Unknown Sickness

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After I had turned into a werewolf it seemed that the prince loved me even more than before because though I went back to my human form that dam tail stayed; so now not only was I the only werewolf with a tail but I could no longer get away with calling myself human when I enter the human towns now that tail was there to stay. But it seems that the prince enjoyed the fact that I had a tail because now he could get away with him calling me his puppy. I didn't mind ether way but I did mind the fact that everyone in the clan looked at me strangely in and outside of my human form, but what was I to expect since I went a month without turning and then survived being bitten by another pure breed werewolf that killed seven guards just to transform for the first time.

Since there were no clothes suited for him due to my tail the maid gave me two options, go naked or wear a pair of underwear with a hole in it to suit my tail. And since I figured that being named everywhere I went would be embarrassing I went with the underwear. But the underwear was almost just as bad since my tail was a long black fluffy thing with a white tip that would wag anytime I was around the prince. But I guess I was glad enough that no one was staring at my crotch instead of my tail; yet it seemed that when the prince trying to wash it I the feeling was just as sensitive as if he was grabbing my crotch instead. He patted me saying good boy jokingly to see if my tail would wag and more times than not it would; but though the king gave up on killing me since he saw use of me and I was allowed to stay with the prince something felt strange to me now that my powers awoke other than people staring at my tail. 

A year had pasted before people finally excepted my new look; months of people looking at me strangely and people trying to pull my fluffy tail just to be rude. Yet the part about finally being able to transform made me finally feel a little normal; yet the only thing that happened to me during this full moon was that my nails got sharper, my ears got a little pointy, and my tail got bigger and fluffier making me feel even worse. I knew that I could transform the whole way but as a pure breed with my own special powers I could choose if I wanted to lose control or not. But during the first full moon that I transformed during I did lost control and almost hurt the prince who insisted that he was with me during the whole process.

But even just looking more like a wolf made the prince happy since the prince didn't care that I transform or not all he cared more about the fact that I was thinking of him. We wondered around that capital that night listening to the howls of the since remaining werewolves in the capital that couldn't control the effects of the full moon like I could. Yet under the request of the prince I let out one good howl just to say I did; yet just after I did I could hear one precise howl in response of my own. It was louder and stronger than the others and it almost felt like it made the buildings shack, and if I had to guess it was the howl of the white werewolf.

But even though at first it made us jump at first me and the prince just ended up laughing since we weren't expecting him to still be around after a year of getting away from the grasp of the vampires. Then suddenly I felt a chill go down my spine and I fell to the ground seeing things that I couldn't tell if they were memory or a vision. I saw a woman that I didn’t know standing above me before she ran off, and then I saw her again looking into my eyes checking for something. So, if I had to guess one was my own memory and one was the memory of the white werewolf but who was the woman in both. But before I could figure it out I awoke to the prince poking me in the side and smiling at me when I finally woke up telling me to stop scaring him like that.

He carried me to his room after I had yet again pasted out; which only was possible since at this point after two years of being together the price was bigger than me which was fine by me if I could get past the fact I couldn't call him little prince anymore yet he could still could call me his little puppy since I laid in his arms looking like a dog way smaller than him. I slept that night seeing random vision after random vision; I just kept seeing that same woman who I didn't know who was. I woke up the next night with the prince yet again laying on top of me cooling me down he said that I had a fever again but when I felt my head I could tell he was lying just to me on top of me but since he was bigger I couldn't move him so I just waited till the maid to come in the do her usual thing of separating us. And right on time there she was to take us apart but something was different with me; I didn't have a fever but since I transformed for the first time I could tell something else was wrong. 

Me and the prince wondered around that night until the sun was about to some up but after the prince cooled me down that morning with his cold body I could help but cling to him the whole time as if my body was on fire and he was the only one that could put out the flames. That night I couldn't sleep I just kept seeing that woman in my dreams and every time I saw her my body would get warmer making my whole body burn to the point that the prince stripped me of all my clothes and laid on top me to cool me off; but not even his cold body could help me at that point because the only reason I got any sleep that evening was because my body exhausted itself and I blacked out. While I was out I had another vision, this one wasn't of me or the white werewolf but just the woman. She was walking through a town at night with only a white dress on, she was using what looked like magic shooting it at houses around her until something attacked her. It was a vampire, she turned into a vampire losing her powers and ended up being enslaved. But why was she bad, why did it seem she was looking for something?

I awoke to the sounds of crying but I couldn't tell if it was from the vision or real life; but when I opened my eyes I saw the prince, the maid, and a whole lot of ice. It seems that I was so warm they had to cool me down a little, I looked around and it looked like they were cooling me down in the bath house and even though the maid refused to look right at my naked body I could tell she was happy to see I was alright. But as I tried to stand my foot slipped sending my face right into the prince's crotch which got the maid acting normal again as she quickly got me up and the prince just smile and kissed me on the cheek saying it was nice to see me to pissing the maid off more. She dragged us out of the bath house and dressed us and told us to play outside or something; so the prince decided that it would be fun to leave that capital for just a little while to waste some energy by stretching our legs. I agreed since it had been two years since I saw something other than brick walls that surrounded the capital from the outside world and more importantly the wild werewolves.

We reached the capital gates just as the moon started to come out but we were out of the capital before we realized it was the night of the full moon. We heard howling all around us but before we could get back to the door we were surrounded, there wouldn't be any help coming for us ether since the werewolf guards would be chained up and the vampire guards didn't see us leave so we were on our own. Since werewolf toxins were fatal to the prince if he were to be bite I took control and aloud myself to transform for once during the full moon instead of fighting it. And just like that my fever broke and I felt ten times better than I did before but I still wasn't in any condition to fight so even though it was a long shoot I grabbed the prince and tried to jump the wall, I was falling short so I trough the prince so that he could make it if I didn't.

He landed on the other side of the wall screaming for someone to come help me but when no one came and all went silence he started to cry. I tabbed him on shoulder my underwear torn to shreds and falling off after transforming into my wolf form and it fell off when I turned back. The prince hugged me, kissed me on the libs and not the cheek and then hugged me again. He noticed that my body temperature had returned to normal and started searching my body for scares; and when he didn't find any he asked what happened. As he did a howl came from the distance from the white werewolf making me smile and I just smiled and pointed in the direction it came from and in a smart-ass way said: "that happened." He looked at me confused and I explained that the white werewolf had come to my rescue before anything bad could happen to me. We hugged yet again as the maid came out to see why the prince had been screaming and saw that I was naked and figured we were just up to no good. We didn't fight her but when she checked my temperature and saw that it went don't and noticed how sweaty we were she sent us back to the bath house to clean up after a good night's play.

We ran to bath house in high spirt and as usual the prince insisted on cleaning me starting by scrubbing my tail that likes to gather dirt. I told him everything that had happened with the white werewolf like how came from nowhere to scare off the werewolves that attacked us and with the rest of the time before he left he told me that he used to be part of the Snow clan who lived in the mountains and that his name was Buck. But as the prince cleaned me I couldn't get the question out of my head: "Who is that woman?" Which is when I noticed the prince trying to scrub my crotch; I looked at him and called him a perv. but he claimed he was getting even for earlier and the maid put us to bed after we started play fighting and trying to clean/touch the other person distracting me for a time of that unknown woman. 

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