Chapter 2: Dreams

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{Gracelyn Adams}


I groan and attempt to roll over to snooze my alarm, but a pair of arms holds on to me tightly, stopping me. Shawn mumbles, "No.", into my shoulder. I freeze. When did he start cuddling me? "Um.", my voice trembles. "Shawn, can you please let go?" He opens his eyes, assessing the situation and says, "Shit, sorry.", and releases me.

I grab my phone and click snooze. It stops beeping and we sigh together. I turn over back to Shawn and he smiles at me. "Can I, um, tell you something I've never told you before? Or, actually, anyone as a matter fact.", he says, nervously. My heart starts hammering. "Sure.", I try to answer confidently, but not succeeding. "Um, I hate tofu.", he laughs. I chuckle. "I already knew that, dumbo.", I say, getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom.

Shawn knew I already knew he didn't like tofu, so why would he say it again? That doesn't make sense. But, what does make sense, is him saying that, because he didn't have the courage to say what he really wanted to say.

I shake my head, trying to stop thinking about the situation. I tend to overthink and go to the worst possible scenario in my head. It's best to stop it early, especially when it's about boys.

I grab my makeup bag, doing my everyday makeup, and let my hair down from it's braid, leaving it curly. I pull it loose, turn the light off, and close the door. The bright color of a sticky note from my desk catches my eye, causing me to walk over there.

Packing up some of our things

for the trip, i'm down stairs

I smile and walk to my closet, picking out an oversized tan nike hoodie and black biker shorts. I quickly put them on, finish packing up last minute things, and bring down my bags.

"I'll take that.", Shawn says, taking my suitcase to his car. "Thank you.", I say. I look around the house, taking one last look, making sure we have everything.

"Ready?", Shawn says, coming into the house, checking that he loaded everything into the car. I nod. "Ready." I hand him his car keys and we head out the door. "WAIT!", I say, stopping. "What?", Shawn says, startled. "Coffee! I haven't had my morning coffee." "We can stop and get some.", Shawn suggests. "Okay. Now you won't have to deal with grumpy Grace.", I laugh. "Yeah, no one wants to deal with grumpy Grace.", he says, buckling up. I smack his arm. "Hey!" "What it's true.", he says, rubbing where I hit.

"You better hurry up or you'll be seeing grumpy Grace again.", I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

After a few minutes, he pulls into the Dunkin Donuts closest to my apartment, knowing that's the only chain coffee I drink. He orders our usual drinks, a iced almond milk latte with caramel and a regular iced coffee. "Here is the latte.", the cashier says, handing Shawn the latte, him passing it to me. "And the iced coffee.", the cashier says, handing Shawn his coffee. We pay, thank them for our drinks, and drive out of the parking lot.

"Okay. We got our drinks. Ready to hit the road?", he asks me. I nod. "Ready!"


We pull up to the address in the GPS, seeing other cars. "Woah, this place is huge.", I say. "Yeah. It's perfect for how many people are coming.", Shawn says, getting out of the car.

We grab all of our luggage out of the car and walk to the front door. I knock on the door, basically as soon as I knock, it opens revealing Kaylen standing there smiling. "Gracelyn! Shawn! Come in, come in!" We come through the doors and set our bags down once again. I take a look around the place and sigh. This place is beautiful. I look up to see Corbyn, Christina, Daniel, Zach, Caroline, Jack, and Jonah sitting in the living room.

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