Chapter 29: With You

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{Gracelyn Adams}

"Grace, we gotta get up and pack.", Shawn says, softly rubbing my back. "Hey.", I say, yawning. "Hey. How do you feel?", he asks. "I feel good. I really do.", I say, smiling. He puts his hand on my bare hip and kisses my head. "Are you hurting?", he asks, gently. I smile. "A tiny bit. Just sore."

He kisses my head. "It should go away soon." I nod. "How are you feeling?", I ask, looking up at him. He starts playing with the curls in my hair. "I feel good. Great. I enjoyed last night.", he says. I smile. "Yeah, I did, too. I hate to ruin this, but we need to get up.", I say, kissing him and getting out of bed, slipping on some clothes, one of which just happens to be his t-shirt.

He gets up and gets dressed. "Hey, that looks good on you.", he says. I smile. "Thanks. It smells like you.", I say, smelling the shirt.

He smiles and goes to the bathroom to pack.

"I love you, you know that?", he asks, coming back into the room, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I lay my head back against him and smile. "I know it. I love you.", I say, kissing his lips. He kisses back, putting his head in the crook of my neck. A knock sounds at the door and I unwrap myself from him, walking over to it, opening the door.

Jack stands there, looking really awkward. "Oh, hey, Jack. What's up?", I ask, acting like I'm not dreading this conversation. "Um, I was wondering if we could talk. Or are you doing something?", he asks. "I'm packing our stuff up, but we can talk. Wanna go sit outside?", I ask. He nods. "Are y'all leaving today?", he asks. I nod. "Yeah. I've gotta get home to Sarah. We are also going to go pack up Shawn's stuff. He's moving in with me.", I say. Jack smiles.

"That's awesome.", he says, opening the door to the patio, letting me out. I nod. "Yeah, I'm excited. He's already over there 24/7.", I chuckle, sitting in a patio chair. "Yeah, I get that. I basically live here.", he says. "Um, you wanted to talk to me about something?", I say, trying to get this conversation over with.

"Well, I figured we needed to talk about last night.", he says. I nod. "Yeah, I agree." "First, I wanted to say I'm so sorry. This isn't the way I should have told you. I hadn't planned on telling anyone. Well, Corbyn knows, but I went to him for advice about it." I smile smally. "I'm not mad." His face brightens. "Really?", he asks. I nod. "Of course. I mean, we can't control our feelings. That doesn't mean I like you in that way, though. You are like my brother. I love you, but like a brother. I hope we can remain that way?", I ask. He nods. "I'd like that. It will fade.", he says. I smile. "I know it will. Now, I have to get Kaylen to be my best friend again.", I sigh.

"Look let me talk to her, I'll talk some sense into her.", he says. I hesitate. "Is that a good idea?", I ask. He laughs. "Oh, yeah. We made up. You really think she would let me be here if we didn't?" I laugh. "You're right. So, y'all are still together?" He nods. "Yeah. She cares too much about me, that's why she let me stay last night. But, I love her, I can't lose her. Let me go talk to her.", he says, walking to the door to go inside.

I walk back up the stairs to Shawn and open the door, seeing our bags sitting nice and neat, already packed. I grin at Shawn. "You didn't have to do that.", I say. "I know. But, I wanted to.", he says, walking up to me smiling.

"Why are you smiling.", I chuckle. "Well, I got you a little something.", he says, taking something out of his pocket. My heart drops and I back up. "No, Shawn, it's too soon." He looks at me weird, "What?" I put a hand to my head. "Oh, my god. I am so stupid. I thought you were gonna propose or something.", I say, laughing. He starts laughing. "No, I mean, yeah, it's way too soon. Anyways, on June 9th, was the day we got together.", Shawn says. I blush. "Yeah, it was." "Well, today is our 5 month anniversary. I got you a little something.", he says, handing me a pouch that says Cartier. "Shawn.", I say, blushing.

I open the pouch seeing a beautiful bracelet that looks like a nail molded into the shape of a bracelet, with tiny diamonds lining the head of the nail . I smile at him. "Holy crap. This is so beautiful. Thank you." "I saw you looking at them the last time we were at Cartier. I thought you would like it.", he says. I hug him. "I do. Thank you." I say, kissing him. "Hey, I have more.", he laughs as we pull away.

I gape at him. "Isn't this enough?", I say to him. "It's just one more. But... you have to wait until we get home.", he says. "Shawn! I hate surprises!", I say. "Well, it's big. I couldn't bring it with us. And, it wasn't delivered when we left, but I think it is now.", he says.

"I didn't get you anything.", I frown. "It's not a big deal. I just wanted to spoil you.", he smiles, putting his arms around me. "Well, thank you, Shawn. I don't deserve you.", I say, kissing him.


Don't ask questions you don't wanna know

Learned my lesson way too long ago

To be talking to you, belladonna

Shoulda taken a break, not an oxford comma

Take what I want when I wanna

And I want ya

Knock, knock!

I close my journal and say, "Come in!" Shawn walks into the office and sits in the seat next to me. "Hey, angel.", he says, kissing my cheek. I smile and run my hands through his hair. I've been in a much more lovey mood since, you know.

"Are you writing?", Shawn asks, looking at my journal. I nod. "I have a new concept for a song.", I say, flipping to the new pages. "Don't make fun of it.", I say, handing it to him. "I would never.", he says. He reads through the paragraph and looks at me weirdly. "Why would I make fun of you over this?", he asks. I grin. "Well, I want to make a song about The Office. And I want this paragraph in it." "That's actually a really good idea. Except, you would have to get the actual production of the show's permission.", Shawn says, handing me back my journal.

"Yeah, that honestly works out though. I want audio in it from the actual episodes, so I could talk to them about that." "So are you planning on releasing it, then?", Shawn questions. I shrug. "I don't really know. If I do, it would be for someone else. I don't want to sing it.", I say. He frowns. "You should give it a chance. But, I've already pushed it enough. Anyways, do you want to see your other present?", he asks, smiling.

My face brightens and I nod, walking out of the room with him. I follow him into the kitchen and dining room area, seeing a big canvas on the dining table. As we get up closer, I see it's a picture of us with paint and brushes next to it.

I turn to him and smile. "Do we get to paint a picture of us?", I ask. He nods. "I thought it would be a fun thing for both of us to do.", he says. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, feeling his arms on my back. I bury my face in his neck, saying, "Shawn, that's the nicest thing anyone has done for me." "Really? I didn't think it was the nicest.", he chuckles. I pick my face up from his neck and look at him, "It's really thoughtful. I'm so happy.", I say, kissing his lips.

He kisses me back, but I pull away quickly, hopping down. "Come on!" he says, making me smack his arm. "Hey! Let's get to work!", I say, pulling my hair up into a bun and pulling up the sleeves on my sweatshirt.

"Let's get this started!", I say, excitedly. "I'm so happy you like this, Grace.", Shawn says. I smile. "Of course I'm happy. I'm with you."


Okay, I thought this chapter was really cute.

Chapter 29 edited!

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