Sage's Diary

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Day one: The nudist returned today, I haven't seen him in weeks and then he just shows up out of the blue without saying a thing and just lays down in my little home. I mean I don't mind but he could have at least said high or something, maybe at least put some clothes on at least (even though I don't mind). He appeared different to me somehow but he wouldn't say what happened this him (since his looks seem to change a lot yet it seems that his body has froze now, never to change again. His hair was cut since the last time I saw him reveling these pointy ears that seems to twitch like a dog, his tail hit the ground it was so long (it didn't help that he's short), his fangs have resided but I know there still there since there still longer than normal humans, and the last thing I noticed was the color of his hair and tail. They had gone from a dark black to a crimson red somehow, I didn't notice it before since I was to focused on something else that changed since it seemed he was a little more developed since the last time I saw him. He had pecks and his feminine face seemed charming with his short red hair, and even though he didn't grow in height something grew for sure showing me he was no longer a little boy anymore. But I knew I wasn't his type since I knew he was in love with that prince who he wouldn't tell me anything about or where he was.

Day two: Alex still hasn't told me the full story but he has told me that what happened was the cause of some unknown darkness that swallows magic and then asked me if I knew anything about it. But when I sold him that I didn't know anything he was quit again but since he came to me and no one else I figured he was dispirit. Yet when I asked him anything he just looked at me with a sad (charming) face, his magic flow seemed funky since he was no longer siphoning magic but seemed to still have magic within him. I could see the magic when I looked threw his red hair that was really soft to the touch and yet semidry uncuttable, and since I gave him some spare clothes of mine that strangely fit him he was no longer awkward to be around, though I did almost laugh ever time I saw his red tail coming threw the hole in my old jeans that were light blue and tattered and I gave him a pink tang top to cover up his chest making him look as gay as he really was, which gave me a evil plan.

Day three: I finally got Alex to tell me what happened but not the way I expected, I tried setting him up with a friend of mine after dressing him up as gay as possible. But when my friend showed up things got weird in a way I wasn't expecting, I had written my friend Blake to come over some time ago and he was the only man to resist me other then Alex I figured he had to be gay so I figure they could do something. Yet when Blake showed up in his usual get up which was a loin cloth that barley covered his junk I figured Alex would at least say hi but he just ended up finally braking and started to cry giving me and Blake each a hug and then going into the house next door. We ended up fallowing him which is when we asked him what was wrong and if it had anything to do with Blake. He explained that Blake was cute but he wasn't emotionally ready for anyone right now, which is when he explained that Timothy told him that he didn't love him before he tried killing him and was killed. We felt bad for him and I decided to leave Blake with him while I got drinks, and when I returned Alex had finally fallen asleep after not having any sleep for what I guessed was a week. I pated his head a thanked Blake for doing what ever he did, and Blake just said that he used a pinch of magic on him to help him relax.

Day four: I returned to check on all the cuteness and found Alex still sleeping on the coach and Blake passed out next to him wearing a pare of underwear interestingly enough. I taped on Blake to figure out what was wrong and he explained that he felt weird lying next to Alex with barely anything on and that he actually kind of liked him saying he was kind and sweet and would be a perfect match for him since he had a thing for the abnormal and Alex was a unkillable werewolf vampire hybrid with red hair and a tail and was an another magical being no less. Though Blake's heart was in the right place I didn't think that he was using that precise organ to think since I could see a bulge in his underwear making me thank him for putting it on. But like Alex he had to had a hole in the back for his Tail, but unlike Alex Blake was way more extreme on the strange scale since he actually had scales. Since Alex uses Magic to control his thrust and Blake uses it to stay in somewhat of a human form, because as a dragon if he wasn't in a human form he could be seen from miles away. The only things that suggested he was a Dragon where his few patches of scales, his tail, and of coarse his wings that only magic users can see. See his tail drags like Alex's but at least he doesn't always have his wings out since if he focuses hard enough they go away, which is how I tested him the first time we met; tells just say I flashed him and failed but I got to see his wings well he fell to the ground laughing. But I got my revenge my turning him into a girl for a week and laughed as all the male dragons chased after him, but that just how our twisted friendship works. But not that we have Alex to watch out for I'm sure things will be a whole lot funnier. Â

Day five: Almost a week had gone by since Alex showed up and being the little trouble maker, I am I suggest to the two boys that we go swimming. I told Blake that I could help Alex become happy again and I told Alex that he could use a bath, both true but still evil. We went to the heart of the dessert where there was a real pond and not an allusion and we set up shop. I told Alex that I had a suit for him and put my plan into action but before I let him go I told him how I had found the pond while on a spy mission letting Blake get himself get comfortable in the water. Then I asked Blake to get the water to boil using his fire breath, when he asked about it evaporating I insured I'm it was a magic pond so he did it. Afterwards I pushed Alex into the water and told Blake to wash him, and right in front of our eyes Alex's swimsuit melted reveling his naked body. Blake lost focus and his wings (and something else) popped, I rolled on the ground laughing as Alex just simply shrugged and started washing himself. Then Blake came up to me with his own swimsuit melted off as well and asked me what I did, I informed him that like I said it was a magic pond. Then he asked what made it magic, I told him the truth about how at the full heat of day when the water boils any clothing it touches melts and continued laughing. But what happened next, I didn't think threw since Blake threw me into the water making my favorite shirt melt, so I pulled him in and we began wrestling all while Alex looked at us, smiled, and continued to wash.

Day six: We ended up staying the night at the pond just camping out and skinny dipping so save what clothes I still had left since Alex has been wearing them and Blake tried and failed to put on a pair of my clothes only to rip it since he is way bigger than Alex is, yet it was quite funny when he gave it to Alex to try on since the rip was in the crotch. It seems that Alex is finally coming around and talked a little but knowing that he's hanging out with me and Blake I have a feeling his social skills won't be the best; yet he just goes along with whatever we do and smiles like he's having a fun time even though I can tell that he still is thinking about what happened to Timothy. So as a distraction I brought the boys to a real town instead of my hiding spot; but since mystical beast aren't welcome in the slim human towns that are around we had to saddle for a witch town that was on the board of the Magic coven. They were nice for the most part since all three of us are magic users but they looked at the boys weirdly since Alex was so scared he held Blake's hand causing Blake to blush. Yet that wasn't the best part of the trip since while we were there we happened a pone a merchant who had a deal going on where if you could name a witch that no one yet everyone knew then you could choose one magic item from his stand.

I went first since as a spy who just happened to by a witch I thought I knew everyone but unfortunately, he wouldn't allow me to say myself so I lost. Blake was next and guessed my father who I told him was very well known, he lost and I told Blake I lied about how famous he really was. Then it was Alex's turn but he said a name I've never heard before and yet knew of: "Alice" and the merchant asked him where he heard that name from claiming he knew her and Alex looked sad before he said: "I met her before she died at the hands of the vampires, and I heard her last breaths creaming as she cried out my name." Then he went to the stand that was protected my magic, grabbed a neckless that had a wolf's claw on it, and walked away saying nothing more. The merchant came running after us only asking why he chose what he did, which is when Alex in a sad voice said, "She wore this when she comes to me in my dreams." The merchant feel to the ground crying saying that he was hoping someone would know what happened to her but he didn't want to hear this clearly. He thanked Alex and bestowed a pone a ring that had a blue gem saying that with the neckless and the gem he would have her power and be one with her, but all they did was shine a magical glow and became one with Alex as if they were part of him now. But I'm a little scared to see what this new magic will do to him since he doesn't know how to use magic other then as an energy source so he didn't have to drink blood. Plus, I had a bad feeling that things were a little to calm, since the last time a merchant gave someone something for free they were cursed and now Alex had this stuff stuck inside him, well to be true full they look like a tattoo on his flesh instead of Jewry but ether way if we got cursed I'm going to find and kill that merchant.

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