Darkness Fell on a Midnight Hour

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My title was Prince Alexander Smoothclaw. I am twelve years old with black hair and green eyes, and for my age, I seem to be shorter than everyone else in the clan. I received that title since my father was the king of our small little clan. But my title was taken from me, not from someone in the clan who challenged my father but from the monsters who only strike at night. Yes, as a clan that where not exactly men but beasts as well but they attacked us on the night of the lunar eclipse so our men who normally had the power of a beast only had the power of an average man. We were powerless against them but they did not kill us instead they enslaved us to use as protection for them during the day, and if you haven't guested by now I am a werewolf and the monsters who attacked us are known as vampires. But for me that same night that the vampires attacked my father was killed by another werewolf who was promised by the vampires that he could be a leader just to be enslaved with the rest of us, so I lost my title for nothing. But at the time this happened I was barely old enough to hold a rake let alone a sword so there was nothing in this bizarre world that I could do to change anything.

I was brought to the vampire capital by the king of vampires who told me that he had a son my age who could use a friend, and since I was a mix breed (my father's bastard yet only son) I was the perfect pet. Since I had no idea who or what my mother was I didn't know why but for some reason I could not transform like the other werewolves of my clan could. All my father told me was that I was the child that there will be wars fought about; but I figured he was just talking about me being ruler someday and not being able to turn into my wolf fore. Yet when I got to the capital I could sense the presence that I hadn't felt since I was left at the door of my father's house. So, in a way I had a feeling that even though I was surrounded by men who wanted me dead I wasn't alone. My father only ever had one other child and that would be my older sister who was somewhere in the capital as well; but we were the lucky ones because we were in the capital working whereas the rest of our men were stuck outside as guards or in the dungeons to be used in different strange and disturbing ways.

 I met the little prince a week after I got to the capital and a month after they took me away from our village. That month was stranger to me than meeting the prince though, because even though during both times I was analyzed, when I was with the prince I was being analyzed by someone my own age but during that month I was looked at by grown men who stared at me with wonder asking themselves the question "what is that thing?" The reason they asked themselves that is because during that month everyone but me turned into their wolf form ether out of anger, the full moon or because they were forced to. But then there was me; the strange little boy that wouldn't change no matter how many times he was poked with a stick.

We traveled that month dropping of my people as we went to villages that could use us as slaves, some of the men who bought them being other vampire covens and others being normal human beings that where interested in something new and like clockwork every time we got somewhere new my friends were forced to shift and then sold to the highest bidder and if they refused they were cut down and killed. By the time, we got to the capital the only ones left were me and my sister and the poor men who were taken for experiments; and the only reason for that me and my sister didn't get sold was because I couldn't transform so nobody wanted me and one of the vampire king's guards liked my sister too much to let her go. Yes, there were other men with us but they went straight to the dungeons so we didn't know who of us they were, all I do know was that I never saw them again.

But at least at that point the month-long journey of seeing my friends taking away to strange places was over leaving me and my sister by ourselves. Yet before I met the prince me and my sister were forced to take these weird classes teaching us the vampires culture and the can and cannot does of the capital like my favorite cannot do which was "you cannot leave the capital" as if we had a choice. We were shown around the capital my one of the king's guards who pointed out places we might have to go for our jobs like the bakery or slaughter house for my sister to get the higher-class vampires food, and a fenced off park to me so that I can play with the king's son. He wore a suit of armor that covered his whole body other than his head, and unlike some of the other guards he had a whip on his side that I kind of wondered what it was used for, for in the most part it looked like the werewolf guards were treated well for the most part. 

All of it seemed funny to me because we had to do it at night or else the vampires would die from the blazing sun, which is probably why none of the houses had windows and the building that did only used got at night or were at least sealed by the time the sun came up. They were made of stone just like the rest of the capital including the walls that surrounded it and the castle itself making the how place feel cold. The walls of the capital and the houses/ shops were covered in candles that gave off no warmth and only enough light to see where you're going and if someone was in front of you. Since vampires and werewolves could see in the dark it was that big of a problem ether way but I guess they are there more for decoration and to help the people who have bad night vision. But at least after that month-long trip to get to the capital me and my sister were used to being awake at night and with the temperature around here who could sleep at night at all without freezing to death any way.

And finally, after the week of getting usedto the capital I was finally introduced to the prince. The prince was the sameage as me but he was already a foot taller than me, he had blond hair that wentto his shoulders and his eyes like most vampires were a gleaming blue that youcould get lost in. He had far better clothes then I had on since after I wasstripped of my title I was stripped of my fancy clothes as well, but hisclothes where even greater then what I used to have. He like most vampires inthe castle who were of high class wore a suit that was not just to show theirhigh class but was loss enough that they could move around with ease. The maidwho introduced me to him wore a pink furry dress that extended far past bothsides of her body making her look funny said that I must call him princeTimothy, which was weird for me since just a month ago I was a prince as well.But since the vampires took that title away from me I was now their property.But though I did not know what was going on at the age of twelve I slowlyrealized it over time what I was to them because the first time I met the boythat was meant to be my friend the way he treated me at first made me feel morelike a pet. But I guess that's what I get for being different then him. When Imet, him he was very quiet saying only a few words at a time, and of course thefirst thing that came out that little boy's mouth was "Undress" but when Irefused telling him no he had a temper tantrum complaining that I didn't listento him, so he had the maid take off my clothes saying that the young princewanted to bath me and put me in better clothes. I fought her the whole timetelling her that where I came from boys don't bath together no matter the age,and that I could wash myself. But she told me that I would get I trouble if Ididn't listen to him so I surrendered and took of my little clothes andfollowed the prince to the bath house with only my birthday suit on (naked).

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