A Mother's Son

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Me and the prince hung around the capital for about a day or so before we went wondering outside again. We went only about a half a mile away before we stopped to have ourselves a little picnic, and just as we were getting out the glasses for the princes blood a woman walked past us and waved high at us. I looked back at her once she left thinking that she reminded me of the woman in my visions but before I chased after her I decided to ask the prince who she was. He informed me that she worked in his father's labs and that she was believed to have powers even though she wasn't a pure breed vampire but indeed had been turned. But could she have been the woman from my visions after all?

Me and the prince went back to the capital passing brick building after brick building making me wish we could have stayed out longer. But the sun came up ever so slowly pushing us back inside not just the capital but the castle which made me feel even more trapped. Surrounded by nothing but fancy drapes and vases, windows that there always shut, and brick walls that felt colder than the vampires skin that lived in it. Lucky as a werewolf I don't get cold but if a normal human walked in here they would freeze, yes there are those people that come to be turned but even than I always see them just fine as if they didn't notice. So why now am I finally noticing the coldness; the shower was warm that night and it seemed that it was the prince that had something on his mind for a change since he didn't try anything funny for once.

I tapped on his shoulder with no luck of getting a response so started to slowly rum my fingers down his leg which made what little leg hairs he had stand on end, but he still did budge so I just gave up and kissed him on the libs and pinched his nose to he would snap out of his trance and try to breath. When that didn't work, I remembered that vampires don't breathe so my last resort was touching his crotch which did have an effect just not the one I wanted. He came out his trance and went back to his usual perverted self, claiming I was trying to seduce him even though clearly I wasn't, but when I didn't react like I normally do he stopped and wondered what was wrong. I explained that he was dazing out and I was just wondering what was going on.

He went on to tell me something had gone wrong in the labs and his father informed him that it might mean trouble for me somehow and that he was wondering what he could do to help. I wondered how anything in the labs would affect me when all at once the idea struck me that I could involve the women we saw earlier that day. And without a second thought I ran out the bath house door still naked and covered in soap with the idea in mind to figure out what was going on, but before I even got to the next hall way I stopped turned back and went back to the prince how stood in the doorway smiling asking: "You don't know how to get there do you?" I shook my head yes looking down at the floor and went back under the shower head to get the soap off, the prince walked over to me stocking my black hair trying to hold back a laugh.

But instead of laughing he whispered in my ear: "Do you want to see it?" Not knowing if he meant it in a perverted way I poked him in the crotch which finally did make him laugh and he tackled me and we rolled around on the floor have good fun until the prince stopped and said: "I meant the lab silly." Yet again I shook my head looking down at the ground or in this case the prince's crotch since we were still tangled up together with him on top. We went to bed without the maid even having to tuck us in because we were expecting an exciting night to come.

The sun came up and left the sky again within what felt like minutes to me and the prince because for the first time we were going to see the vampire labs were all the experiments are made. But before we left I had to ask the prince when he talked to his father since we had been together that whole time before we bathed together, and he frowned and said it happened while we were on our picnic. I had fallen asleep at some point which is when the king came to talk with the prince; and the king explained that I was becoming a handful for the prince (more trouble than good) and I'm presuming he was talking about when I was ill or even maybe when we left the capital during the full moon casing me to transform breaking my fever. 

I felt bad at the idea that I was a burden to the prince but before I could fully feel sorry for myself the prince continued saying that it wasn't directly my fault but unfortunately do to the fact the king tried to kill me and failed causing him to lose him greatest master piece (The white werewolf) they lost control in the lab over the last year trying to figure out how to make something better or just a good. But their head scientist had ended up trying to make something without the king's permission casing her to get in trouble. But when I asked what I was the prince said that I had to wait and see with a very sad look on his face.

We arrived at the labs soon after that only wasting about half an hour of moon light talking and then climbing down ten flights of stairs, and unlike the prince I was panting when I got to the bottom since I needed my lungs to live unlike him. The doors were unlocked when we arrived and the prince just showed me around telling me what everything I was looking at was. But after being down there for only ten minutes no matter how tied I was I already wanted to leave. The first thing I saw walking through those doors was the dead bodies of a vampire, and I'm not talking they died as a human and came back as a vampire that thing was full blown dead. The prince explained that they were testing to see how many organs could be taken out before the vampire dead since they believed that vampires didn't need them, but unfortunately for the test dumpy he didn't seem to last long after they removed the heart because though it didn't beat it still moved blood around the body.

As a joke the prince lifted the towel covering the corpses crotch asking who's looked better almost causing me to jag, the prince might not have gone through puberty yet but even at this age he had a sick and twisted mind. He continued showing me failed experiment after failed experiment until we got to the living ones. He showed me the ones I knew like the vampire made werewolf that couldn't turn back into human; yet this one looked like it had the muzzle of a common dog shorter than an average werewolf and its teeth stuck out of its mouth instead of a normal werewolf mouth where they were inside. He had shorted arms and legs than a normal werewolf as were and duller claws as well, it was as if they tried to make it look less like a wolf and failed. I asked what I was mixed with and the prince said dog and human blood mix with the werewolf toxin, meaning the dog blood had corrupted it.

Next he showed me the being that I saw upstairs which was the witch vampire mix, it still locked as dead as I last saw it but at least this time it didn't have a hole in its side draining it of blood. Yet after the two years since seeing it I felt as if it had changed somehow, which is when I remembered that the one before was male and this one female. I pointed it out to the prince and he insured me that the capital had made only three witch vampire mixes, a male, a female, and the one that got away.

Then the prince showed me things I've never seen before that were only made for show just like the centaur was. He showed me the vampires attempt at making a vampire animal mix that was even scarier than the werewolf human animal mix, this thing had the fangs of a vampire, the eyes of a vampire, and yet it was a fucking rabbit. I swore that it was going to give me day mares, and as a joke to get him back for the crotch joke I asked the prince to show me his fangs to see who's were bigger his or the rabbits. He hit me and we ran into the next room laughing, in that room was the thing the unknown woman made. The woman lied next to it sleeping even though it was the middle of the night and she was a vampire, and as we got closer to her creation she awoke.

She looked at me and smiled saying that it was nice to meet me after all this him and that she regretted leaving me behind the first him we met, I thought she was talking about when she walked by when me and the prince were on our picnic and yet as she explained what she made she touched my arm sending me into a trance. I could hear her voice in my head telling me that her name was Alice and that she met me even before I was born. At that point, I saw the vision of the lady in the village again but this time I could make out her face, it was Alice. Then I saw the part I didn't see before, after the vampire bit her and she lost her powers she was imprisoned in the capital until she excepted. She ran to what looked like my old home where she plead for safety from a man who looked like my father, they formed a bond together, they made love with together (which I didn't need to see), but in the end she left him. Then I saw her return to that home with a crying bundle and dropped it at the door before she ran away again. Then I saw her return to the capital saying that she was returning from a trip, and no one knew who she was or that a year ago she had excepted. She let go of my shoulder at which point the only world that came out of my mouth was "Mother!"

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