Blushing Bakugou!

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I successfully managed to distract Deku from my red face. He was so busy trying to defend himself he'd completely forgotten about it. Shitty Deku... why is he always so observant? I was proud of my escape, I didn't care how upset Deku was. Until he started crying...
"Would you hate me even more Kacchan?" He sobbed.
"What are you talking about, shitty Deku?"
Instead of responding he hides his face in his hands.
"Deku? You better answer me" I growl.
He squeaks at me in response.
"Deku I swear I will blow you to the next- I mean explode... fuck it! I'll use my quirk on you if you do not answer me"
"Kacchan... is... being... you know... so bad?" He sniffles
"What Deku? Is being what so bad?" I continue to press him for answers but by now I could guess. Deku really is gay...
"Kacchan I-"
"What Deku? Spit it out!"
"Ilikeboys" he mumbles
"I'm gay!" He shouts.
"Told you so" I act indifferent, letting him know nothing has changed.
"It doesn't bother you?" He asked.
"Id be more bothered if you walked in here to tell me it was snowing outside" I pretend to be annoyed.
"Kacchan... it is snowing outside"
Now I'm annoyed.
"How bad?" I ask.
"We've been snowed in for half an hour..."
"Shitty Deku! Why didn't you say so earlier?!"
"I didn't think it would bother you..." he hangs his head low.

Kacchan didn't care! I've never felt so relieved in my life! Maybe that means... no Midoriya, that's wishful thinking. But could he be? Could Kacchan be gay? Do I have a chance after all? I try to calm down but a smile spreads across my face.
"What are you so happy about Deku?" Kacchan asks, irritated.
"Oh I uh..."
"Do you like snow or something?"
"I-I I mean..."
"Or is the idea of being snowed into the same house of me that appealing to you?" He doesn't look up from the game, which he'd started playing on single player mode when I'd had my... moment.
"No! I mean... I'm not bothered by it... not that it's great! I uh" please stop talking. Will I please stop talking.
Kacchan gives me a side glance. He smirks.
"Jee Deku, anyone would think you're in love with me" he snickers at his own joke, with no idea how cruel his being.
I blush a bright red and do my best not to look at him. When I don't respond he starts talking again.
"This conversation is feeling a little one sided" he sounds irritated.
"S-sorry Kacchan!" I rush to apologise. He makes me so nervous. I can never tell what he's thinking.
"So who is it Deku?" Kacchan asks, he doesn't sound like he really cares.
"Who is what?" I ask confused.
"You're gay right? So there's gotta be a guy you like" he keeps playing the game like it's a topic of no interest. I can't help but have my heart skip a beat. He's got to be a little bit interested if he's asking right?
"Deku?" He asks, he glances over at me again. I guess I forgot to reply, I was so caught up in my own world.
I feel blood rush up towards my face. I have to think of someone! I can't tell him the truth!
"It better not be that half and half bastard" Kacchan sneers with disgust.
"No, not him... it's umm... no one!" I rush the words out.
"How can you know you're gay if you don't like any boys?" Kacchan challenges my answer.
"Is it the fast and furious freak? Iida?" Kacchan continuous to press for details.
"Why do you care, Kacchan?"
"N-no reason" he turns his head sharply away from me.
I stare in disbelief... this time I know for sure he's blushing. I pray before I open my mouth to speak.
"It's you"
"I have a crush on you, Kacchan"
Even his ears go red and it looks like he could start smoking any second.
"Shitty Deku" he mumbles.
"I-I like you to..."

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