Chapter 26: Meant To Be

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{Gracelyn Adams}

"Shawn?", I ask, walking into the office. "Yes?", he says, setting his journal down. "I lowkey forgot to tell you that I planned a mini trip to see the WDW boys?" He grins widely. "Awesome! But, what about Sarah?" "It's only going to be a couple days. She'll be fine here.", I say. He nods. "When do we leave?", he asks. "Tomorrow." "Damn, let me go pack.", he says, getting up excitedly, running to my room. I chuckle at his giddiness.


"KAYLEN!!", I scream as she opens the door. "GRACELYN!!!", she screams at the same time. I jump into her arms and hug her. "I've missed you so much!", she says, pulling away. "For real!", I say.

"Hey, Shawn! I've missed you!", she says. "Missed you, too, Kay.", Shawn chuckles, giving her a quick hug. She lets us in her apartment and I gasp at the view. "Kay! This is so beautiful." She blushes. "I really love it here. I hope Jack will move in with me soon.", she says, longingly. "Aw! That's a big milestone. I mean, Shawn practically lives at my place. We're gonna move him in soon. It will definitely go by faster now that we have Sarah to help", I say. Kay smiles. "Aw, Sarah's helping y'all? That's so sweet." "Uh, yeah, she kinda moved in with us.", I say. "What, why?", she asks, furrowing her eyebrows together. That's awesome!"

Shawn unpacks our things and comes out of one of the guest rooms, coming to me and Kaylen. "Hey, Grace? I'm gonna go to the boys house. Do you want to come?", he asks me, wrapping a hand around my waist. "I think I'm going to stay here and catch up with Kay. Have some girl time.", I say, kissing his cheek. He blushes and nods. "Okay, you girls have fun. I'll see you later? Will you come over in a bit?", he asks. I chuckle and nod. "I love you.", he says, blowing me a kiss. "I love you, too.", acting like I caught it, putting my hand to my heart.

He walked out the door and I turned to look at Kaylen. She looks at me seriously. "What?", I asked her. "Grace. I know you. You are stressing about something.", she says. I sigh and play with my fingers in my lap. "I could be better." I say, quietly. She grabs my hands and lifts my face up to look at her. "What's going on?", she asks. I sigh. "My parents are getting a divorce." She looks at me. "That's why Sarah moved in, isn't it?", she asks. I nod. "Yeah. Mom cheated on dad. And Sarah didn't want to live with either of them, so she chose me. I mean, she will be 18 soon anyways, but it will never be the same, you know?", I say, sighing.

She nods. "That's how I felt when my parents got divorced. It sucks, it really does. I mean, holidays are going to be weird, you're going to have to go to double the amount you usually go to. But, that doesn't mean it has to be awkward between you and your parents. It will get back to normal. Yeah, it'll take time, but you'll get used to it.", she says.

That's one of the many things I have always loved about her. She is always honest but in a kind way. A way that makes you feel comforted. I pick my face up. "I know. I just thought this would never happen. I mean, usually parents divorce way sooner than they are.", I say. "Well, it happened and I am so sorry. But, you'll get through it. I'll be here for you whenever you need me.", she smiles.

"How have you and Shawn been?", she asks. I blush at the sound of his name. "Good. Really good. He took Sarah moving in really well.", I say. "But, we did have our first major fight." "What happened?", Kay asks. "We were at the MTV awards. Camila came up to talk to Shawn, but I thought to both of us, but basically she was rude to me. She said that the dress I wore was too much. Then, she fucking kissed Shawn on the cheek. Shawn didn't stand up for me and didn't push her off. He didn't understand but we fixed our issues.", I say. "Well, every couple fights. And y'all have been dating for months and y'all haven't fought." I nod. "Yeah. It sucked in the moment. I was really hurt. But, he seems to understand where I was coming from now. But, other than that, we are doing really good. We told each other we love each other.", I grin. "Oh, my gosh! That's obvious though. Y'all have been loving each other.", she says, nudging my shoulder.

"What? No, we haven't.", I laugh. "Girl. don't lie. I think you've loved him for years.", she smirks. "Uh, no. I've liked him for years.", I say. "Sure. But, he has for sure loved you for years." "Really?", I ask, smiling. "Of course. He adores you so much. You can just see it when he looks at you.", she says, grinning. I blush and look down at my lap. "Really?", I say again.

"Yes. Oh my gosh, Grace, yes. It's crazy how much love is in his eyes. It's beautiful.", she says. I blush. "I feel the same way about him.", I say. "I know. I can see it in you, too. Y'all were meant to be.", she says.

I blush. "I've been told that a couple times.", I say, my phone vibrating, signaling a text message went through. I pick my phone up, seeing Shawn said: You on your way yet? The boys are asking about you! I smile and sigh. "What's wrong?", Kay asks. "Shawn just asked me if I was on my way. It's already 11 and I'm exhausted." "Do you feel up to going?", Kay says. I shake my head. "To be honest, no. I'll just tell Shawn to tell the boys I'm tired." "I think that sounds like a good plan.", Kaylen nods.

Hey :) i'm really exhausted. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Could you maybe come home and like cuddle me please

Shawn: Omw right now

Thank u <3


"Hey, angel.", Shawn says, getting into bed next to me. I open my eyes and smile. "Hi, love." He grins. "I like you calling me that." "Me, too, hun. I'm sorry, I don't think I can have a conversation right now. Can we talk in the morning? I want to hear how it was at the boys' house.", I say, yawning and cuddling up to him.

"Of course. Good night, my darling."



Final edit of chapter 26!


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