Let the Training Begin

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When me and the prince woke up again the maid stood above us giving us her usual glare of disappointment. The covers were off revealing our naked bodies to her and she just shook her head saying that she gave up; me and the prince laughed and ran out of the bed and into the hall still with nothing on making the maid chase us around the castle. We ran around us we bumped into one of the guards, but it wasn't one of the vampire guards instead it was the werewolf I saw the morning before that told me that I was supposed have training. He looked at me oddly and smirked telling me that if I had that much energy that we could start training that very day.

Me and the prince looked at each other on the ground and laughed since the maid had finally caught up with us and we still had nothing on. When the maid got to us she gave us each a towel to cover ourselves up with; the maid grabbed the princes arm and dragged his back to his room were as the guard grabbed my arm and dragged me to the training field. Though I still had no clothes on the guard didn't seem to care; in that fact, I didn't even know his name. I have been at the vampire capital living with the prince for almost two weeks and I always see this guard everywhere I look; and I can always tell its him because he has the presence of a werewolf and not on of the regular vampire guards that fallow the king around. At this point I have turned thirteen and I still don't know what happened to my fellow werewolves at the capital for even my sister seems to have disappeared. Leaving me with only the prince who I get in trouble with a lot even though we are still just children; but I guess he is royalty so more is expected of him. So, while I'm taking combat training the little prince is learning how to interact with the higher-class vampires in the coven; truthfully, I think my training will be easier.

I arrived at the training field still only having nothing on but a towel, but by the looks of the men training clothes are optional anyway. Most of the men on the field were ether naked or warring what looked like fabric underwear to at least cover up the crotch. The man who escorted men grabbed my shoulder and said something I didn't understand for a moment: "Welcome home", but all at once just like at the celebration I could sense the presence of unfamiliar werewolves. But before I could freak out again they all came to me and introduced themselves so that I at least knew who they were. They told me that they were all from the Fang clan which confused me since that would mean they were vampires, and they explained that they had grown up in the capital since they were born and that it was their ancestors who had formed the bond with the vampires making them hired help.

That confused me even more since both werewolves and vampires are immortal beings, but they informed be that their clan had all been turned into werewolves and that they weren't born one making them age normally and make them weaker than the pure breed werewolves who came before them. They told me that vampires did not trust pure breed werewolves because they could change at will and were a danger to the vampire raise. But when I told them that I had come from a clan of pure breeds and that my people were taking by the vampires by force during the night of the lunar eclipse giving us no other chose but to surrender since they were at full strength all of them stepped away from me and waited for me to transform. I had to inform them that I was a half breed and that I had no clue what my mother was, and they all went back to normal. They told me that their names were John, Mathew, Mark, and Luke which added more curiosity into their past since all those names came out of the human bible. They told me the reason was because their ancestors were part of the church in fact but they were attacked by beasts that weren't werewolf or vampire and that the werewolves saved them but soon left once the deal with the vampires was made.

My head full of questions I decided to ask them about the being in the closet of the kitchen; they looked at me wondering what I was talking about, so I looked to Mark who had me about the toxins that were used to kill or put werewolves in their place and he sadly looked down at me and said that it was a being with no name, like them it was made by crossing two species but this one wasn't made by the wolves but the vampires instead. They told me that it once was a witch who accidently wandered into the coven; the vampires attacked the witch who used its powers on them and the vampires being greedy wanted those powers for themselves to the caught the witch and turned it into a vampire. The vampire's toxins almost killed the witch but instead it survived and was turned into a living blood bag for the vampires.

They continued until the sun started to come up making it so that we got no training at all done that day, but I didn't care I had finally found out the information I wanted and more. I walked to the prince's room quietly since I figured he'd be in bed already since it was already early in the morning and vampires got sick if they stayed awake in the daytime too long. I got to room just as the first light of day started to shine but before I could even open the door someone grabbed me and dragged me away. I regained consciousness have found a bag over my head and I was still naked but by the guess of how airy it was my towel fell off when I was grabbed.

Then suddenly someone came behind me and took off the bag and I saw the full light of day. The face I saw was not who I was expecting though, Luck one of the werewolves I met earlier; he apologized to me for the inconvenience but told me that we had to at least do a little training since the night to come was to be a full moon so all the werewolves would get tied up so they didn't lose control. I understood and asked to be untied, he untied me and I came closer to him grabbed his arm and just simply flipped him using my sure force. I looked down at him and told him that I had combat training in the village I grew up in, but I was too young and small to wield a sword. He understood me as well and let me finally go back to the prince's room.

By the time, I got to the room the prince was pasted out and I was so exhausted even though we didn't even do any training. I learned a lot that day though like why the guards seemed so different, and what the thing in the closet was; but I still had the one question left in my mind that I couldn't shack "What else is out there?" I was asleep before I even knew it and I didn't wake up until the sun had left the sky and the moon was at its highest peak. I didn't know why I could sleep in until I finally awoke; I was chained to the bed with the prince laying on top of me smiling. I looked at him, then I looked at the chains, and then finally I tried looking to see if he had at least put clothes on me; and of cores he didn't so when the maid opened the door she had a cow being she saw two little boys yet again on top each other naked. She shewed the prince off and uncuffed me from the bed apologizing telling me that the prince thought that I was going to transform and he wanted to see it happen.

I walked over to the prince, gave him a hug and just simply apologized telling him I didn't know how. He hugged me tighter, laughed and then ran off telling me to follow him. We arrived at the training field I was the night before and in my state of confusion the prince threw a wooden sword at me saying that we must dull. I caught the sword and looked it over saying that I didn't know how; and yet again the prince laughed but this time instead of a hug he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said ill teach you.

He showed me the proper way to hold a sword, he showed me how to swing it, and he even showed me the proper stances all while both of us had nothing on but for once I wasn't embarrassed. Once we were both exhausted we took a break on a log next to the training field which is when I finally heard it; a howl coming from the ground, from the walls, even from the capital itself and not just the castle. These were howls of werewolves going through the shift of the full moon; a painful process where you have no control of your body even as a pure breed. And from one of the town houses I could hear the howl of my sister a howl I knew very well since she had gone through the shift before back home and on the round to get to the capital. But before I could go to her the prince squeezed my leg and I looked him in the eyes as he shook his head know.

Somethingwas wrong he had gone from the playful childish prince I loved to be seriousfor once in his life. When I tried to ask him why he just simply said "Like youI didn't have training last night but learned many secrets that my family hasbeen hiding from me." I questioned him how he knew that I didn't train and heonly told me that he was watching me all day hearing things that could affectour very friendship. But before I could say another word he kissed me again butthis time on the lips and walked away, leaving me in confusion and debate ofwhat was going on. But I was soon going to find out and wish I hadn't known. 

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