Looking Through the Eye's of the White Werewolf: Part One

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White Werewolf: "After my escape from the coliseum I made my way to the woods but as much as I wanted to leave that area for good I just couldn't because I knew that something was about to change in that more boy's life even though he had just saved mine; I fear that not only has absorbed some of my toxins saving me from that drugs spell but I also believe that he might have absorbed some of the DNA that those scientists tried to mix with my own. Though all it did to me was change the pigmentation of my fur and hair to a pale white I fear that the too the kid it might do something far stranger to him since he is still young, so I must stay in the area to see if I can be of any help."

White Werewolf: "My life in that lab has ended but for some reason I fear that the woman who made me has done something strange to me because I can't get her out of my mind it's as if we've been together for so long that we have drown each other insane apart. But I see visions of her in my dreams of a life she once lived of her growing up in a town surrounded by magic uses just to watch them die for what they are, I saw her getting revenge on her attackers just to be attacked herself. I saw her heading to the vampire capital just to escape to a nearby werewolf clan I've never been to where she found herself a lover and then had a child who she left at the doorsteps of it fathers house just to return to the capital. What I saw didn't make sense to me but what I feared even more was that if whatever caused them were in my toxins that went into the kid, what was happening to him, has his life in those labs just began?"

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