my face and turn away from him, pretending to be interested in something on the computer. 

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