Battle at the Coliseum

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Me and the prince never left ether others side that last remaining week witch probably made the king want me dead even more; because instead of going to combat training with the other werewolves who were at it night and day at this point I went to the princes training with the pure breed vampire nobles. The training that he did there made me snicker because they were showing him how to act human so that if he ever were to go to a human town I would know how to act. The problem they had with their training was that it was useless, they showed him the proper way to eat around them; which would never happen since vampires could only come out at night after all the humans had gone to bed, they showed him how to seduce them so that he could feed off them; plus, the way to ensure that his toxins were not released.

The whole thing really interested me because other than at diner where they ether drink a glass of blood or from a dead corpse I've never seen it up close were a vampire feed off the living. Yet all they were doing were feeding off each other after practicing seduce them, which strangely enough was also quite interesting since my father told me that if vampires got desperate for food they could just live off draining the blood from each other. Since the toxins had to effect on each other they practiced until the king told them that the whole thing was just getting silly, but the truth was that he stopped it when the prince decided to try to seduce me.

Because through all the kings testing that was the one combo he could never create; a mixer between werewolves and vampires. Since their toxins were fatal to each other it seemed that when they mixed the test dummies would always die. Which made me laugh because he wanted me dead so badly that he signed me up to fight in the coliseum but he stopped his son from biting me and injecting me with his toxins so clearly there was something was wrong here, the king was hiding something but what.

Through my confusion, I was dragged away by the prince as the king starred at me with his every cold death glare. I was dragged to the prince's bed room where the prince placed me on the bed and started to massage my back making me way more relaxes then I was to the point that I just fell asleep in his arms not knowing that our week together was over. I woke up undressed and chained to a dungeon wall by my wrist, the prince stood just outside the cage looking at me with sorrow as he stood next to the king who had the evilest of all evil smiles. He looked at me as though I was an animal that he had just killed after a long day's hunt, which if I wasn't careful I could be.

I was signed up to go against what the king called the white werewolf, a pure breed that was genetically altered never to return to its human form. But by far there were far scarier monsters among that panel that I could have gone against; like the first act were the werewolf rood and then had to fight centaurs beings who even I thought were just legion or child stories. But there they stood beings that were had the torso of a man but the body of the horse; they king called them his greatest work since even in this world they were weren't believed to be real. But he claimed that he got the two's DNA to mix without destroying each other; even though by looking at it you could tell the all he did was sew them together and used a few other things to ensure that it could live just for a little while. Because as the fight began even though the werewolf could not transform at will he beat the centaur with no problem.

This happened time and time again with random monsters that the king pulled out of his ass just to put on a show but as the crowd got more and more impatient about the fact that the werewolves were winning it was my turn. And unlike the other werewolves whose fights were not real mine was real, for the wall the I was chained against was slowly pulled upward into the arena by all the werewolves who had already won their fights. I entered the arena still naked and chained to a wall when all the werewolves went to the sides of the arena looking to be let in. But the doors never opened; that is until the door that the white werewolf was behind did.

It came out staggering grabbing the entry way as it peered out at all of us. As the moon light shined on it the guards noticed that no one was going to let them out; the white werewolf was bigger than normal werewolves with longer claws and sharper teeth meaning that its toxins were far stronger then even a normal werewolf whose toxins were already strong. Meaning that if that this bit you there was no chance of you turning but instant death instead.

The guards feeling strong after winning their battles charged it all at once being killed almost as quickly as they attacked; not knowing that their battles before were all rigged in their favor to win. Some were killed by decapitation from the white werewolf's sharp claws; or just had their guts torn from there still beating bodies. Others were bitten and fell to the ground dead without even shacking or fighting the toxin what so ever. They all died one by one until there was no one left in the arena except me and the white werewolf. It came to me slowly looking at me as if not even he knew what I was; he sniffed me and looked at me closely trying to figure it out. I looked into its eyes and saw that it was under some kind of drug; which is when realized it wasn't any different than a normal pure breed that was under the effects of the full moon.

I tried to get loss of the chains but failed and ended up accidently hitting one of its fangs which caused some of its toxins to seep into my blood stream. In that moment, I broke the chains using some unknown power that came from nowhere. I ended up absorbing all the toxins I could from it by forcing it to bite me; I absorbed so much of its toxins that I started to slowly lose consciousness but as I did the white werewolf slowly started turning back into a man. Once he was back in his human form he looked at me and asked the same question I've been asking myself along with everyone else "What are you?" I fell to the ground after finally going unconscious; which at that point he pet me on the head thanking me for what I had done for him.

He turned back into a werewolf and jumped the wall of coliseum as the sun started to come over the horizon. All the vampires ran back into their home except the prince who jumped into the arena and retrieved me not knowing if I was alive or dead but at that point he didn't care since he loved me. I awoke in the nurse's room covered in bandages and with the prince asleep next to be, but though I knew it was day I didn't know how much time had passed since my battle in the arena but I could tell that something was different with me.

My body started to shake as I fell unconscious again but this time was different because when I woke up the prince was on top of me. His body was nice and cold and even though if felt weird having him lay on me it wasn't the first time we laid like this together. And as I tried moving he woke up and smiled saying good morning to me as if nothing was wrong; he kissed me on the lips before the maid came in and separated the two of us. I asked them what how long I was out and why the prince was lying on top of me when I woke up.

They explained to me that I have been in and out of consciousness for about a week and that the prince was using his cold body to cool me down since I had a fever. So, I guess we protected each other by being two different temperatures; but as I tried to move I realized that I was yet again chained down. But before I could ask they just said that it was to keep me from shaking plus they didn't know what would happen once I had absorbed that much toxins since even though I was a werewolf that didn't stop the werewolf guards from dying do to the white werewolf's toxins. 

So not knowing why I was still alive the king ordered that I be under surveillance but what we found out wasn't good because by the time the next full moon came around for the first time in my life I transformed into a full blond werewolf. The transformation hurt like hell since it was the first time that it ever happened to me; since the toxins flowed throughout my whole body the week I was unconscious and seemed that the werewolf toxins awoke the werewolf genes in my DNA. The transformation broke every bone in my body, my jaw formed into a wolf like muzzle, my teeth turned to fangs, my body hair grew longer than ever before a dark black color which was rare since normal werewolf were grey or occasionally white. My nails grew into sharp daggers that could cut flesh like butter and unlike other werewolves I had a tail so it seems that the prince finally got the puppy he wanted. But for some reason in my wolf form I wasn't much bigger than I was in my human form, which disappointed me a little since I was already short. Yet at first, the prince was scared when I started transforming but soon he was happy since in the past two months that had gone by since we met he finally got to see his puppy transform. But the question now was could me in the prince stay together now that I was finally a true werewolf.

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