First Time For Everything

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------- Author Note -------
None of you Katsubabes answered my question in the last chapter so... be warned.


You have been warned.

---- end note ----
Deku shuddered below me as I sucked on his neck and collar bone. It didn't matter that he was biting his lip, because it did nothing to muffle his soft whines.
It was all the encouragement I needed. I adjusted my position so I could pin both of Deku's arms with only one hand.
"K-Kacchan?" Deku practically breathed my name. I pressed my lips against his softly, distracting him. I waited until I had him in a full mouth kiss before I made my move. I'm going to make you moan for me Deku, and you're going to love every second of it.
I carefully slipped my hand between us. Making sure not to brush against him. If he figured out what I was up to he might make me stop before I had a chance to win him over.
While he was distracted and his eyes where closed, I slid my hand between his legs, not giving him a chance to respond I began to palm him through his pants.
I pulled away from our kiss as he squeaked in surprise.
"K-Ka-Kacchan!" He tried to protest, but he's body wasn't where his mind was.
I could feel his erection through the fabric of his pants.
I smirked as he squirmed below me.
"Say it again, Deku" I growled.
"K-Ka... K-Kach-chan" he moaned. Every time he tried to speak I rubbed just a little bit faster, just a little bit harder, before I slipped my hand underneath his pants. A thin, pathetic layer of underwear stood between me and Deku's dick. I'm pretty sure he doesn't need them anymore.
I began to tug at his pants when he struggled against me.
"What is it Deku?" I groaned. He wasn't really going to stop me here was he?
"Kacchan" he blushed "were in the living room".
I stared at him confused.
"Deku, were snowed in, no one is going to walk in here".

Kacchan sounded annoyed. I couldn't help it. I was so nervous, just a few hours ago I was sure he hated me, now he wanted to... right here... in the couch?
I stared at him with wide eyes.
"Shitty Deku" Kacchan scowled, before sweeping me up bridal style. "You want a bedroom? You get a bedroom" he growled.
"Wait, Kacchan!"
He threw me down to the bed and pinned me down.
"What is it now Deku?" He was getting mad.
"I-I... c-could you... t-turn the light off?" I blushed a dark shade of red. I could feel the heat rise to my face and it felt like I was burning.
Kacchan smirked "Shy Deku?" He asked.
"K-Kacchan? W-what are you..."
"I'm going to make you watch every moment" he growled in my ear before giving it a nibble. I didn't want to admit how good it felt.
He tore off my pants before I could protest and threw them across the room.
"I know you like it when I'm rough with you Deku" his eyes gleamed as he loomed over me.
I couldn't find the words I needed.
He started to stare at my erection, clearly visible through my bright green underwear. I could feel my face getting redder.
I quickly covered myself with my hands.
"Deku" Kacchan growled, a low, more threatening growl. I slowly moved my hands a way. He kissed my tip through my underwear and I squirmed. Gah! This is so embarrassing! He doesn't seem phased at all!
He sits up and pulls off my shirt. "Izuku Midoriya, I'm going to make you scream my name" he stated proudly.
I'm done for.

[ Bakugou ]
Deku was a gorgeous shade of red. He watched me, eyes wide as I teased him through his underwear.
"If you look away for a second, I'm going to stop, burn your clothes and leave you hard and naked" I threatened.
He nodded meekly.
He bit his lip as I kissed down his stomach, around his thighs, and on his very tip, through the thin material. He wanted to look away, he wanted to close his eyes, but I wouldn't let him.
I hand flew over his mouth when I sucked on his through his underwear. It barely muffled the audible moan. I tore away his underwear and he went to cover himself once more. Before he had the chance I put his entire length in my mouth. His hands, instead found the headboard and he gripped to for dear life.
"Kacchan~" he panted.
I sucked, licked and teased. A song of moans flowed from his mouth. His eyes flew shut, but instead of stopping I went faster.
"K-Kacchan~!" He couldn't take it anymore, he wanted release so bad... so I stopped.

Kacchan suddenly stopped and I couldn't help but whimper. I was so close, and the cold air hit my member sharply.
"Kacchan?" I squeaked.
"Tell me what you want Deku" he smirked, his voice taunting me.
"K-Kacchan!" I blushed furiously. "D-don't make me say it".
"Stupid Deku" he taunted "you're so much cuter when you get shy". He bit his lip, I couldn't help but let my eyes wander.
"K-Kacchan..." I mumbled.
"Deku?" He challenged.
"P-please" I begged. I was so nervous my stomach was turning in knots. I felt my dick throbbing and I squirmed.
"Please what, Deku?"
"Please... please... finish what you started" I turned away, unable to handle the embarrassment. Dammit Kacchan, you're always teasing me!
"You want me to suck you off Deku?" Kacchan smirked confidently.
I gave a meek nod.
"Say it" he ordered.
"K-k-Kacchan... please su-Aaaahhhh~ mmmphhhhh"
He began to suck as I was talking.
"Anything you want Deku, babe" he growled in a low and husky voice.
I couldn't take it anymore!
"Kacchan! I'm going to c-"
"You taste so sweet Deku"
I hadn't been quick enough to warm him. As if on cue the blood rushed up to my face. That hadn't taken him very long at all...
I looked down at Kacchan and noticed a very obvious, very large bulge in his pants...
"Kacchan... I... I could... take care of that for you..." I stuttered.
Kacchan stared at me in surprise. He didn't hesitate long and immediately began stripping.

---- Author Note ---- I promise to do better next chapter! This was my first smut fic

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---- Author Note ----
I promise to do better next chapter! This was my first smut fic... I got a little side tracked!

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