Effect From the Night Before

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My head was still spinning around in cycles as we sat in that cage, James and Lora had been finalizing things with their father for the last hour leaving me and Timothy alone to ourselves. I'd love to still call Timothy prince but even if the Gem coven didn't take over the capital there was still the problem at hand that the prince was bested and married by them so in a way they legally took that title away from him. I could hear the prince crying next to me complaining about why this happened to us, and wondering what really was going to happen to us. Through my hazy vision and my wobbly movement I moved myself over to him almost crushing my tail in the process. The prince looked me in the eyes and he said that after the transformation and being exposed to the sun it made sense that I was acting this way; which is when I asked him how he was doing since in a way this was his first time seeing the sun as a vampire as well. He laughed and said that it sacred him at first since he thought he was going to die but when nothing happened he knew that he was going to be fine, then he told me that since I was turned during the blood moon id feel the effects a little stronger. He told me to lay down and just relax and that I'd be able to see again soon, so I laid my head on him making him wince at first but he excepted it quickly since he knew I got the worst of it even though he was attacked and almost bleed to death. I laid on his lap wondering why we changed since the legend of the blood moon said nothing about getting powers, but then again it also never said what would happen if it evolved a werewolf or what would happen if someone involved in the ceremony died that night.

Though I was still wondering what happened to us it seems the events from the last few days caught up with me and I fell asleep on Timothy's chest. But it was a restless sleep since I kept seeing things fly through my head, I saw the people who turned me into what I am today. First like always was the woman from the labs, I saw her yet again yet attacked in her village, get captured, escape, met the man she had a child with, and yet again return to the capital; but the vision of her ended with her dying as she screams that she was my mother. And if that didn't confuse me enough the next thing I saw was a part of Buck the white werewolves life; I saw him in the snowy mountains running around in his wolf form, I saw him returning to his village/ to his home where he had a wife and a kid, and then I saw his village get attacked by the Snow coven out of the blue which is when he was traded to the capital for a being that appeared to be the human form of a unicorn (why they wanted it I don't know), his vision ended with him biting me and me awaking with a tail. Then was the saddest vision the one about James, I saw how his family treated him growing up since he liked boys instead of girls, I saw his father tell him that he'd never be king even if he was I only male child, and before I awoke I saw him begin to fall in love.

 I wanted the vision to continue to see what happened but when I awoke I saw a very pissed off Lora, though I was happy I could see again I wasn't too pleased that the first thing I saw was that I had been stripped in my sleep and Lora with I knife in her hands pointing it at by balls. I quickly moved and ran back into the cage. She smiled and laughed asking what was wrong, saying she was just fixing the pet, I quickly checked myself to see if I was ok and when I saw I was fine I looked up and saw that her hair was a mess and the knife was shaking with rage. I looked around and saw James laughing in the corner and Timothy sitting in a chair with his mouth gagged. But before I could ask the cage door was slammed in my face and James was coming up to me and saying how good a boy I was (like I was a dog). Though that part of it annoyed me I was happy when he told me what happened, supposedly while I was out cold Lora had tried cutting off my balls before they developed since I was still young; but before she could even get the blade close I hit her in the face with my tail and woke up in a fright. For once my tail came in handy but I had a feeling I was not on Lora's bad side (then again, I don't think she has a good side), but that wasn't the problem at hand anymore since she had Timothy chained up and was beginning his operation. 

 She walked over to him spinning her blade as she calmed down a little, she was say that she wondered what she should do as she got closer and closer and just to test my response she started to slowly cut his chest and laughed as it slowly closed thanks to rapid healing. But instead of stopping her torment there she pushed the blade into his flesh and left it there leaving his flesh heal around it and well around the blade as it tried to close making the prince bleed more and more. As she laughed her father approached, he polled the blade out of Timothy and licked the blood as Timothy's wound closed. He smacked Lora saying that not only was she wasting precise blood but she was endangering them all if she activated the Blood Moon curse. We all looked at him with confusion as he explained that if one of the members of the bond were to die not only would the person who killed them perish a fate worse ten deaths but the remaining member would absorb their soul mate truly making them one and would be truly immortal since nothing could kill them and they'd never age. And then he reminder her that she wasn't the one licked to Timothy but that it me, he walked over to the cage I was in a looked at me puzzled and asked his two children what exactly I was.

 The all surrounded me and saw the effects of what ether the blood moon or James had done to me, because like I said before never before had a werewolf been involved in the ceremony before nor has someone involved died that night (which both happened to me). And with this new information about a curse that involved the two members of the curse and who ever might try to kill them I wondered why I or James wasn't dead. But I wasn't the only one confused since the king of the Gem coven quickly pointed out two things about me that shouldn't be there (and he wasn't talking about my tail). I knew about my new fangs that were the key to my thrust but what else was he talking about; the king pointed me and then looked to his two children and asked for them to explain. James dropped his head and explained to his father that he might have tried to have a little fun with me and things got out of hand when he lost his temper and bit me. The king asked me what I was before I had turned and I explained that I once was a werewolf making the king curious, but instead of explaining his thoughts he hit his son in the back of the head and said that he was lucky I survived. But I was still confused about why he said two things that were out of place since I had the tail before the ceremony, which is when James told me that one of my eyes had turned blue instead of its original green.

 I was confused about how it might have happened since normally both or nether of people's eyes changes when they are turned, and not just one. But I didn't care now since Timothy was still tied on to the chair and I didn't want to enrage James by asking him to free him so I just sat it the cage and watched threw yet another one of my strange quirks what would happen next. But what happened next was not what I expected would happen since the prince was brought back to the cage and I was token out of it and brought to James room. It looked nothing like Timothy's room since James room looked very bland and had no decorations what so ever other than a candelabra that looked like a wolf's paw and leg that held the bass of the candelabra that had four lit candles which was the only light in the room. The only other furniture in the room was his bed that was lined with a wolf skin rug, so let's just say I felt uncomfortable to saw the least. James apologized saying that he felt bad about having so much stuff that involved dead wolves, I told him that it was fine since it was just an animal nothing more and insured him that it wasn't why I felt uncomfortable, he asked what was the cause and then and I pointed to the bed and then pointed out that he had started undressing and I still had nothing on.

He snickered at me and said that if I were to be his pet id better get used to seeing him naked and being naked near him, at that moment I wanted to be back in the cage with Timothy even if that meant being tortured by Lora since I was only used to seeing Timothy naked and I felt weird around James since he was much older than me. So, as he pushed me to the bed I dragged my feet and just thought of a happy place like the mystic forest which was the last place I was happy since that was the last time everything was normal to me. Now I was being seduced from a man who I had no clue how old he was and in a since was the person who killed me. In a way, I feared him and now I'm forced to be alone with him and I didn't know what to do. I thought and I thought and at last I figured out a way to distract him; I ended up asking about the vision I was beginning to see before I woke up by just simply asking: "Who was your first love?" But what I didn't know then was that this story was going to help me in more ways than one since I could use it as fuel to make a fire stronger than it already is or as a weapon against the man that told me the story.

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