Looking Through the Eye's of the White Werewolf: Part Two

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White werewolf (Buck): "My greatest fears have come true, not only has my toxins awoken the werewolf gene in his DNA but whatever that scientist put in me affected him as well but in away id never think of. Most werewolves don't have tails and if they do it's when they are very young but it normally falls off by the time they are five and yet here he is a fourteen-year-old werewolf with a tail. I had to laugh at him a little but I knew that it was somewhat my fault that it happened since it's a side effect from the DNA splicing that I had undergone that I gave to him when I bit him, and as much as I'd like to take it back its unfortunately as permanent as my white hair."

White werewolf (Buck): "It seems after I have talked to him it's a good thing I stuck around because not only has he began seeing the visions as well but he also seems to have gotten a lot of attention from the capital of vampires, they have been treating him like a dog this last year as I live out my days free thanks to him. They throw balls at him telling him to fetch, they hit him with sticks asking if he wanted it, and they even pull his tail even though I'm sure it's sensitive (Those bustards). But it seems that his bound with the prince has grown ever since he grew a tail because in this last year they even started leaving the capital together, even though going out during a full moon was a bad idea. But after seeing that he was fine my only question was how long until that woman from the labs goes after him?"

White werewolf (Buck): "During my time with that woman she always seemed to rant about him and even under that drug I could always hear her talk about how she knew him before he was born and how she shouldn’t have left him behind because it could have been different. I looked at me the day before the coliseum with her crazy eyes as if she knew something was about to go down, which is when she injected me with what she said was going to bring him to her one way or another. Whatever she gave me started my visions and made me lose control of myself once I got through the doors, yet once I got to him I had to see what that crazy old woman was talking about and sure enough he was special. But could his special powers really be because of what she told me, what did she have planned for that poor little boy?"

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