The prince and Me

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The prince fought me as I carried him away from the capital saying that I would get in trouble for not only leaving but for taking him hostage as well, I stopped and looked him in the eyes and said in a voice far lower than my normal one said "You said I could have you a whole day all to myself so you can't say I'm taking you hostage, and as for leaving the capital we do it all the time. He looked at me sadly and pointed at the fence we had just pasted that had spikes on it and spikes all around and said no we only just left the capital. He explained that going out the doors is fine because there is a small farm outside the capital gates that some of the vampires who live in the capital work at to get blood from animals instead of always from humans, but once you pass that farm you have left the capital grounds (which we just did). As we enter what was called the Mystic forest a werewolf guard emerged from the trees and howled notifying that we had just left which made me not turn back but instead run faster because I was going to truly have a day with the prince alone.

I ran until I found a cave which I thought would be deep enough so that the prince would be safe during the day, I put the prince down on a rock and waited for him to say something as tears rolled down my furry body. He looked into my eyes pet my fur and patted my head telling me to return to my human form, when I did he raped his arms around me hugging me and then he took off his suit coat and put it on me to cover me up. And then before I could apologize he hugged me again and said: "Thank you" I was confused about why he was thanking me since because of my actions we were in trouble with the capital but before I could ask the sun began to shine through the entrance of the cave and the prince was wincing as the light met our eyes. The light burned him a little making me turn back into wolf form to cover him up, I raped around him with my slim furry body to protect him from the light and though I wasn't very big I protected him well enough that he fell asleep in my arms.

I looked at him and noticed that his body had began to change since I first met him, his hair was turning brown instead of his bright blond, he grew taller which wasn't good for me since I was already shorter than him when we first met. He had muscle that he didn't have before making so his body no longer looked like skin and bone, his body began to grow hair not just on his head his like the cute little peach fuzz on his checks. But I guess I had changed a lot since I first met the prince as well, though my hair is still black, and I haven't grown much taller I can finally transform into my wolf form and for some reason I have a tail. I had no facile hair in my human form but I guess the prince just started puberty before me, but since me and him seem to be fine for the moment I didn't care.

I awoke to the prince moving around in my arms trying to break free, I awoke to see that during the day I had fallen asleep and remained in my wolf form while I slept so when the prince woke up he got trapped in my fur. I let him free and returned to my human form, but when I did something was off, the prince looked at me as if I was different and when I asked him what was wrong he said there wasn't anything wrong but he thought maybe I had grown during the night. We left the cave and walked to a stream a little out of the way and sure enough when I looked into the water and saw my reflection I appeared to be almost the same size as the prince and out of sure joy I jumped into the water and began to swim. The prince laughed at me and said I was over reacting for only growing and inch, and for revenge I pulled him into the water. He laughed and started to take off his nice clothes so that he didn't have to worry about them getting heavy as they got wet, and we both forgot about the fact that we were in unknown territory.

Something began to move in the bushes as we splashed around in the water and since we didn't know if it was a guard out looking for use or some other mystical beast or man we decided to hide. The strange being walked into the opening, it looked like a baby horse but when it came more out of the brush me and the prince saw that it had wings, we knew that it had to be real because the last time the labs tried making thinks that that weren't real or had the wrong DNA they died right away. Yet this thing was heathy and breathing and wouldn't die just because of a rigged fight like the Centaur, it sniffed the prince's clothes and tried eating his white undershirt but it soon spit it out and went to the water. It drank a little from the stream and then walked away. Me and the prince stared in aye because even we didn't know what it was, but there was a lot we didn't know since we never adventured far enough to see it. We have been trapped in the capital for a year and two months, since a got to the capital close to my birthday but not that I was fourteen I finally realized that there was a lot I didn't know. For the last year, I've only trained with the werewolf guards, went to vampire meats with the prince, and done whatever I was told. But now that it was just be and the prince alone I finally felt at peace. 

Me and the prince ran around the forest for another hour looking for the winged horse but all we saw was other mystical beasts like a pack of werewolves on the hunt who almost caught our sent sending us on the run, a rouge vampire who had gone wild and looked like he would kill anything that passed him, and beasts we had no idea existed like the small elf who lived in a hut deep in the woods, a unicorn that was taller than me and the prince combined making us debate what was and wasn't real in this word since we knew we weren't dreaming. We rested under a large oak tree about a mile away from where we had jumped the fence, we saw no signs of the guards and we were happy just being with together since the day and night before we were apart. But not trying to ruin the mood I asked the prince what he wanted to talk to be about.

He looked at me sadly and told me that while he was supposed to be away from the capital we was just in a hidden room in the castle that I didn't know about, I asked him why I couldn't smell or sense him and he informed me that he was surrounded by vampire guards while he spoke with the vampire king. I looked at him worried since that last time he spoke with the king I had ended up in the coliseum battling the white werewolf. Than the prince informed me that it had nothing to do with me directly but a lot indirectly, and then he went on to tell me that after the head scientist was killed for trying to kill us the king hit a dead end for figuring out ways to make living weapons, so instead he found another coven that was doing somewhat of the same research that had somewhat of the same problem of not knowing what to do next to further themselves by making themselves stronger instead. So, the king made a deal with them that they would work together with the living weapon project and the self-strengthening projects conjoined to make both coven much stronger than all the rest. The only caught is that my prince would have to marry there princess to show unity, and that is why the prince wanted to see me one last time because if he got married we wouldn't be able to see each other. I refused saying that I loved him and he loved me and though he agreed he told me that we were both boys and of two different species so it would never be alone, but I didn't care I loved him.

I screamed that phrase repeatedly as the guards came out of the trees and put a collar on me to make sure I didn't transform and they carried me and the prince away back to the capital. I screamed as I was dragged to the prince's room and thrown in a cage that they had brought in to keep me locked up yet close to the prince so he would complain, I felt like an animal as I sat in that cage my tail tucked in between my legs. The prince came in moments latter fully clothes running to the cage saying that he was sorry and the princess was coming now, and I squeezed his hand tight so he would leave my side as a woman ended the room making the question come to my mind: "Who will he choose?"

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