The Little Prince's Pet

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I went to the bath house nude fallowing the little prince who looked like he had just gotten a new toy or something with that evil little smile that he had, and at my angle of looking at things I was that toy. When we got to the bath house he told me to sit on a little stull that was under the shower and then he himself got undressed, though the maid had left I had a feeling that I wasn't getting away no matter what I did so I just sat there and waited for him to make his move. Once he was undressed he walked over to me and dumped a bucket of water over my head calling me a dirty puppy, and even at the age of twelve I felt weird being naked around him but I just left him be because it seemed he was happy. After I was wet he grabbed a bar of soap and started to scrub me down just saying "wash the puppy, wash the puppy" over and over. When I tried to tell him we were the same age he got mad and hit the top of my head telling me that puppies don't speak, and as much as I knew it was annoying I also knew that I needed to get clean so I just let him scrub me down. But as soon he tried to clean my crotch I stopped him telling him I could clean that myself causing him to trough a fit which is when the maid came in.

It probably looked bad what she walked in on but since we were young it didn't really matter, we were on the ground will me on top of him our dicks really close together and he had a bar of soap in his hands complaining that that I would let him clean all of me. The maid picked me off him and dropped me softly in the bath and then the maid quietly started to clean the prince telling him not to touch the puppy's crotch saying that it was a no no but he didn't agree and ran away from her and hoped into the bath as well. I stared at him quietly as he yawed and realized that it must have been morning, so the maid scooped him out of the bath telling him to get dressed for bed and for me to follow. She gave me a towel to dry off with and told me that she would try finding something for me to wear, but at that point I was so tired that I just dried off and crawled into bed naked and fell asleep and a few seconds later the prince crawled into the same bed as well not knowing I had nothing on and cuddled up against me. We fell asleep like that before the maid had time to dress ether of us so we were just two naked little boys lying next to each other not knowing that there was anything wrong with that.

I was asleep when it happened so I didn't care but when we woke up that maid was not very happy, she scolded both of us saying that little boys should not do such things and gave me a night gown so it wouldn't happen again. That night we went into town and even though the prince insisted that puppies don't need clothes to wear so that I didn't get in trouble again. We did a lot of things together that night like go shopping, play at the park with all the other kids who seemed to stay away from me since I was different then them. But the prince would always grab my hand to make sure I played with him. And before we went to bed that night I met the king. 

It was a dinner party for all the vampires to celebrate their victory against my people; they were celebrating the deaths of innocent people, they truly were monsters. I was stuck to the princes side the whole night put on a leash so that he could show off his new pet and so that I couldn't get in any trouble. There were many different types of them at the celebration, there were the higher-class ones who were all pure breeds who my people believed had supernatural powers, there were the lower-class vampires who pure turned my someone instead of being born pure like the prince, and then there were the want to be vampires (humans who wished to be turned). And at the center of the room stood the king of the coven Timothy's dad Nickolas, he was surround by all the higher-class vampires and the want to be vampires that the higher-class ones where introducing to ether be turned into a vampire by the king himself or turned into food for the celebration.

Every time he touched them on the arm they were dragged to a room smiling meaning they must have been excepted; or so I thought but once they were all gone he went to each one of the ones that were left, grabbed them on the shoulders saying to them "welcome to the coven" and bite them on the neck softly injecting them with the vampire's toxic venom. They fell to the ground and started to shack, their bodies shock until they went cold and once that happened they ether stood as vampires or lye there dead because their bodies didn't except the toxin. Only two of the three survived and the one that died the king just stepped over to walk over to me and the prince.

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