The Great Escape

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James at first wondered what I was talking about but soon after finally started telling me some truth. He told me that it was true that I was not his fist love but he was more curious of why I asked, I told him the truth about seeing him in a dream and him beginning to fall in love. And though it was very awkward we sat on the bed (both naked) and James began to tell me his story. He told me about how growing up he never had much interest in girls and that his family looked down on him because he was different and though him and his sister are twins and the male of the family takes over when their father thought of not having an air to the thrown he took that right of becoming the next ruler of the coven away from him and gave it to his sister who always liked the opposite sex. He and his sister always had the same taste in men up to the point that they even fell for the same man, he was a young werewolf named Cloud. He was given that name since he was born with white fluffy hair which was even more abnormal then everything going on with me since Cloud was an albino werewolf. James and Lora both wanted him so bad to the point they had a competition to see who he'd fall in love with. Knowing how Lora acted and how unromantic she was I wasn't surprised to hear that James had one, but it's not all on him since you like what you like and like James Cloud liked other boys. The two had a near perfect love just like me and Timothy but unlike me and Timothy's love James had a jealous sister who couldn't except that she had lost, so she bit Cloud and unlike me he did not survive the bite. So, Lora had killed James first love and knowing that information I figured I could turn him against her.

Luckily for me after James had told me his life story he wasn't in the mood for anything else and we went to sleep, and like a dog I slept on top of the covers (mainly so I didn't have to be next to James). No James wasn't a bad person but I loved someone else and I figured he'd understand, so I slept comfortably hoping he'd not try anything. Yet when I awoke he was right next to me, outside of the covers and still naked; I tried to move but he hugged me tighter like a stuffed animal or a body pillow making his gung to close for comfort so I squirmed my way free and sat of the cold stone floor, guessing by the temp is was night now and unfortunately for me nights in the desert are always colder. Though I was part vampire now I still could sense temperature do to my vampire side, and speaking of vampire side my thrust was becoming uncontrollable and if I didn't drink soon id ether get sick or turn into a controllable monster driven on blood. Which is when I smelt it, the blood that spilled from Timothy the night before. I lost control of my body and I seemed to uncontrollably move in the direction of the blood and before I knew it I was licking Timothy's blood off the floor, which is when Lora walked in.

She had entered the room hoping to torment Timothy but instead she decided to play with me, she ordered one of her servants to bring a human in. It was a young girl who was just beginning to develop her breast, Lora ripped her shirt and using her sharp nails she cut the girls left boob just a little and before she could even lick the blood off her finger I had pounced on the girl started to drink with my new vampire fangs for the first time. She was dead as soon as my fangs penetrated her skin because I had the toxins of a wolf and a bat inside of me, by the time I came to I was sitting in a puddle of blood and drenched red and Timothy stared at me mortified. I tried running out of the room but I slipped in the blood and landed upside down on a coach with my feet in the air and my hair draped over my face. James walked in afterwards wondering what all the commotion was, he still had nothing on and once Timothy put one and two together he grabbed the bars and tried to escape. Lora teased him asking how he could still love me after my innocence was gone, and though me and James didn't do anything Timothy was enraged at the mere idea and without knowing it he put our escape into motion.

 I used the enraged Timothy and the Gem twins in my own evil plan to let me and Timothy get out of there. My first step was to run to James and tell him what his sister did which not only put those two against each other but enraged Timothy enough that he started to bend the bars, Lora claimed that she was getting revenge for my tail hitting her in the face which started to calm James so I reminded him about Cloud's death which pushed him over the edge. While those two fought I ran to the cage and helped Timothy bend the bars the rest of the way freeing him, and though I had freed him he looked disappointed in me about how I did it. We ran to the door but before we could get out the king of the Gem coven entered the room and once he saw that we were on the run he threw what looked like a needle at us both, each of them hit us in the chest making our bodies numb and before I could hit the floor the king removed the needle and trough me onto to couch and since I couldn't feel my body I was stuck there (yet again upside down). The king grabbed Timothy and dragged him to a chair where he was tied down and gagged, the king did the same thing Lora did and cut his bare chest but instead of wasting it he put a bucket under him and collected it and as his blood hit the bucket my eyes began to look blood thirsty. The king looked at Lora as she grabbed a knife and began trying to cut off my balls again, but before she could the king looked at her and shocked his head. She complained and asked why and he said: "if you can go right ahead and try but good luck." 

 I was scared and confused as she got closer to my balls with that knife and as she began to try cutting my balls the knife began to cut before the wound healed instantly and when she tried cutting faster the knife broke. Enraged she stabbed me with the blunt blade and as soon as she let go of the blade it popped out and fell to the grown. She looked at her father and pointed to my balls and asked him to explain, like a smart ass he began to say that I was still aging so there still developing. Lora was not happy with his response and ended up releasing her anger on my balls hitting me as hard as she could and though I was paralyzed I could still feel it. James ran to me and Timothy squirmed in rage and both gave Lora a death glair and like the snob she was she acted like she did nothing wrong and asked what she did. And then she brought it back to her father and asked for the truth. He shook his head and told her that my transformation was finally complete now that I not only drank human blood but vampire blood as well so blood moon cure or not she was going to have problems killing me, because not that I was part vampire and part werewolf I had the powers of them both. So, I had sonic hearing, super vision, abnormally strong toxins, and lastly extra fast healing.

The king took the blade out of Timothy's chest so that he didn't bleed to death and then he poured the blood he gathered from him into three cups and gave on to each child and they cheered to them taking over the capital and left the room to talk plans. The sun arose and they all went to bed forgetting about me and Timothy and at the hottest part of the day our paralysis ended and he made our move. My balls still hurt from Lora hitting them but I wobbled to Timothy and cut him free using the blade that was implanted in his chest. We walked to the door and slowly walked away from the castle, and left before they ever knew we were gone. About three guards bet us at the edge of the property, they asked us who we were since I was naked and James was a vampire walking in day light so I whispered in Timothy's eyes what to do and before I could blink they fell to the ground dead from Timothy biting them. I could hear yelling in the background from James chasing us, he lasted ten seconds in the sun before his body began to burn but he kept running after us and the last thing I saw of the Gem coven's castle was James charred body falling to the ground and turning to dust. I felt bad for tricking him but I knew it was either him or us and I wasn't going to die for the man who in way killed me.

So, me and Timothy walked away knowing that the Gem covens plans for using Timothy's blood as a weapon failed and that we were on our way back home. But the problem we fasted now was that we didn't know how to get back to the capital from the desert district since we never really left the capital and we were enclosed in a coffin all the way from the capital to here so we didn't know how we got their ether. So, we wondered across the dessert and tried to figure out where we were going. We were free sure but we were trapped in the wild, lost and not knowing where we are or where we've been since every time the wind blew it covered up our foot steps. So, we were lost in an unknown land, with nothing on at this point since Timothy got to warm and took his pants off a while ago. The only thing that went through our minds was the thought of getting home and finding out what happened there.

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